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The Land Ordinance
Drafted by Thomas Jefferson during the 1780s, established stages of self-government in the west and regulated land sales in the region North of the Ohio River. Terms were defined by which western land would be marketed and settles.
Lexington and Concord
Fought in 1775, were the first military engagements of the American Revolutionary War. These battles marked the outbreak of the open armed conflict between Great Britain and the 13 colonies in America. It was the beginning of the war for American Independence.
2nd Continental Congress
Was a convention of delegates from the 13 colonies that began meeting in 1775 in Philadelphia. Managed the colonial war effort, moved towards independence and adopted the DOI. The significance was uniting the colonies and leading them through the Revolutionary War.
George Washington
1st President of United States and the commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Played a crucial role in founding the United States, including leading the convention that drafted the U.S. Constitution.
Battle of Saratoga
Fought in 1777, was a victory for Americans during the Revolutionary War. The significance was its role as the turning point of the war, convincing France to enter the conflict as an ally to the American colonies, providing military support and resources.
Articles of Confederation
1st Constitution of the U.S., ratified in 1781. Established weak central government with limited powers giving most authority to the individual states. Guided the early governance of the U.S. and highlighting the need for a stronger federal government, which led to the drafting of the U.S. Constitution.
Lord Dunmore's Proclamation
Issued in 1775, declared martial law and promised freedom to enslaved people who left their Patriot masters to join the British Forces. The significance was its impact on the American Revolution, as it aimed to weaken the Patriot cause by encouraging a slave rebellion and strengthen British military.
Declaration of Independence
Adopted in 1776, document declaring the 13 American colonies' independence from British rule. Significance was its role as a foundational statement of the colonies' right to self-governance and it articulation of the principles of liberty, equality, and democracy that would shape the new nation.
Thomas Paine's Common Sense
Written in 1776 was a pamphlet that argues for American Independence from British rule. Spread revolutionary ideas and inspires colonists to support the fight for independence.
Battle of Yorktown
Fought in 1781, last battle of the American Revolution. The significance is the victory by American and French forces over the British, leading ti the negotiation of the Treaty of Paris and the recognition of American Independence.
Abigail Adams
Early advocate fir women's rights and education, as well as her valuable insights into political and social issues. Her letters, are celebrated for her forward thinking views on equality and governance.
Treaty of Paris 1783
Officially ended the American Revolutionary War. Recognition of American independence by Britain and the establishment of borders for the new nation. Treaty also addresses stolen property and peaceful relations between U.S. and Britain.
Shay's Rebellion
Took place in 1786, armed uprising in Massachusetts. Highlighted the weaknesses in the AOC and the need for a stronger central government, which led to the drafting of the U.S. Constitution.
The Land Ordinance
A policy adopted by the U.S. Congress to survey and distribute land in the Northwest Territory. The significance was to establish a systematic and organized method for land sales and settlement, which facilitated westward expansion, and provided a source of revenue for the government.
Hamilton's Program
Aimed to establish the nation's financial stability, encourage economic development, and make America a major commercial and military power.
Jay's Treaty
Negotiated by John Jay- guaranteed favored treatment on British imported goods and canceled the French-American alliance.
Whiskey Rebellion
Farmers sought to block collection of the new tax on distilled spirits (alcohol) in Pennsylvania. Resulted in Washington dispatching militiamen, but the rebels offered no resistance.
Alien Act
Allowed the deportation of people from abroad whom were deemed "dangerous" by federal authorities.
Sedition Act
The prosecution of any form of assembly. The new law meant that opposition editors could be prosecuted for any political comment, and the main targets were the Republican Press.
Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions
Attacked the Sedition Act as an unconstitutional violation of the 1st Amendment. No other states endorsed the resolutions due to the fear of endangering the union.
Haitian Revolution
Slave revolt that took place in Saint Domingue, led by an educated slave on a sugar plantation that forged slaves into an army able to take down British forces. Inspired hopes for freedom among slaves in America, but whites viewed the revolution as a threat to American institutions.
Gabriel's Rebellion
A failed Virginia slave revolt by Gabriel and his brothers and demonstrated slaves "love for freedom". Resulted in American legislature tightening control over slaves.
Judicial Review
The Marshall’s court first landmark decision came in the Marbury v. Madison case, where the Supreme Court had assumed the right to determine weather an act of Congress violates the Constitution.
Fletcher v. Peck
Extended judicial review to state laws.
Louisiana Purchase
Jefferson purchased Louisiana from France because he was concerned that France would interfere with American commerce bc New Orleans port was in Louisiana. France agreed because they needed money for military propaganda after their embarrassing loss to Saint Domingue slaves.
Lewis & Clark Expedition
Jefferson dispatched an expedition to explore new territory in hope of establishing trading relations with Western Indians and locate a water route in the Pacific to update Northwest Passage that could facilitate commerce with Asia. Lewis and Clark returned with lots of information regarding the region, plants, animals, and geography.
Barbary Wars
New nations’s 1st encounter with Islamic World. 1st war fought by America to protect American commerce.
Embargo Act
Jefferson placed a ban on all American vessels sailing for foreign ports in hope of Europeans to stop interfering with American shipping (it didn’t work). France and Britain were at war currently.
Non-intercourse Act
Before Jefferson’s term ended, he signed this act, banning trade with Britain and France, but provided that if either side rescinded orders against America, shipping and commerce with that country would resume. Impacted farmers because they needed access to markets.
Macon’ Bill No. 2
Embargo Act failed to meet its aim and this allowed trade to resume with the condition of Britain and France not interfering with American rights. Resulted with the embargo being reimposed.
War Hawks
Led by John Calhoun and Henry Clay whom advocated for defending national honor against British insults and the annexation of Canada.
Tecumseh’s Vision
Called for complete separation from whites and the revival of traditional Indian culture. Preached that whites were the source of all evil in the world and Indians should abandon American clothing, ideals, alcohol, and manufactured goods. Led to war of 1812.
War of 1812
War between America and the British + Tecumseh. Star-Spangled Banner was composed. And the war had no real victor.
Treaty of Ghent
The Battle of New Orleans (last battle of 1812 resulted in the signing out the this treaty, and restored the previous status quo.
A group of Indians that were allies of the British in the war of 1812 who were defeated and they gave more than half of their land to the federal government.
Hartford Convention
Federalists gathered to protest the War of 1812 and proposed 7 new constitutional amendments. Also proposed the elimination of the 3/5’s clause and to require 2/3 vote of Congress for the admission of new states, declaration of war, and laws restricting trade.
Made it possible for upstream commerce on major lakes, rivers, and eventually oceans.
Erie Canal
Allowed goods to flow between Great Lakes and NYC. The canal was financed by the state government and gave NYC a greater importance over competing ports in access to trade with the old Northwest.
Opened vast new areas of American interior to settlement.
Allowed for instantaneous communication and used morse code to send messages over electrical wires. It was a more of a service for business like newspapers, rather than for individuals.
Adam-onís Treaty
America wanted to expand to Florida, Spanish territory, and Andrew Jackson led troops to the area causing chaos, but ended up withdrawing. Even though Jackson withdrew, Spain knew they couldn’t defend the territory and sold it to America in this treaty, negotiated by John Adams.
Cotton Gin
Invented by Eli Whitney, allowed for the seed to be separated from the cotton more efficiently and revolutionized American slavery.
Family Wage
The idea that male workers should earn a wage enough to support their family without the wives having to work outside the home.
Working men’s Parties
Created and sought to mobilize lower-class support for candidates who would press for free public education, an end to imprisonment for debt, and legislation limiting work to 10 hours a day.
American System
Madison put forward a blue print for government-promised economic development. The plan involved creating a new national bank, tariff on imported manufactured goods, and federal financing of improved roads and canals.
The Panic of 1819
Financial collapse brought by falling cotton prices, declining demand for American exports, and reckless Western land speculation. Led to bankruptcy, increase in unemployment rates, and the loss of millions of dollars
McCullochv. Maryland
Tax laws produced another Supreme Court decision and concluded that Maryland can’t tax the second bank.
Missouri Compromise
Congress adopted Thomas Jefferson’s plan, which said that Missouri needed to draft a constitution, Maine needed to be admitted into the union to maintain the balance of free and not-free states, and slavery being prohibited in the remainder of the territory.
Monroe Doctrine
President James Monroe’s declaration to Congress that the U.S. would oppose any further efforts at colonization by European powers in the Americas, wouldn’t be involved in European Wars, and warned European powers to not interfere with newly independent states in Latin America.
Van Buren
Senator from New York who insisted that political parties were necessary and a desirable element of political life.
Election of 1828
Jackson running against Adams. Resulted in America entering the Age of Jackson.
Spoils System
Andrew Jackson introduced this system to fill federal government jobs with people loyal to the party of the president, not just class anymore.
The Tariff of 1828
Raised taxes on imported manufactured goods made of wool and other raw materials like iron.
Exposition & Protest
Calhoun drafted this and it protested the tariff of 1828 that seemed to benefit the Northern states over the Southern states. Led to South Carolina wanting to nullify.
Webster-Hayne Debate
Debate between Daniel Webster and Robert Hayne over South Carolina’s nullification crisis
The Force Act
Sparked by the nullification crisis and authorized the presidents use if the army to comply with federal law.
Indian Removal Act of 1830
Signed by Andrew Jackson and permitted the negotiation of treaties to obtain Indians’ land in exchange for their relocation west (present day Oklahoma).
Seminole Wars
Series of 3 military conflicts that took place in Florida between the Seminole’s and the United States. Occurred due to the Seminole’s refusing to move west and resisting the Indian Removal Act.
Bank War
The struggle between Jackson and his financier over renewing the 2nd Bank’s charter.