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subduction zone
in tectonic plates, the site at which an oceanic plate is sliding under a continental plate.
convergent boundaries
Occur where two plates slide TOWARD each other, commonly forming a subduction zone
divergent boundaries
tectonic plates spreading apart, new crust being formed (ex. mid-ocean ridges, rift valleys).
continental plates
plates below the continents
oceanic plates
Thin plates that form the ocean floor; more dense than continental plates.
O horizon of soil
Contains intact and decomposing organic material
A Horizon of soil
topsoil with large amount of organic material
B Horizon of soil
C horizon of soil
weathered parent material
Parent material
material from which a soil is formed, determines composition and properties of the soil
Molten rock beneath the earth's surface
Percolation rate test
pouring water through a soil sample to see the speed at which water flows through soil. Depending on how quickly the water passes through the soil, nutrients may or may not be absorbed into the soil.