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Cognitive biases
Systematic errors in thinking and decision-making that result from human irrationality.
Multi-store memory model
Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968)- posits that memory is divided into three stores- sensory memory, short-term memory and long-term memory; each limited by duration and capacity
sensory memory
the immediate, initial recording of sensory information in the memory system- duration: a few seconds- capacity: theoretically limitless
Short-term memory (STM)
activated memory that holds a few items briefly before the information is tranferred or decayed
Long-term memory (LTM)
the theoretically permanent and limitless storehouse of the memory system. Includes knowledge, skills, and experiences.
Sperling (1960)
-Tested existence of iconic memory as the operationalization of the sensory register.
-Image containing alphanumeric characers flashed for 50 milliseconds
-Whole-report condition: fill out an empty grid
-4-12 characters recalled on average
-Partial-report condition: fill out one row, which is signalled after the flash
-3-4 characters remembered on average
•Findings are interpreted as support for MSM model, trace of visual stimuli are temporarily stored
The brain
The mass of nerve tissue that is the main control center of the nervous system- the biological basis for the mind that receives and perceives sensory input.
The mind
A construct that represents the private inner experience of perceptions, thoughts, memories, and feelings- houses our beliefs, attitudes, and helps determine our behaviours.
Cognitive processes
thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, decision-making and problem-solving
A pattern, plan, representation, or description designed to show the structure or workings of a construct, like the mind. The cognitive approach creates and tests these using experiments that support, or fail to support them.
Criticism of MSM
1. Focuses on structure rather than process
2.Rehearsal is the only way to transfer from STM to LTM
3.Long Term Memory can hardly be one unit
4.Short Term Memory, as the store where memory is processed, has to be more complicated as well
Working Memory Model
Baddeley Hitch (1974) developed this model of short term memory to address its limitations - they suggested it has a number of different stores making it possible to multitask when sensory input is in different modalities.
Central executive
The part of working memory that is responsible for monitoring and directing attention and other mental resources.
Visuospatial sketchpad
a storage component of working memory that maintains visual images and spatial layouts in a visuospatial code (inner eye)
Phonological loop
the component of working memory that holds and processes verbal and auditory information (inner ear/inner voice)
Episodic buffer
A component of working memory where information in working memory interacts with information in long term memory (eg. relating information you are processing to a previous memory)
Baddely, Lewis, and Vallar (1984)
•Used articulatory suppression to test the Phonlogical Similarity Effect
•Participants repeated a sequence of sounds while being presented with words that rhymed or didn't rhyme
•Condition 1: Spoken
•Phonological similarity effect shown
•Condition 2: Written
•Phonological similarity effect not shown
Supports the hypothesis that the phonological loop and visuospatial sketchpad are two separate components in working memory.
Baddeley (1996)
•Participants pressed buttons on a keyboard to create a random sequence; new key every second- metronome kept time
•Simultaneously they did one of the following out loud
1.Recited the alphabet
2.Counted from 1
3.Alternated (A 1 B 2 C 3...)
Participants in condition three had more difficulty producing a random sequence, suggesting that the Central Executive was overloaded and the Working Memory did not function as well.
Glanzer and Cunitz (1966)
•Presented 20-word lists to 240 men enlisted in the army
•SPE: tendency to remember the first (primacy effect) and the last (recency effect), and not remember the middle
•Condition 1: Two minute free-recall immediately following
•Demonstrated both primacy and recency effect
•Condition 2: 30 second delay plus filler-task before recall
•Demonstrated primacy effect, but recency disappeared
Tested hypothesis that STM and LTM are separate stores.