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cognitive dissonance
driving feeling of discomfort caused by performing an action that is different from one’s usual self concept
to relieve dissonance we either:
a) change behavior or b) add a new cognition/self affirmation
hypocrisy paradigm (stone et al., 1994)
make person aware of conflict in beliefs and actions
the hypocrisy creates dissonance
present an easy way to resolve dissonance
the behavior that creates it is reduced
study: ppl asked to lecture teens on safe sex then asked if they want to buy condoms - ppl who saw they were hypocritical bought more condoms
self affirmation
telling ourselves we are ‘good enough’ to continue action; other good things we do cancel out this bad thing
self- justification
we often don’t remember or emphasize in thought opposing opinions or facts
Jones and Kohler, 1959 (desegregation study)
people presented arguments about either side of school de-segregation debate and then asked what they recall
ppl recalled their own opinion’s facts more than others
where is dissonance in the brain
when shown dissonant info the ‘cold reasoning’ area lights up
when shown consonant info the reward areas of the brain light up
justification of effort
more effort put into something the more effort we assign to it
justification of effort/hazing study(Aronson and Mills)
mild initiation vs severe initiation groups → ppl in severe initiation group placed more value in belonging to the group than the mild initiation group
Post decision dissonance
Dissonance aroused after a decision to confirm that you made the right choice
children and monkey dissonance study
new sticker or m&m picked over a previously not picked sticker or m&m most of the time
agree to purchase @ low price, then told it’s higher, but you buy it anyways
works bc:
anticipation of event
illusion of irrevocability
alternatives ‘eliminated’ when you already decided on this item
justification of time and effort already spent
counter attitudinal advocacy
stating a belief that is counter to ones true beliefs
insufficient justification effect
we don’t have enough external justification for our actions, so we internally change a belief/attitude to justify our behavior
insufficient punishment phenomenon
if punishment isn’t ‘scary enough’ but you still avoid it, we devalue what we would have been punished for due to dissonance
do shifted attitudes from IJE or IPP last?
yes, relatively permanent shifts occur
immoral behavior justification
We justify our immoral behavior/hypocrisy to relieve dissonance
derogating victims
making a victim out to be worse than it is or as though they ‘deserved it’ so you feel less guilty
Ben Franklin effect
You ask someone who doesn’t like you for a simple favor, and if they do it, they will subconsciously shift towards liking you because we do things for people when we like them