central nervous system is made up of 2 parts
brain, spinal cord
Cerebral Hemispheres
form the superior part of the brain
- elevated ridges of brain tissue, Surround sulci to help process more information
shallow grooves in the brain tissue because of the gyri
- deeper grooves that separate larger regions of the brain
Longitudinal fissure
separates right and left hemispheres
Transverse cerebral fissure
separates hemispheres from cerebellum
5 lobes of the brain
are part of the cerebral cortex, or the conscious part of our minds
frontal lobe
behavior control, problem thinking, planning
parietal lobe
sensory integration, understand where things are around you
occipital lobe
visual processing area of the brain. race recognition, memory formation
temporal lobe
hearing, understand language, speech
involved in self awareness
corpus collusum
connects the 2 hemispheres for communication
send message to right section of the brain
pituitary gland
controls glands, growth development
regulates sleep cycle using melatonin(wake up), houses the pineal gland
help maintain homeostasis(temp, water,hunger), houses the pituitary gland
responsible for coordination, balance, and posture
brain barrier
helps maintain the brains stable environment
the barrier is selective for the good stuff and keeps out the bad toxins
ineffective against alcohol, nicotine, and anesthetics.
involved in motor movement(especially eye tracking) and turning the head in response to sound.
helps to forward information from cerebrum to the cerebellum
controls breathing rate
medulla oblongata(automatic reflexes)
regulates breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure, also regulates and control vomiting, coughing, sneezing, swallowing