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Solid - Form close attachments, vibrate in fixed positions, Definite Shape and Volume
Liquid - Still attracted, move faster, breaking attractions, Definite volume, takes shape of container
Gas - Vapor, Particles more quick, no significant attraction more free, No definite shape or volume to fill container, compressible
Physical Properties
Observed without changing chemical composition, shape, physical state, boiling point, density, color, freezing point
Chemical Properties
New substance formed via chemical change, new composition, new chemical and physical properties
Physical Change
Reversable, Changes of state, changes of seperation, seperation of a mixture,
Chemical Change
Atoms rearrange to form new substances EVIDENCE : Color, odor, formation of bubbles, temperature
Endothermic Phase change
absorbs heat energy, particles more faster, spread apart
Exothermic Phase change
reactions release or emit heat energy meaning particles move more slower, form new attractions
Kinetic Energy
Energy of motion,
Examples :
Heat, electrical energy, sound, electromagnetic radiation
Potential Energy
stored energy or energy due to the position of an object
Examples :
Chemical energy - energy STORED in bonds
Nuclear energy - Energy STORED in the nucleus of the atom
Difference between Kinetic energy and Potential energy
Potential energy - STATIONARY Stored energy
Kinetic energy - In MOTION, Actively being used for movement
Water freezes at 32 F
Water boils at 212 F
Water freezes at 0 c
Water boils at 100 c
Water freezes at 273.15k
Water boils at 373.15k
Farenheight → to Celsius Equation
Celsius → Farenheight Equation
Tc=5/9(tf -32)
Tf=9/5 (Tc +32)
Celsisus → Kelvin
Tk = Tc + 273.15
Substance with High specific heat
Resists temperature change, requires more energy to cause a temperature change (Harder to heat and cool down)
Low specific heat
Easy to temperature change, heats up quickly, cools down rapidly, (easier to heat up/cool down)
Difference between temperature and heat
Temp: Measurement of average kinetic energy in object
Heat - flow of energy from an object at a higher temperature to an object at a lower temperature
Heating Curve
Plots energy transferred to a substance versus it’s temperature
ex ) as heat is added to a substance the temperature will rise up until a phase change point is reached.
Rise of temperature - > Diagonal line,
Phase change - Horizontal line
Solid → gas
Gas → solid
Liquid → Gas
Gas → Liquid