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Treatment for Somatic Disorders
Hypersensitivity to physical sensations
Rarely seek psychological treatment
Not many effective treatments
SSRIs to reduce anxiety and depression
Reinforced (i.e. attention) Cognitive restructuring
Psychological Treatments for Physical Disorders
____ ____ are made worse due to psychological factors
Behavioral medicine
Health Psychology
Regulation of Stress
Coping Mental and behavioral efforts used to manage stress
Problem-focused vs. emotion-focused coping
Perceived control
Learned helplessness
Attributions about life events → internal v. external; stable v. unstable; global vs. specific
Social support
Health Psychology and Treatment
Become more common in primary doctor offices and hospitals
Biological Immunosuppression → cortisol
Used as an adjunct to help with different medical conditions
Assessment of Sleep
Lab sleep study
Sleep is monitored during the night and numerous measurements are taken
At home sleep study
Apps on smartphones
Treatment for Sleep
Sleep hygiene techniques
Condition of the room
Association of bed with the mind
Caffeine and blue light before bed
Consistent routine
Models and Treatments of Gender Dysphoria
Brains are more similar to the brains of others with their gender identity than their assigned gender
Gender-affirming hormones and medical therapies/surgeries
Psychologists help clients with realistic expectations
Increased awareness and APA practice guidelines
Models and Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions
Masters and Johnson
Human Sexual Inadequacy
Anxiety, anger, depression, OCD can all impact sex drive
Fear of unwanted pregnancies or STIs
Remember for many … it starts with what’s happening in the head - where the brain is :)
Models and Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions
Hormone treatments
Side effects of certain medications like antidepressants or alcohol
Some medications may help with the pain disorders
Pelvic floor PT
Psychoeducation on psychological aspects and sexual positions to help with pain
Thinking patterns and negative thoughts associated with sex
Addressing sexual inhibition
Models and Treatment of Sexual Dysfunctions
Sociocultural treatments
Sexual attitudes are influenced by culture and religion
Difficult to treat
Often need an eclectic approach
Affective awareness
Communication skills
Address any medical conditions
Models and Treatment of Paraphilic Disorders
Difficult to develop treatment models
Many do not seek help
Reduce sex drive → castration, medications
Replacing inappropriate fantasies with more socially acceptable ones
Social skills training and role-playing
Engaging in criminal behavior → not a psychological disorder
Combination of therapy and medications
Models and Treatments of Psychotic Disorders - Biological
Genetic vulnerability
Neurodevelopment in utero
Brain structure
Neurochemical pathways
Dopamine hypothesis
Typical antipsychotic medications
Tardive dyskinesia
Atypical antipsychotic medications
Models of Treatment of Psychotic Disorders
Cognitive-Behavioral (CBT)
Focus on improving functioning and reducing stress from the symptoms
Behavior activation to help with negative symptoms
Hallucination reinterpretation and acceptance
Reinterpret → “This is a hallucination.”
Again varies by culture
Failure to recognize the positives from hallucinations
Poverty and stress
Family dynamics → family therapy
Social skills training, ADLs, getting assistance, self-help groups
Multiperspective model
Assertive community therapy