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Systematic/logical approach 2 discover how things work in the Universe. Body knowledge gained through universal discoveries
Science - Latin
Scientia which means knowledge b/c of demonstrable/reproducible data
Science aims 4 what?
Measurable results from testing/analysis which relies on the scientific method process
Science is based on what?
Fact (not opinion/preference)
Scientific process is designed 2 what?
Challenge ideas w/ research
Scientific process focuses on what?
Natural world
Supernatural/beyond physical reality (not accepted by scientific community)
2 conduct research, scientists use what?
Scientific method 2 collect empirical evidence in experiment related 2 hypothesis (if/then statement) designed 2 support/contradict scientific theory
Scientific Method - Structure
Make observation/observations, form hypothesis → tentative description of what’s observed/make predictions based on hypothesis, test hypothesis/predictions in experiment 4 reproduction, analyze data/draw conclusions/ accept/reject hypothesis or modify it, reproduce experiment until w/o discrepancies btw observations/theory
Scientific Method - Facts
Hypothesis must be testable/falsifiable (possible → answer 2 hypothesis), research has deductive/inductive reasoning (deductive = process 4 true premises 2 reach logical true conclusions/inductive = observations 2 infer observation explanation), experiment has dependent variable (doesn’t change)/independent variable (does change), experiment has experimental/ctrl group (experimental compared against ctrl)
Scientific Method - Hypothesis/Theory/Law
Process 2 generate/test hypothesis which forms the scientific method backbone
Scientific Theory
Idea confirmed w/ many experiments, provides phenomenon explanation
Scientific Law
Phenomenon description (EX: Conservation Energy Law = 1st Thermodynamics Law = Energy neither created nor destroyed)
Law doesn’t_____phenomenon
why it exists/what causes
Laws r considered w/o_____:
Exception (laws r modified after tests)
How does a hypothesis become a theory?
Scientists have tests (many disciplines by many scientists) since science is a theory where its the framework 4 observations/facts
Scientific Method - Brief Science History
Earliest science evidence found since records existed, early tablets have numerals/info of solar system, derived w/ careful observation/test of predictions, science became more scientific gradually
Scientific Method - 1200s
Robert Grosseteste made framework 4 modern scientific experimentation methods. Works featured principle that inquiry based on measurable evidence confirmed through testing
Scientific Method - 1400s
Leonardo da Vinci had notebook 2 pursuit evidence of microcosmic human body. Artist/scientist/mathematician gathered info about optics/hydrodynamics
Scientific Method - 1500s
Nicolaus Copernicus advance understanding of solar system w/ heliocentrism discovery. Earth model/planets revolve around sun (solar system center)
Scientific Method - 1600s
Johannes Kepler (planetary motion laws), Galileo Galilei (telescope 2 study sun/planets), also saw physics study by Isaac Newton (motion law)
Scientific Method - 1700s
Benjamin Franklin (electrical lightning)/oceanography/meteorology. Chemistry evolved by Antoine Lavoisier (modern chem father) = law conservation mass
Scientific Method - 1800s
Alessandro Volta (electrochemical series = battery), John Dalton (atomic theory = atom matter combine 4 molecules), Gregor Mendel = inheritance laws = modern genetic study, Wilhem Conrad Röntgen = x-rays, George Ohm = harness electrical charges
Scientific Method - 1900s
Albert Einstein = relativity theory (time must change according 2 moving object speed relative 2 speed frame of reference by observer/general relativity = matter causes space to curve)
Scientific Method - 1952
Jonas Silk = Poliovaccine (reduce U.S. rates 90%), James D. Watson/Francis Crick = DNA structure (double helix made by base pairs 2 sugar phosphate)
Scientific Method - 2000s
1st draft = human genome complete (4 DNA) = advance genetic study 4 human biology (disease predictor/disorders)