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What is a Bureaucracy?
A collection of departments and agencies controlled by the federal government, responsible for running and protecting the country through everyday tasks.
What is the main function of the Bureaucracy?
Delivering the services that people depend on daily.
What is the main complaint about Big Government?
The government is seen as wasting the money it is given.
What does the Federal Government spend most of its revenue on?
Healthcare Social Security Income Security
What will happen to Federal Spending in the coming years, and how will it be paid for?
Federal spending is expected to increase yearly, and the government will pay for it through tax increases.
Provide a simple definition of Bureaucracy.
A complex organization with many bosses and procedures to follow.
How does Bureaucracy enhance efficiency?
By employing people with expertise in their specific fields, like education or public service.
Quasi-Legislative Process
Departments and agencies can make specific mandates and rules with the same power as law.
Administrative Adjudication
Authority to interpret and apply laws.
Statutory Authority/Vague Legislation
Flexibility in interpreting broadly written laws.
What is Congressional Oversight?
Congress’s job of monitoring the Bureaucracy to address issues like fraud, waste, and mismanagement.
How can Congress control the Bureaucracy?
By controlling the budget or terminating departments.