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Acquiring behaviors through learning.
Emphasizes learning in determining behavior.
Associative learning
Certain events occur together.
Classical conditioning
Involuntary behavior elicited by previous events.
Ivan Pavlov
Psychologist who developed classical conditioning.
Operant conditioning (instrumental conditioning)
Learning through reward and punishment.
Social learning theory
Learning through watching others.
Cognitive learning theory
Learning that involves mental processes; latent learning.
Unconditioned stimulus (UCS)
Stimulus that naturally triggers a response (e.g., food).
Natural reflective response
A response that is felt naturally.
Neutral stimulus
Stimulus that generates no reflexive response initially.
Conditioned stimulus (CS)
Neutral stimulus paired with an unconditioned stimulus.
Unconditioned response (UCR)
Natural response triggered by an unconditioned stimulus.
Conditioned response (CR)
Response that was previously an unconditioned response.
Acquisition phase
Phase where association between neutral stimulus and UCS occurs.
The neutral stimulus must come before the unconditioned stimulus.
Higher order conditioning
Adding a second neutral stimulus to trigger a conditioned response.
Diminishing of the conditioned response when conditioned stimulus is removed.
Spontaneous recovery
Reappearance of a conditioned response after a pause.
Similar stimuli elicit a similar response.
Baby Albert experiment
Study demonstrating fear response in a baby towards a white rat.
Ability to distinguish between similar stimuli.
Method used to eliminate a fear response.
Learning to ignore a repeated stimulus.
Biological preparedness
The idea that certain associations are more easily learned due to biological factors.
One trial learning association (CR)
Learning that occurs after just one trial.
Taste aversion
Avoidance of a food that has caused illness, demonstrated in the Emily Shamrock shake context.
Any consequence that increases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated.
Consequences that decrease undesired behavior.
E.L. Thorndike
Created the law of effect.
Law of effect
Behaviors followed by favorable consequences are more likely to be repeated.
B.F. Skinner
Expanded on Thorndike's law of effect with his experiments.
Operant chamber/Skinner box
Device used to study operant conditioning in animals.
Gradually guiding behavior towards a target through reinforcements.
Successive approximations
Steps taken towards achieving a goal behavior.
Discriminative stimulus
A stimulus that signals the availability of reinforcement.
Primary reinforcements
Naturally occurring reinforcers, such as food.
Conditional/secondary reinforcement
Learned reinforcers, such as money that can buy food.
Positive reinforcement
Adding a pleasant stimulus to increase behavior.
Negative reinforcement
Removing an aversive stimulus to increase behavior.
Continuous reinforcement
Reinforcement is provided after every occurrence of the behavior.
Partial reinforcement
Reinforcement is provided only some of the time.
Ratio schedule
Reinforcement based on the number of responses.
Interval schedule
Reinforcement based on the passage of time.
Fixed schedule
Reinforcement is predictable and consistent.
Variable schedule
Reinforcement is unpredictable.
Fixed ratio schedule
Reinforcement is given after a fixed number of responses, e.g., rewards card.
Variable ratio schedule
Reinforcement is given after a variable number of responses, e.g., gambling.
Fixed interval schedule
Reinforcement is given after a fixed amount of time, e.g., quiz every Friday.
Variable interval schedule
Reinforcement is given after varying amounts of time, e.g., hearing from college.
Superstitious behavior
Repeating behaviors that are not truly related to the outcome.
Positive punishment
Adding an unpleasant stimulus to decrease behavior.
Negative punishment
Removing a desirable stimulus to decrease behavior.
Learned helplessness
Condition in which a subject learns to accept a lack of control over situations.
Biological considerations
Taking natural behaviors into account when training.
Instinctive drift
Tendency for animals to revert to instinctive behaviors.
Social learning theory
Theory that emphasizes learning through observing others.
Albert Bandura
Psychologist known for the Bobo doll experiment.
Vivacious conditioning
Change of behavior as a result of watching others.
Response consequences
Effects of reinforcement or punishment on behavior repetition.
Similarity model
Observing and mimicking behaviors in others who are similar.
Mirror neurons
Neurons that fire when observing someone else's actions.
Prosocial effect
Positive behaviors that help others; e.g., behaviors seen in shows like Blues Clues.
Antisocial behaviors
Negative and harmful behaviors.
Cognitive learning
Learning that involves insight and problem-solving.
Latent learning
Form of learning that occurs without immediate reinforcement.
Cognitive maps
Mental representations of physical locations.