cartilage (KAR-tih-lij)
Nonvascular, firm connective tissue found mostly in joints -Latin gristle
chiropractic (kye-roh-PRAK-tik)
Diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system
chiropractor (kye-roh-PRACK-tor)
Practitioner of chiropractic
Suffix: pertaining to
R/CF: hand
Root: efficient, practical
Suffix: a doer
detoxification (dee-TOKS-ih-fih-KAY-shun); same as detoxication
Removing poison from a tissue or substance
Suffix: remove
Prefix: from, out of
Root: poison
ligament (LIG-ah-ment)
Band of fibrous tissue connecting two structures -Latin band, sheet
muscle (MUSS-el)
A tissue consisting of cells that can contract -Latin muscle
musculoskeletal (MUSS-kyu-loh-SKEL-eh-tal)
Pertaining to the muscles and the bony skeleton
Suffix: pertaining to
R/CF: muscle
Root: skeleton
orthopedic (or-tho-PEE-dik)
Pertaining to the correction and cure of deformities and diseases of the musculoskeletal system; originally, most of the deformities treated were in children
orthopedist (or-tho-PEE-dist)
Specialist in orthopedics
R/CF: straight
Root: child
Suffix: specialist
osteocalcin (OSS-tee-oh-CAL-sin)
A hormone produced by bone cells
Suffix: chemical compound
R/CF: bone
Suffix: disease
osteopathy (OSS-tee-OP-ah-thee)
Medical practice based on maintaining the balance of the body
Root: calcium
Suffix: disease
osteopath (OSS-tee-oh-path)
Practitioner of osteopathy
tendon (TEN-dun)
Fibrous band that connects muscle to bone -Latin Sinew
cortex (KOR-teks)
Outer portion of an organ, such as bone -Latin bark
cortical (KOR-tih-kal); Adjective
Pertaining to a cortex
Root: cortex
diaphysis (die-AF-ih-sis)
The shaft of a long bone -Greek: growing between
epiphysis (ep-ih-FI-sis)
Expanded area at the proximal and distal ends of a long bone to provide increased surface area for attachment of ligaments and tendons
epiphysial (ep-ih-FIZ-ee-al); Adjective
Pertaining to an epiphysis
Prefix: upon, above
Root: growth
Suffix: pertaining to
haversian canals (hah-VER-shan-ka-NALS)
Vascular canals in bone -Clopton Havers, English physician, 1655-1702
marrow (MAH-roe)
Fatty, blood-forming tissue in the cavites of long bones -Old English marrow
medulla (meh-DULL-ah)
Central portion of a structure surrounded by cortex -Latin marrow
medullary (meh-DULL-ah-ree); Adjective
Pertaining to a medulla
Suffix: pertaining to
Root: medulla
periosteum (PER-ee-OSS-tee-um)
Strong membrane surrounding a bone
periosteal (PER-ee-OSS-tee-al)
Pertaining to the periosteum
Suffix: structure
Prefix: around
Root: bone
achondroplasia (a-kon-droh-PLAY-zee-ah)
Condition with abnormal, early conversion of cartilage into bone, leading to dwarfism
Suffix: formation
Prefix: without
R/CF: cartilage
Osteogenisis Imperfecta (OSS-tee-oh-JEN-eh-sis-im-per-FEK-tah)
Inherited condition in which bone formation is incomplete, leading to fragile, easily broken bones
Suffix: creation, formation
osteomalacia (OSS-tee-oh-mah-LAY-she-ah)
Soft, flexible bones lacking in calcium (rickets)
Suffix: abnormal softness
osteomyelitis (OSS-tee-oh-my-eh-LIE-tis)
Inflammation of bone and bone marrow
Suffix: inflammation
Root: bone marrow
osteopenia (OSS-tee-oh-PEE-nee-ah)
Decreased calcification of bone
Suffix: deficient
osteoporosis (OSS-tee-oh-poh-ROE-sis)
Condition in which the bones become more porous, brittle, and fragile and more likely to fracture
Suffix: condition
R/CF: opening
rickets (RICK-ets)
Disease due to vitamin D deficiency, producing soft, flexible bones -Old English to twist
sarcoma (sar-KOH-mah)
Malignant tumor originating in connective tissue
chondrosarcoma (CHON-droh-sar-KOH-mah)
Malignant tumor originating in cartilage cells
osteogenic sarcoma (OSS-tee-oh-JEN-ik sar-KOH-mah)
Malignant tumor originating in bone-producing cells
Suffix: tumor, mass
Root: flesh
Root: creation
callus (KAL-us)
Bony tissue that forms at a fracture site early in healing -Latin hard skin
cancellous (KAN-sell-us)
Bone that has a spongy or lattice-like structure -Latin lattice
comminuted (KOM-ih-nyu-ted)
A fracture in which the bone is broken into pieces
suffix: pertaining to
root: break into pieces
hematoma (hee-mah-TOH-mah)
Collection of blood that has escaped from blood vessels into tissue
root: blood
osteoblast (OSS-tee-oh-blast)
A bone-forming cell
osteocyte (OSS-tee-oh-site)
A bone-maintaining cell
Suffix: immature cell
Root: cell
pathologic fracture (path-oh-LOJ-ik FRAK-chur)
Fracture occurring at a site already weakened by a disease process, such as cancer
root: to study
suffix: result of
root: to break
cervical (SER-vih-kal)
pertaining to the neck region
root: neck
coccyx (KOK-sicks)
Small tailbone at the lowest end of the vertebral column -Latin coccyx
foramen (foh-RAY-men)
An opening through a structure -Latin an opening
foramina (foh-RAM-in-ah); Plural
An opening through a structure -Latin an opening
kyphosis (ki-FOH-sis)
A normal posterior curve of the spine that can be exaggerated in disease
kyphotic (ki-FOT-ik); Adjective
Pertaining to or suffering from kyphosis
suffix: condition
root: bent, humpback
suffix: pertaining to
lumbar (LUM-bar)
The region of the back and sides between the ribs and pelvis -Latin loin