Putting coded information into memory (transfer from working to LTM)
Maintaining coded information in memory.
Recovering information from memory stores.
Involves remembering to perform actions in the future.
Prospective Memory
Memory which involves the intentional recollection of previous experiences
explicit memory/declarative memory
Assumes that cognitive processes depend on patterns of activation in highly connected computational networks that resemble neural networks
PDP Model (Connectionist model)
A theory that proposes that deeper levels of processing result in longer lasting memories
Levels of Processing Theory
Involves linking a stimulus to other information at the time of encoding
Elaborative Reherseal
A theory that memory is enhanced by forming both semantic and visual codes
Dual-coding Theory (Pavio)
Preserves information in the original sensory form for a very brief time
Sensory memory
A limited capacity memory store that can maintain unrehearsed information
Working Memory
The process of repetitively verbalizing or thinking about new information
Maintenance rehearsal
A group of familiar stimuli stored as a single unit.
Unusually vivid and detailed recollections of momentous events. Not a separate memory system.
Flashbulb memories
Occurs when subjects show better recall of items at the beginning and end of a list
Serial Postion Effect
Better memory for items at the beginning of a list
Primacy effect
Better memory for items at the end of a list
Recency effect
Memory for factual information.
Memory for actions, skills, and operations.
Memory made up of chronological, or temporally dated, recollections of personal events
The tendency to remember similar or related items in a group.
These consist of concepts joined together by links that show how the concepts are related
Semantic Network
A long lasting increase in neural excitability at synapses along a specific pathway.
LTP - Long Term Potentiation
An organized cluster of knowledge about a particular object or sequence of events.
A temporary inability to remember something you know accompanied by the feeling that you know it.
Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon
The ability to remember information without any cues
Requires the selection of previously learned information from an array of choices.
Attributes forgetting to the impermanence of memory storage. (Time passage.)
Decay Theory/Law of Disuse
Attributes forgetting to competition from other material
Interference Theory
Occurs when new information impairs the retention of previously learned
Retroactive interference
Occurs when previously learned information impairs the retention of new
Proactive interference
The attempt to mold our interpretation of the past to fit how it actually turned out.
Hindsight Bias
Involves purposeful suppression of memories (motivated forgetting).
The loss of memory for events that occurred prior to a brain injury.
Retrograde amnesia
The loss of memory for events that occur after a brain injury.
Anterograde amnesia
A multi-level classification system based on common properties among items
conceptual hierarchy
The process of deciding how or whether information is personally relevant
Self-Referent encoding
The process of making attributions about the origins of memories.
Source monitoring
The process of deciding whether memories are based on external or internal sources
Reality monitoring
An error that occurs when a memory derived from one source is attributed to another
Source monitoring error/missatribution
Another term for the procedural memory system which houses memory for actions, skills, and operations.
Non-declarative memory
severe memory loss associated with the malnutrition that often accompanies alcoholism
Korsakoff's Syndrome
near-photographic memory for visual information found in 5-8% of preadolescents
Eidetic Memory
Neurotransmitter that is affected by Alzheimer's (lack of it from death of neurons)
Is apparent when retention is exhibited on a task that does not require intentional remembering
implicit memory
A mnemonic device that involves taking an imaginary walk along a familiar path
method of loci
States that the value of a retrieval cue depends on how well it corresponds to the memory code
encoding specificity principle
Involves remembering events from the past or previously learned information
retrospective memory
Involves linking a stimulus to other information at the time of encoding
elaborative encoding
claims that one's physical state can serve as a retrieval cue
state-dependent learning
four components of Baddeley's model of working memory
episodic buffer, phonological rehearsal loop, executive command, visuospatial sketchpad
overconfidence effect
phenomenon where people are more confident in the accuracy of their memory, but it is not strongly correlated to actual accuracy
context dependent memory
The theory that information learned in a particular situation or place is better remembered when in that same situation or place.
early selection model
Filters information/message before incoming information is analyzed for meaning
late selection model
Selection of stimuli for final processing does not occur until after information has been analyzed for meaning