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Mutual Aid Teams - 1951

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Mutual Aid Teams - 1951

  • 10 families

  • Shared labour & resources

  • Voluntary

    • Outsides may risk persecution & limited resources

  • Privately owned

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Agricultural Producers Cooperatives - 1952

  • 40-50 families

  • Land organised into one unit

  • Managed centrally by local Party

  • Privately owned

  • Voluntary

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Problems with APCs

  • Mao became fustrated at slow pace

    • 1955 - only 14% of peasants involved

  • Grain production +2% (not enough)

  • Private ownership = capitalist values

  • Resisted by rich peasants

  • Gradualists

    • Zhou Enlai & Lui Shaoqi

    • Not ready for large-scale farming

    • Lacked mechanised equipment (ex. tractors) & chemical fertilisers

  • Mao saw Collectivisation as a political & ideological victory

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Higher Producer’s Cooperatives - 1955

  • 200-300 families

  • State owned - 90%

  • Disappointing economically

    • only + 3.8% p.a - not enough

  • 1956 - only 3% of peasantry left farming individually

  • Problems

    • Grain yield couldn’t sustain industrial workforce

    • low productivity

    • Lack of cultivated land

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Communes 1957

  • Av = 5,500 families

  • Obligatory - loss of personal freedom

    • Internal passports needed to move

  • 1st Commune = Sputnik

  • 1958 Politburo resolution

    • “basic social units of society”

  • 99% of peasantry in communes

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Life in Communes

  • Women “freed” from domestic duties

    • Reality = double burden

    • Propaganda = “IRON WOMEN"

    • 90% of women in fields w/ men

  • Pooling resources would be more efficient → higher yields → free labour for construction projects

  • Ideologically = continuous mass revolution

  • Peasants aged 15-50 yrs had to serve in militia

  • Dormitories, canteens, creches, boarding schools & happiness homes for elderly

    • Breaking down of family unit

    • Loyalty to Party & Mao first

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Lysenkoism - 1958

  • Trusted by Stalin… BUT

    • Purged opposing scientists

    • Manipulated research & evidence

  • As Mao endorsed it, he was discredited

    • Mao wanted to speed up progress

  • Close cropping

  • 4 Pests Campaign - 1958

    • Massive ecological damage

    • Rewards & competitions for sparrows’ bodies

  • 1958 - Agricultural production hailed as success

    • 375 million tons

    • False reports due to climate of fear

    • Mao increased exports

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The Great Famine - 1958-62

  • 30m → 50m died

  • Tibet most impacted

    • ¼ of population died

    • Gov forced switch from barley to unsuitable crops

    • Dalai Lama’s deputy complained & jailed

  • Desperation

    • Selling children/wives or divorce

    • Cannibalism

    • Prostitution

  • Mao continued to export grain

  • Impact of Furnace Campaign & Conservancy Projects

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Great Famine (non-human)

  • Weather conditions

  • Droughts → Yellow River dried up

  • Flooding & Typhoons

  • 60% of all land was affected

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