a paragraph in poetry
end stop
a line at the end of a grammatical boundary such as a dash
a person, object, place, event, or action that suggests more than its meaning
the continuation of a sentence or phrase from one line to another
describe the word choice or subject matter
a formal poem that often addresses a noun
a line of a poem
internal rhyme
rhymes within a line of poetry
a comparison using like or as
poetic image
a detailed poem that describes something real
an extreme exaggeration, not to be taken literally
figurative language
a way of expressing oneself that does not use realistic meaning
giving human characteristics to non-human things
slant rhyme
a general term describing words that sound similar, but aren’t perfect rhymes
a comparison where something is being described as something else
bio poem
a poem written about a person and follows a pattern
the repatition of consonant sounds with nearby words. Especially at the end of words
the sound and feel created by the pattern of accented and unaccepted syllables, usually repeated
a word whose sound is similar to the thing or action it refers to.
having the same sound at the end of two or more words
rhyme scheme
the pattern of end rhymes in a pattern
repeating the vowel sounds in the stressed or accented syllables in nearby words
repeating the consonant sounds at the beginnings of nearby words.
diamante poem
an unrhymed 7 line poem shaped in a diamond.
narrative poetry
a poem that tells a story. Usually has a plot and many characters
a humorous poem with AABBA rhyme scheme.
concrete poem
a poem which the meaning is conveyed by the placement and design of the words on the page instead of the usual arrangement of words.
acrostic poem
a form of poetry in which the first syllables of each line spell out something
a short, unrhymed poetic form lines of 5 syllabes, 7, then 5.
recipe poem
a poem that gives ingredients and directions
Lyric poetry
a short, songlike poem that expresses emotions