history 9r final

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What are the Abrahamic religions?

Judaism, Christianity, Islam

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3 Major Denominations of Christianity? (in order)

Roman Catholicism (oldest), Eastern Orthodox (2nd Oldest), Protestantism (newest)

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Christian denominations followers order

1.Catholic 2. Protestant 3. Eastern Orthodox

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Major prophet of Islam?


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Holy book of Islam?


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House of Worship- Islam


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2 major denominations of Islam?

Sunni and Shia

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Religions that originated in modern-day India (3)

Buddhism, Hinduism, Sikhism

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Religion that originated in modern-day China?


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When was the Middle Ages?

End of the Roman Empire, the beginning of the transition to modern-day

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Middle Ages vs Present Day: Health/Medicine

1. life expectancy - 30 years, didn’t have any medicine

2. child mortality - 30-50 percent

3. germ theory - Found out microscopic organisms /germs can cause diseases

4. Microscope - View small objects - Helped create “Germ Theory”

5. Anesthesia - Medicine to prevent pain during surgery

  1. How does this all compare to today? - These are things we use every day of our lives and we are using them to discover even more things. These things also brought up life expectancy.

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Middle Ages vs Present Day: Education

  1. Literacy - Know how to write Low - gifted if you knew how to write

  2. books as luxury goods (why?) - They were made out of linen and many other things. It was also expensive back then - Scribe/Monk had to write it, long time

  3. printing press - Able to get books on cheap paper - Faster production of words on paper - (Increased knowledge, discovery, and literacy (started in Korea)

  4. School: Who could/couldn’t attend? - Only rich boys, sometimes girls. No poor people though - Mainly taught religion not actual things

  5. How does this all compare to today? - Able to show how we progressed over time with writing, school, and how all of these things helped shape our education. It’s also interesting to see who was able to go to school back then. Scribes had to write books back then.

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Middle Ages vs Present Day: Economy,  Supply/demand, local vs global, infrastructure, land/property, jobs, business/trade/good/services, money/wealth/bartering/currency.

  1. Agriculture - Farm - Barley and Wheat most important crops, first reliable source

  2. Local - Everyone had to make their own things - or traded with someone close by - Large scale manufacturing was not available back then, people had to do things themselves, and it all came locally.

  3. Artisan - Someone skilled at making things by hand, mostly focused on one thing

  4. Bartering - Exchange goods/services for other goods/services - No money used

  5. How does this all compare to today? - We grew so much from then, we barely have to do any of these things anymore because we have machinery. The economy was focused around your town, and not the whole world compared to today. There are More jobs than there were back then. But supply and demand is still relevant today.

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Middle Ages vs Present Day: Religion

People were more religious/superstitious (why?) Governments were run by Christians so had to follow rules. Less scientific knowledge, couldn’t prove things. Education was only for the rich, people didn’t know any better. Believed everything they heard, couldn’t hear things from other places. There was no internet to check if something was factual or not. Non-believers were punished, expelled, or killed

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Religious wars between Christians and Muslims. Christians tried to retake Jerusalem for Christians, it took many years to get back. It was like a pilgrimage.

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East-west Schism

Split Christianity into two divisions, Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox

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Protestant Reformation

After the east-west schism happened, Eastern orthodoxy was made but the protestant reformation also happened, and it was when  Protestantism broke off

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Jews in Middle Ages

Had many restrictions and were hated, Just write it down mostly known for being merchants, money lenders, or artisans. Had to follow every law made by Christianity/Muslims if they disobeyed they would get punished or killed. Jews had no homeland, so had to live under the control of foreign religions, either Christian rule or Muslim rule (Pact of Umar, The pact of Umar were the laws that Jews were forced to follow under Muslim Rule).

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The Great Conversion of 1391

Violence against Jews in Spain, the choice to convert or leave Spain in 1492. A huge amount of pressure was put on Jews to either convert to Christianity or be expelled, most Jews got killed.

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The Inquisition

Period of intensive questioning - Office set up in Catholic Church to punish Heresy(own opinion/belief) throughout Europe

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Having to fit in with a certain group/religion. For example, Spain wanted to assimilate Jews to Christianity

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To be kicked out of - Jews got kicked out of many places

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