Henry IV
won the St. Bertholomew’s Day Massacare
became king of france
Rule 1589-1610
Was Protestant but converted to catholicism to secure crown
Said that “Paris is well worth a mass” meaning that the offers of Paris made converting to Catholicism worth it
Reduced nobles’ power & prevented peasant abuse by landlords
Sought to heal france aka "I want there to be no peasant in my kingdom so poor that he cannot have a chicken in his pot every Sunday."
Some hated his compromises & was stabbed to death by fanatic in 1610
started the groundwork for Absolutism but building the royal government and reducing noble influence
govt reached all areas of French life
Improved roads & built bridges
Administered justice
Revived agriculture
St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
An event during the civil war in France which lasted from 1562-1598 and was French Catholics vs Hugenots
__________ was when Catholics attacked Hugenots and there was 6 weeks of slaughter of Huguenots
___________ symbolized the complete breakdown of order in France.
French Protestants
after the Edict of Nantes was revoked there was a major blow to the French economy
Edict of Nantes
Outlawed persecution of Huguenots
was revoked when Lous XIV sought religous unification
Hounded, bullied, & bribed Huguenots to convert
Protestant schools & churches closed and ministers were exiled
If people didnt convert people were forced to be galley slaves (row on ships)
Children baptized Catholic
Resulted in 250,000 to emigrate from France
Peace of Westphalia
Series of treaties aimed at creating a general European peace and was responsible for ending the 30 years war
Thirty Years War- reasons for, gain and loss of power, regions involved
Regions Involved: Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, French
Resons: religious, dynastic, territorial, and commercial rivalries.
Gain and Loss of Power: France gained the most territory, The Habsburg rulers lost much their power and Germany was divided into more than 360 separate states
Louis XIII
Son of Henry IV
Rules 1610-1643
Inherited throne at age 9 with his mom and Richeliau ruling
Louis XIV
King at age 4 with Cardinal Mazarin led France as Chief Minister
Groups protested royal power, drove Louis from his palace
longest reign in Europe (72 years)
Established lavish style for European monarchs
controlled all aspects of nobility
100 privileged nobles waiting to dress Louis XIV
Only 4 chosen, a grand honor
Lesser nobles waited in palace hoping to be noticed
Royal attention determined noble’s success or failure
Took full control at 23 and declared that “I am the state” meaning he took all political control of thw country
He strengthened the power of gov. officials and weakened nobles
Absolutism primarily around war, peace, religion, and economic oversight
Louis XIV was a Patron of the arts and enables cultural flowering
Musical entertainments
Plays sponsored w/ best writers
French styles in painting, music, architecture, and decorative arts: a model for Europe
New dance drama, ballet, popularized
No oppressive control over lived of subjects
Local institutions/elites retained authority
Prevented influence on national level
Cardinal Richelieu
Appointed Chief Minister [1624]
Changes in govt (from 1610-1624, nobles pushed back against royal rule)
Established strong administrative system, armies, tax collection & business regulation
Targeted nobles & Huguenots
He weakened those who might opposed the king and strengthened those who could support him
He outlawed armies and smashed walled cities
supported protestant german princes in Thirty Years’ War
Cardinal Mazarin
Handpicked by Richelieu (died in 1642)
Hated by French nobility
Strengthening the central govt
Tax increases
Minister of Finance
Turned 22 million pound debt into 29 million pound surplus
Fixed near bankrupcy in French economy by:
Imposed Mercantilist policies
Put high tariffs of foreign goods
Established overseas colonies with strict trade regulations
Cleared lands for farming
Palace of Versailles demonstrated weath, power and glory of france
Versailles made ballet and opera popular
Purpose of art to glorify the king and absolute rule which had an emphasis on human potential not God
Ferderick II
Frederick II became king in 1740 and immediately challenged Austria over Silesia
His brilliant leadership and willingness to use his disciplined army lead to him being called Frederick the Great
Europe was forced to recognize Prussia
Pragmatic Sanction
Charles VI issued this as a means of ensuring that the Habsburg possessions could be inherited by his daughter
War of Austrian Succession
Before Charles VI’s death he persuaded other rulers to recognize his daughter...they ignored him and immediately seized Austrian land in Silesia
Defenestration of Prague
Ferdinand II was a devout Catholic and moved to suppress a Protestant uprising in Prague
Protestant nobles tossed two royal officials out a window in the Defenestration of Prague
The family that united the lands that became Prussia and emerged it as a Protestant power
Frederick I
Came to power in 1713
Gained Junker (noble) support by appointing them to positions in the army and government
Reduced noble independence
Stressed military values and had one of the best-trained armies in Europe
“Prussia is not a state which possesses an army, but an army which possesses a state”
the title meant ceaser and represented being ordained by God
Ivan III (Great)
Ruled from 1462-1505, many accomplishments
Conquered territory around Moscow
Liberated Russia from the Mongols
Began centralizing Russia’s government
Vasily, his son, succeeded him and ruled for 28 years
Added more territory
Increased the power of the centralized government
Landowning nobility tried to control Ivan IV when he was young
When he turned 16, he seized power from the Boyars and proclaimed himself Tsar
Married Anastasia, a Romanov (boyar family)
Ivan IV during the good period
Major achievements during the “good period”
Won great victories
Added lands to Russia
Gave Russia a code of laws
Ruled justly
Ivan IV (Terrible)
Bad period began in 1560, when his wife died
Accused boyars of poisoning Anastasia
Turned on them and organized his own police force
Chief duty was to hunt down and murder anyone considered a traitor
Thousands were executed: boyars, their families and peasants
In 1581, he got into a fight with his son
Accidentally killed him, leaving no capable heir
Time of Troubles
Boyars struggled for power in the wake of Ivan’s death, resulting in chaos and anarchy
This period lasted from 1584-1613
Different boyar families made claims to the throne and were mysteriously murdered
Ended when representatives from different cities met to choose the next tsar
Romanov dynasty
Romanovs would rule Russia from 1613-1917
Michael I was the first Romanov tsar
Michael and his two successors brought back some stability to Russia
Russia had continuing challenges
Still weak from the Time of Troubles
Boyars had government control
Tsars faced mutiny from Moscow garrison
Passed laws and put down the revolt to pave the way for future Romanovs
Peter the Great
In 1697, a year after he became the sole ruler of Russia, he embarked on the Grand Embassy
His goal was to learn about European customs and manufacturing techniques
Wanted to compete both militarily and commercially, saw westernizing as a way to make Russia stronger
Began issuing reforms that increased his power
Russian Orthodox Church was brought under state control
Reduced the boyar’s power, gave power to lower-ranking families
Trained army with European tactics and being a soldier became a lifetime job, imposed taxes to fund
Westernizing Russia
Peter undertook the following to westernize:
Introduced potatoes, became a staple in the Russian diet
Started Russia’s first newspaper
Raised the status of women, allowed them to attend social gatherings
Ordered nobles to replace their traditional clothes with Western fashions
Advanced education, opened a school of navigation and a school of the arts and sciences
Forced many to leave Russia to study the sciences
Catherine the Great
She was a German princess
Came to Russia at 15, wed heir to Russian throne
Learned Russian
Embraced Russian Orthodox faith
Won the loyalty of the people
Husband was Peter III, mentally unstable, murdered by Russian army officers
Catherine took the throne
Organized government/codified laws
State-sponsored education
Embraced Western ideas
Encourage French language/customs, student of French thinkers that led the enlightenment
Established warm water port on the Black Sea- did what Peter couldn’t.
Wars of Lous XIV
In 1660 the French population was greater than England and the Dutch
The military was superior in size, training, and weponry
1680s Europe unites against France in League of Augsburg
Costly wars to expand French borders
Proved disastrous
Alliances of Dutch and England fought to maintain balance of power
War of Spanish Succession
France bankrupt
Resulted in increased poverty & discontent with Louis XIV
Death and Legacy of Louis XIV
France was a military power
Brilliant cultural period
Lavish buildings, decorated palaces and churches, great playwrights and artists
Final years more sad than glorious
Costly wars ruined France & brought suffering to French people
Warfare & building Versailles created staggering debt
Corrupt, complicated, unjust tax system not changed
Poor carried tax burden
Nobles, clergy and government officials exempt from paying tax at expense of poor
Louis XIV abuse of power
Nobility and peasantry (most of France) want change in system
Revolution on the horizon
Ferdinand II
HRE was ruled by an emperor ________ in 1619
BUT - he was chosen by electors and thus had little power
Recall that German princes had a lot of power
Ferdinand II was a devout Catholic and moved to suppress a Protestant uprising in Prague
Protestant nobles tossed two royal officials out a window in the Defenestration of Prague
Both sides sought alliances, making a local conflict a European war
Started out a religious conflict, became a political conflict
Habsburgs were the big loser, and the HRE essentially dissolved