Nick Middleton
An Oxford professor as well as an adventurer.
A Tibetan working for Chinese Academy of gh Social Science in Beijing.
A good Buddhist and believed that death was not the end of life.
Tibetan mastiffs
popular in China's imperial courts as hunting dogs.
Written by
Nick Middleton
It is also a source of four great rivers
the Ganges, the Sutlej, the Indus and the Brahmaputra
After 10
30 pm they drove on to Darchen
clamber into
(here) get into clumsily
en masse
in group
clogged with
obstructed/blocked with
doubled with
smeared with
peter out
become exhausted gradually
drove its length
rode till the destination/ end
hive of activity
teeming with activity
forge ahead
continue moving forward or making progress
prone to something
likely to (suffer) something
gasp for breath-pant, fight for breath pass away
tempered by
hardened/toughened by
precious stones and pepper
and the Roman Empire's gold, silver, fine glassware
The dust and rocks were scattered everywhere in abundance
there was little vegetation
Written by
Elizabeth Jennings
the way in which two or more people talk, behave or deal with each other