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It is an involuntary, predictable motor response to a stimulus without conscious thought.
Reflex Arc
Where does a reflex occurs?
1. Receptor
2. Afferent Neuron (Sensory)
3. Integrating center
4. Efferent Neuron (Motor)
5. Effector
What are the 5 components of the reflex arc?
Usually a dendrite of a neuron receiving the stimulus
Afferent neuron (sensory)
A neuron that has an action potential carrying the signal to the CNS.
Integrating center
Component of the reflex arc either in the brain or spinal cord
Efferent neuron (motor)
A neuron that has an action potential carrying a signal away from the CNS.
The structure causing the effect.
Skeletal muscle reflex
Example of somatic reflex
Gland, smooth or cardiac muscle reflex
Example of autonomic reflex
- Corneal / Conjunctival Reflex
- Blink Reflex
- Pupillary Reflexes
- Convergence Reflex
Four types of eye reflexes
Corneal/Conjunctival Reflex
Contraction of the orbicularis oculi muscle causes closure of the eyelid (blinking).
Blink Reflex
Blinking upon rapid passing of hand in front of subject's face.
- Light / Photopupillary reflex
- Accomodation reflex
- Pupillary skin reflex
Three types of pupillary reflexes
Light / Photopupillary Reflex
Reflex of the pupil in response to bright light or dim light
In bright light, pupil is?
In dim light, pupil is?
It is the ability of the eyes to focus on objects at different distances so as to produce a clear vision.
Focusing on far objects cause the pupils to?
Normal size / constrict
Focusing on near objects cause the pupils to?
Pupillary Skin Reflex
Dilation of the pupil upon pinching the cheeks
Convergence Reflex
Reflexive movement of the eyes medially when we view close objects
- Eyeballs are PARALLEL to each other
- No convergence of eyeballs
Convergence reflex of eyes when viewing distant objects
- Eyeballs come close to each other at a point
- There is convergence (duling)
Convergence reflex of eyes when viewing near objects
- Patellar reflex
- Biceps reflex
- Triceps reflex
- Ankle jerk
- Wrist reflex
Five types of stretch reflexes
Patellar Reflex
The appropriate response is contraction of the quadriceps femoris which results in a knee jerk or patellar reflex.
Biceps Reflex
Contraction of biceps and flexion of the forearm.
Triceps Reflex
Extension of the elbow
Ankle Jerk
Flexion of the foot
Wrist Reflex
Flexion of the wrist
Sneezing Reflex
A protective reflex when the nasal mucosa gets irritated
Sneezing reflex is also known as?
Palmar Reflex
Closing of the hand or flexion of the fingers.
Palmar Grasp Reflex
Reflex in infants that involves closing of the hand
Abdominal Reflex
Reflex that draws in the abdominal wall
Pharyngeal Reflex
Reflex that induces vomiting
Gag Reflex
Pharyngeal reflex is also known as?
Plantar Reflex
Plantar flexion of the toes
Axon Reflex
Reddens the skin; production of a red flare
Babinski's reflex
Fanning out of toes with dorsal extension of the big toe.
Triple response of Lewis
Axon reflex is also known as?
Red line / spot -> Flaring -> Wheal
What happens during axon reflex?
Palatal reflex
Contraction of the palatal muscle, important for swallowing
Epigastric reflex
Drawing in of the skin of the epigastrium
Cremasteric reflex
Elevation of the testes during stroking of the inner thighs
Gluteal reflex
Contraction of the gluteal muscle which is observed by the movement of the skin overlying the muscles
Reciprocal inhibition
Stimulation of one muscle causes the inhibition of antagonistic muscle.
Conscious or subconscious awareness of external or internal stimuli
Sensory modality
Each type of sensation felt is?
Dermis (few in hypodermis)
Receptors are found in?
- Exteroceptors
- Proprioceptors
- Enteroceptors
Three types of sensory receptors
Receptor stimulated by forces outside the body (e.g., somatic sensations - temperature, touch, pain)
Receptor stimulated by activities of the muscles and articulations
Receptor stimulated by substances or conditions within the viscera (internal organs)
- Touch
- Pressure
- Cold
- Heat
- Pain
Five types of receptors for the different senses
- Meissner's corpuscles
- Merkel's disks
- Free nerve endings around a hair follicle
Receptors for touch
Vater-Pacini corpuscles
Receptors for pressure
End-bulb of Krause
Receptors for cold temperature
Corpuscles of Ruffini
Receptors for heat
Free nerve endings
Receptors for pain
How many types of pain can an individual distinguish?
The loss of sensation due to frequent stimulation
Appreciation (or recognition) of the form of three-dimensional objects by palpation without the aid of vision
Somatosensory area in the cerebrum
Stereognosis is determined by what area of the brain?
Pressure Sensation
Sensation located on the deeper tissue; longer lasting; with less intensity; has rapid adaptation.
Referred Pain
Occurs when activation of nociceptors in the viscera results in a perception of pain that is localized to the body surface
Deep, superficial
In referred pain, only _______ pain can be referred, not _______.