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Was the cradle of renaissance, This is where the ideas of humanism developed and was realized.

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Medici Family

Was the most powerful family in florence during the renaissance.

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<p>Salvestro de&apos; Medici</p>

Salvestro de' Medici

He became the dictator of florence and was banished in 1382

<p>He became the dictator of florence and was banished in 1382</p>
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<p>Giovanni di bicci de Medici</p>

Giovanni di bicci de Medici

Restored the wealth of the family and made it the wealthiest in Europe.

<p>Restored the wealth of the family and made it the wealthiest in Europe.</p>
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<p>Giovanni de bicci de Medici</p>

Giovanni de bicci de Medici

He was the founder of the medici bank, then the largest most respected bank in Europe in the 15th century.

<p>He was the founder of the medici bank, then the largest most respected bank in Europe in the 15th century.</p>
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<p>Cosimo di giovanni de medici or cosimo the elder</p>

Cosimo di giovanni de medici or cosimo the elder

He was the founder of the family's politica; dynasty. He is the son of giovanni di bicci de medici.

<p>He was the founder of the family&apos;s politica; dynasty. He is the son of giovanni di bicci de medici.</p>
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<p>Lorenzo &quot;the Magnificent&quot; Medici</p>

Lorenzo "the Magnificent" Medici

Was the leader of florence during the golden age of the renaissance. He is a grandson of cosimo the elder.

<p>Was the leader of florence during the golden age of the renaissance. He is a grandson of cosimo the elder.</p>
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<p>Giovanni de Medici {1475-1523}</p>

Giovanni de Medici {1475-1523}

He was responsible in restoring the church of santa maria in dominica using raphael's designs. Later he was responsible in the building of the san giovanni dei florentini under the designs of jacopo sansovino.

<p>He was responsible in restoring the church of santa maria in dominica using raphael&apos;s designs. Later he was responsible in the building of the san giovanni dei florentini under the designs of jacopo sansovino.</p>
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<p>Giulio de Medici (Pope Clement VII)</p>

Giulio de Medici (Pope Clement VII)

Was the one responsible in commissioning michelangelo to paint the last judgement in sistine chapel"

<p>Was the one responsible in commissioning michelangelo to paint the last judgement in sistine chapel&quot;</p>
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<p>Cosimo I the Great</p>

Cosimo I the Great

Became the grand duke of tuscany and made the medici family very famous.

<p>Became the grand duke of tuscany and made the medici family very famous.</p>
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<p>Catherine de Medici</p>

Catherine de Medici

She became a queen of france. She was the patron of artists like jean clouet, francois clouet, jean cousin the younger, antoine caron, francesco primaticcio and germain pilon.

<p>She became a queen of france. She was the patron of artists like jean clouet, francois clouet, jean cousin the younger, antoine caron, francesco primaticcio and germain pilon.</p>
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<p>Alessandro ottaviano de medici</p>

Alessandro ottaviano de medici

Became Pope leo XI, but served only in such capacity from april 1-27, 1605.

<p>Became Pope leo XI, but served only in such capacity from april 1-27, 1605.</p>
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<p>Marie de Medici</p>

Marie de Medici

Became a queen of france, was the patron of the painter peter paul rubens.

<p>Became a queen of france, was the patron of the painter peter paul rubens.</p>
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<p>Anna marie luisa de medici</p>

Anna marie luisa de medici

She became the last of the medici family, she and her brothers didn't have heirs. Before she died she gave all the wealth of the medici family to the state of florence.

<p>She became the last of the medici family, she and her brothers didn&apos;t have heirs. Before she died she gave all the wealth of the medici family to the state of florence.</p>
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_____ scholars from the byzantine empire went to italy.

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_________ scholars gathered forgotten greek works all over europe.

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Two consuls, Senate, and people

Elements of the government of the roman republic.

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Byzantine empire

Its center was constantinople

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<p>Mehmed II of the ottoman</p>

Mehmed II of the ottoman

led the siege of constantinople

<p>led the siege of constantinople</p>
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The fall of constantinople 1453 in the hands of the muslims

Led to the exodus of byzantine scholars in constantinople into italy.

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George Gemistos Plethon

Teacher of balisios bessarion

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Theodorus gaza

first dean of the university of ferrara, naples and rome.

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John Argyropoulos

teacher of leonardo da vinci

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Barlaam of seminara

teacher of giovanni boccaccio

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Leo Allatius

became the librarian of the vatican

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Leozio Pilatus

teacher of petrarch and giovanni boccaccio

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George Hermonymus

teacher of Desiderius erasmus, johann reuchlin, budaeus and jackques lefevre e'Etaples

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Andronicus contoblaca

teacher of johann reuchlin

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Johannes crastonis

published a greek-latin dictionary

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George amiroutzes

an aristotelian

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Gregory tifernas

teacher of jaques lefevre e'Etaples and robert gaguin

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Nikolaos Sophianos

maker of the map totius graeciae descriptio

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<p>Basilios bessarion</p>

Basilios bessarion

was a roman catholic cardinal who translated aristotle's " Metaphysics " and Xenophon's " Memorabilia ". He was also a platonist.

<p>was a roman catholic cardinal who translated aristotle&apos;s &quot; Metaphysics &quot; and Xenophon&apos;s &quot; Memorabilia &quot;. He was also a platonist.</p>
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<p>Giovanni Boccaccio</p>

Giovanni Boccaccio

Was an important italian writer and humanist

<p>Was an important italian writer and humanist</p>
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<p>by giovanni boccaccio</p>

by giovanni boccaccio


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<p>Francesco Petrarca or Petrarch</p>

Francesco Petrarca or Petrarch

A famous italian writer, his works were made basis of the modern italian language.

<p>A famous italian writer, his works were made basis of the modern italian language.</p>
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<p>famous work of petrarch</p>

famous work of petrarch


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<p>Desiderius erasmus</p>

Desiderius erasmus

was a very famous dutch theologian and humanist who taught at Cambridge university

<p>was a very famous dutch theologian and humanist who taught at Cambridge university</p>
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by Desiderius erasmus

The praise of folly

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<p>Johann reuchlin</p>

Johann reuchlin

a very famous german humanist whose specializations include greek and hebrew.

<p>a very famous german humanist whose specializations include greek and hebrew.</p>
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by johann reuchlin

Vocabularius breviloquus

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<p>Guillaume badaeus</p>

Guillaume badaeus

A french scholar who wrote very important books during the renaissance

<p>A french scholar who wrote very important books during the renaissance</p>
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De asse et partibus 1514

it is about ancient measurements {by Guillaume badaeus}

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Annotationes in XXIV libros pandectarum 1508

is about the use of philology and history in study of roman law {by Guillaume badaeus}

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Commentarii linguae graecae 1529

it is a collection of lexicographical notes that helped a lot in the study of greek literature {by Guillaume badaeus}

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is the art of making dictionaries, from the compilation of words, writing entries, and editing. it analyzes the relationship of a word with other words as they are used in different sentences or contexts, which is why various meanings of a word are included in a dictionary.

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<p>Jaques lefevre e’Etaples</p>

Jaques lefevre e’Etaples

was a french theologian, he worked for the reform of the church

<p>was a french theologian, he worked for the reform of the church</p>
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Some books on aristotle written by Jaques lefevre e’Etaples

Paraphrases of the whole of aristotle’s natural philosophy 1492, Introduction to the metaphysics 1494, Introduction to the Nicomanchean ethics 1494, Logical Introductions 1496, Politics 1506

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Niccolo de’ Niccoli and poggio bracciolini

Italian scholars who gathered greek books from all over europe

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Niccolo de’ Niccoli

He invented the cursive style known as the italics, he had a private library which was the best and the largest in florence

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<p>poggio bracciolini</p>

poggio bracciolini

recovered a lot of greek text idly lying and forgotten in german and french libraries

<p>recovered a lot of greek text idly lying and forgotten in german and french libraries</p>
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student of socrates who was unjustly killed, he established the academy in athens

<p>student of socrates who was unjustly killed, he established the academy in athens</p>
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Academy in athens

considered to be the first real university in europe

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Is a roman leader and philosopher, he is considered one of the best orators of rome. he is responsible in introducing the roman people to greek philosophy

<p>Is a roman leader and philosopher,  he is considered one of the best orators of rome. he is responsible in introducing the roman people to greek philosophy</p>
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<p>Pliny the elder</p>

Pliny the elder

Is a roman writer and scholar who wrote the “naturalis historia”

<p>Is a roman writer and scholar who wrote the “naturalis historia”</p>
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Naturalis historia

is one of the first works for reference purposes from the ancient times. it talked about nature as well as things made by man. The collection is also the first model for the modern encyclopedia

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is a roman who wrote the “De architecturia“ or “The ten books on architecture”

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De architecturia or The ten books on architecture

Vitruvius said that an architectural structure must have three qualities: firmitas [strong], Utilitas [useful], and venustas [beautiful].

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Virtuvian man {drawing 1485}

Has the drawing of a nude male figure, one position normal position superimposed on a position normal position where his legs are set apart and his arms moved a little upward

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Is a roman poet and philosopher he wrote “De rerum natura“ or “on the nature of things”

<p>Is a roman poet and philosopher he wrote “De rerum natura“ or “on the nature of things”</p>
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“De rerum natura“ or “on the nature of things”

intends to free man from the belief in superstitions and the fear of death

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Is a roman playwright, he is a pioneer of the musical theatre.

<p>Is a roman playwright, he is a pioneer of the musical theatre.</p>
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Is a greek philosopher, he was a student of plato he wrote many books, including “Metaphysics” and “History of animals”

<p>Is a greek philosopher, he was a student of plato he wrote many books, including “Metaphysics” and “History of animals”</p>
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Is a greek mathematician who wrote the book “Elements”. He is considered as the “Father of geometry”

<p>Is a greek mathematician who wrote the book “Elements”. He is considered as the “Father of geometry”</p>
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Is considered as the most successful book in the mathematical discipline

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is a greek philosopher. he said that there is s supreme “one”.

<p>is a greek philosopher. he said that there is s supreme “one”.</p>
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<p>Claudius Ptolemaeus or Ptolemy {83-161 AD}</p>

Claudius Ptolemaeus or Ptolemy {83-161 AD}

He was a scientist born in roman egypt. he was considered as part of alexandria’s greek population

<p>He was a scientist born in roman egypt. he was considered as part of alexandria’s greek population</p>
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Is the classic book on astronomy written by ptolemy. Here, ptolemy proposed the geocentric model of the solar system. People believed his system for more than a thousand years.

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Medieval period

It was believed that the earth was the center of the universe

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<p>Nicolaus Copernicus {1473-1543}</p>

Nicolaus Copernicus {1473-1543}

published the book “De revolutionisbus orbium coelestium” at 1543

<p>published the book “De revolutionisbus orbium coelestium” at 1543</p>
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De revolutionisbus orbium coelestium

Or “ On the revolution of the celestial spheres”, developed the idea of the heliocentric theory of the universe

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Heliocentric theory

by Nicolaus Copernicus, says that based on observations, it is the sun which is the center of the solar system. The earth is a planet that revolves around the earth together with other planets. The moon of the earth moves around the earth.

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<p>Galileo galilei</p>

Galileo galilei

was an italian scientist who supported the copernican theory that the sun is the center of the solar system. Because of this, he became the enemy of the church.

<p>was an italian scientist who supported the copernican theory that the sun is the center of the solar system. Because of this, he became the enemy of the church.</p>
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Diagolo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo

means “Dialogue concerning the two chief world systems”, published by galileo galilei that brought him into trouble with the church. The said book was banned and included in the church’s index of forbidden books

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Diagolo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo

In the book, he compared copernican system of heliocentrism and the ptolematic system of geocentricm. In the book, which he obviously favored geocentricm, which the church did not like.

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believes that the man is the center of the universe. this means that he has the capacity to develop his potentials and to succeed if only he will work hard and well

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