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Microtomy / Sectioning
The technique of cutting thin sections of tissues for microscopic examination.
Paraffin Sections
Tissue sections that are 4-6 micrometers thick.
Celloidin Sections
Tissue sections that are 10-15 micrometers thick.
Frozen Sections
Tissue sections that are 4 micrometers thick, prepared using a cryostat.
For Rapid Diagnosis (in less than 15 mins)
For enzyme histochemistry and demonstration of soluble substance.
Immunofluorescent & immunocytochemical staining ; Specialized silver stains
Method to obtain frozen sections
Cold knife procedure (freezing microtome)
Tissue block – 3-5 mm
Dew Line – point in which section may be cut at 10 um
Cryostat (Cold microtome method)
Liquid Nitrogen
Generally used in histochemistry and the most rapid.
Freezing agent that is liquid at RT. (Cooled by liquid nitrogen)
Aerosol spray
also known as cryokwik
Freon 2.2
freezing agent with high thermal conductivity
The process of sharpening the cutting edge of a microtome knife.
To remove gross NICKS.
Hone or Oil Stones
Honing is carried out using what?
Belgium yellow
Gives the best result of honing.
More polishing effect than Belgium yellow.
Fine Carborundum
Recommended for badly nicked knives.
Glass plate honing
With finely powdered aluminum oxide made into paste with water = abrasive
To be used for final polishing.
Heel-to-Toe Movement where the edge is the first
Honing is carried out at what motion?
20-30 strokes
The Minimum Required number of strokes in Honing.
Depends on the condition of Knife*
The process of polishing and sharpening the cutting edge of a microtome knife.
To remove BURRS.
Horse Leather or Leather strop
Carried out using paddle strop made of ?
Treated with oil prior to use.
Toe-to-Heel with the edge is the Last.
Stropping is carried out at what motion?
40-120 double strokes
The Minimum Required number of strokes in Stropping.
Considerations in Honing and Stropping
Stropping may be carried out without prior honing.
Stropping must be done after the process of honing.
Disposable blades will not require honing and stropping.
The process of removing excess paraffin wax from tissues on a slide.
Methods of Deparaffination
Passing the slide over a flame using alcohol lamp
Immersion of slides in Xylene
Placing the slides inside the oven (55-60 degC)
Fishing out
The removal of tissue ribbons from a float out bath during microtomy.
Process of placing ribbon in precise position.
Floatation water bath
It is a thermostatically controlled bath used to remove wrinkles and folds; to flatten the ribbons.
Temperature when in use is 6-10 degC lower than the wax melting point; between 45-50 degC
Drying of slides
Leaving slides in a 37°C incubator overnight
Placing an oven 50-60°C for 2 hours
Drying using a hot plate at 45–55 °C for 30–45 minutes
Promote attachment of (ribbons) tissues to the slide, and prevent detachment.
Mayer’s egg albumin
Routine Tissue Adhesive; a combination of equal amounts of egg white and glycerine + thymol crystals (to prevent growth of molds)
Adhesive recommended for Immunohistochemistry
APES (3-aminopropyltrhiethoxysilane)
Adhesive very useful for Cytology
Sodium silicate
commercial syrup 1:10 and dilution with strong adhesive property.
Dried Albumin
1% Gelatin
Gelatin- Formaldehyde mixture
Starch Paste
Other Adhesives used
Block Holder/ CHUCK
where the Tissue block is held in position.
Rotating wheel
mechanically used / moved / manipulate to start the cutting process.
Pawl, ratchet feed wheel & adjustment crew
used to line up the block in the proper position with a knife.
Rocking Microtome / Cambridge
Most simple Microtome
Preparing serial sections of large paraffin blocks.
Inventor of Rocking Microtome
10-12 um
Thickness of sections in Rocking Microtome
Difficulty in re-orienting (repositioning) the block,
Restriction in the size of block that can be cut (standard size of tissue holder, little tissue)
Disadvantage of Rocking Microtome
Rotary Microtome
most common type
Heavier, therefore more stable
To cut paraffin embedded tissues.
4-6 um
Thickness of sections in Rotary Microtome
Inventor of Rotary Microtome
Sliding Microtome
Most dangerous (Exposed knife)
To cut celloidin-embedded tissues
To cut extreme hard/tough tissues
7-9 um
Thickness of section in sliding Microtome
Inventor of Sliding Microtome
Base Sledge
Less dangerous because the movable part is block holder, the one that remains stationary is the knife.
for tough and large sections.
Standard Sliding
Most dangerous because the movable part is the knife, the one that remains stationary is the block holder.
For Celloidin-embedded tissues.
Freezing Microtome
To cut tissues with heat sensitive structure
For demonstration of fats and other neurological structures.
Uses an intermittent burst of CO2 to freeze the block holder and tissue, along with a second cooling device for lowering the temperature of the knife (which will contribute to the immediate hardening of tissues).
Used as a freezing agent to immediately harden fresh tissues in order to facilitate immediate cutting.
Often used while using freezing microtome
Inventor of Freezing Microtome
10-15 um
Thickness of sections in the freezing microtome.
Cryostat or cold Microtome
A refrigerated apparatus (microtome enclosed in cold chamber)
For fresh microtomy
For PREPARING THIN SECTIONS OF FRESH FROZEN TISSUES (no Fixation, dehydration, clearing) for fluorescent antibody staining or histochemical enzyme studies
-5 to -30C (averagely at 20C)
fresh tissue microtomy is refrigerated at _______?
Ultrathin Microtome
For cutting tissue for Electron Microscopy
Usually embedded in plastic.
0.5 um
Thickness of section in the ultrathin microtome.
Plane Concave
A 25-mm-long double-purpose knife.
one side flat (celloidin-embedded tissue)
one side concave (Paraffin-embedded tissues)
120mm long, longest knife.
Both sides are concave for paraffin-embedded tissue.
Plane wedge
Usually 100mm long
both sides are flat for frozen sections and extremely hard and tough tissues.
Bevel angle (27-32 deg)
Angle formed between the cutting edges.
Clearance angle (5-10 deg)
Angle formed between the surface of the block and the cutting edge of the knife.
Wedge angle (15 deg)
Angle formed by the sides of the wedge knife.
Disposable blades
Cheaper and conventional knife
2-4 um
Glass knives
trimming and semi-thin sectioning for EM
can be used for Infiltrating Eye Specimen.
Diamond knives
For resin block for EM
more expensive but durable.