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ectopic pregnancy
fertilized ovum implanted oustide of the uterus
pregnancy induced hypertenstion
hypertension and elevated blood pressure that occurs after 20 weeks of gestation and will subside after delivery
blood pressure is higher than PIH, proteinuria, weight gain and generalized edema are present
blood pressure is higher than PIH, proteinuria, weight gain, generalized edema and seizures
placenta previa
placenta implanted very low in the uterus or covering the internal os
signs of placenta previa
bright red vaginal bleeding which is painless
Placenta previa is usually present in ______ pregnancy.
abruptio placentae
premature separation of the placenta from the uterine wall, which causes painful bleeding
disseminated intravascular coagulation
excessive activation of body clotting mechanisms which leads to the running out of clotting factors which leads to hemorrhaging
DIC is a serious complication of ___________ abruption and _____________/
placental, preeclampsia
formation of a clot in a vein area that is inflammed
the spontaneous formation of a blood clot in a vein
Phlebothrombosis is common after ______ ______ due to ______ of blood, ______________ coagulability and phlebitis.
child birth, stasis, increased
a thrombus that breaks off and is mobile in the vein and can migrate to other circulatory areas and cause thrombosis
where is thromboembolism commonly found?
legs, migrates to the lungs
rh incompatibility
blood incompatibility in which fetal Rh blood factors differ from the maternal blood factors, resulting when the mother is Rh negative and the baby is Rh positive
when does rh incompatibility occur?
secondary exposure (pregnancy)
what can rh incompatibility lead to?
hemolytic anemia
hemolytic anemia
hemolysis of erythrocytes which causes fetal anemia and in extreme cases, death
the mother is considered ________ if her first born baby was Rh ___________ and she was Rh ___________.
sensitized, positive, negative
anti-Rh antibodies which are taken when a mother is sensitized and has a fetus who is Rh positive
inflammation of the endometrium commonly associated with pregnancy
causes of endometritis
separation of the placenta, in which retained placental fragments remain in the uterus
signs of endomitritis
fever, vomiting, lower abdominal pain and foul-smelling vaginal discharge
complications of endomitritis
pelvic cellulitis and peritonitis