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which arthropod is the tongue worm?
which arthropod are the copepods?
which arthropod class are mites and ticks apart of?
which arthropod class are flies and gnats apart of?
relatively small size and chitinous exoskeleton
which 2 structural features make arthropods successful in survival?
nasal and respiratory passages of reptiles, birds, and mammals
where does Armillifer amillatus live?
does Armillifer armillatus have a circulatory or respiratory system?
europe, africa, south and central america
where does most of Armillifer armillatus occur?
ingestion of eggs from ingesting raw vegetables, contaminated water, consuming raw/undercooked infected animals
how is Armillifer armillatus transmissed?
Halzoun Syndrome
attachment of adult pentasomes to nasopharyngeal tissue
cause pharyngeal discomfort, paroxysmal coughing, sneezing, dysphagia, and vomiting
calcified larvae may be viewed by radiograph
how is Armillifer armillatus diagnosed?
surgical removal
how is Armillifer armillatus treated?
thorough cooking of meat/vegetables
avoid contaminated water
how is Armillifer armillatus prevented?
human itch mite
what is the common name for Sarcoptes scabiei?
Sarcoptes scabiei
which mite causes scabies/mange?
direct contact (sexual transfer, shared clothing)
crowded conditions
how is Sarcaptes scabiei transmitted?
intense pruritus
what leads to excoriation?
mite in skin scrapings
how is Sarcoptes scabiei diagnosed?
1% benzene hexachloride (lindane)
5% permethrin cream (elimite)
how is Sarcoptes scabiei treated?
hygiene habits
routine washing of clothes and bed linens
how is Sarcoptes scabiei prevented?
human follicle mites
what is the common name for Demodex folliculorum?
hair follicle of the face
where does Demodex folliculorum parasitize?
can be visualized from infested follicle using microscopy
how can Demodex folliculorum be diagnosed/seen?
1% benzene hexachloride
how is Demodex folliculorum treated?
leathery body
lack dorsal scutum
mouthparts located ventrally
complete engorgement in matter of minutes to few hours
characteristics of soft ticks
hard dorsal plate (scutum)
mouthparts are visible
feed slowly
characteristics of hard ticks
american dog tick— hard tick
what is the common name for Dermacentor virabilis?
dogs, cats, cattle, rodents, primates, raccoons
what are the definitive hosts of Dermacentor virabilis?
what is the intermediate host of Dermacentor virabilis?
rocky mountain wood tick
what is the common name for Dermacentor andersoni?
saliva contains a neurotoxin that can occasionally cause tick paralysis
why can humans not feel/sense when the Dermacentor andersoni is feeding?
2-3 years
how long does Dermacentor andersoni take to complete their life cycle?
dogs, cats, cattle, rodents, horses, pigs, rabbits, birds, primates
what are the definitive hosts of Ixodes scapularis?
rabbits, rodents, reptiles
what are the intermediate hosts of Ixodes scapularis?
blacklegged/deer tick
what is the common name of the Ixodes scarularis tick?
lyme disease
Powassan disease
what diseases is the Ixodes scapularis responsible for?
brown dog tick
what is the common name for Rhipicephalus sanguineus?
dogs, rodents, rabbits, primates
what are the definitive hosts for Rhipicephalus sanguineus?
dogs, rodents, rabbits
what are the intermediate hosts of Rhicpicephalus sanguineus?
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
which tick is responsible for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?
Gulf Coast Tick
what is the common name for Amblyomma maculatum?
Amblyomma maculatum
which tick is responsible for the spread of Rickettsia parkeri?
lone star tick
what is the common name for Amblyomma americanum?
cats, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, rodents, primates
what are the definitive hosts for Amblyomma americanum?
cats, rodents, rabbits
what are the intermediate hosts for Amblyomma americanum?
alpha-gal syndrome
which diseases are caused by Amblyomma americanum?
western black-legged tick
what is the common name of Ixodes pacificus?
lyme disease
what diseases are caused by Ixodes pacificus?
Rickettsia akari
what bacteria causes Rickettsial pox?
american dog tick
Liponyssoides sanguines
what spreads rickettsial pox?
Francisella tularensis
what bacteria causes Tularemia?
american dog tick
rocky mountain wood tick
lone star tick
deer flies
what spreads Tularemia?
what form of tularemia has an ulcer accompanied by swelling of regional lymph glands and is the most common form of tularemia?
what type of tularemia is acquired through the bite of an infected tick or deer fly or from handling sick/dead animals?
which type of tularemia does bacteria enter through the eye and cause irritation and inflammation?
which type of tularemia causes a sore throat, mouth ulcers, tonsillitis, and swells the lymph glands in the neck?
which type of tularemia is the most serious that causes cough, chest pain, and difficulty breathing?
which type of tularemia is a combination of general symptoms but does not localize?
in the saliva while tick is feeding
how are rickettsiae transmitted in Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?
abdominal pain
muscle pain
lack of appetite
what are the clinical signs of Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever?
how is ehrlichiosis treated?
with doxycycline
lone star tick
how is ehrlichiosis transmitted?
1-2 weeks after bite
when do symptoms of ehrlichiosis occur?
Borrelia burgdorferi
what bacteria causes Lyme Disease?
36-48 hrs
how long must the tick be attached before the bacterium is transmitted in Lyme Disease?
immature tick (nymphs)
what type of tick infects humans for Lyme Disease?
doxycyclie, amoxicillin, and cefuroxime axetil
how is Lyme Disease treated?
Anaplasma phagocytophilium
what bacteria causes anaplasmosis?
Southern tick-associated rash illness
what illness is related to Lyme Disease?
red, expanding “bull’s eye” lesion
what lesion appears with STARI?
fatigue, headache, fever, and muscle pain
what are the symptoms of STARI?
what dsRNA virus causes Colorado Tick Fever?
3-6 days
when do symptoms begin with Colorado tick fever?
feeling weak, muscle ache
headache behind eyes
nausea and vomiting
light sensitivity
skin pain
what are the symptoms of Colorado tick fever?
RNA virus Flavivirus
what virus causes Powassan disease?
northeastern U.S.
where does Powassan disease occur?
memory loss
what are the symptoms of Powassan disease?
there is no specific treatment, treat the symptoms
how is Powassan disease treated?
_____________ have no free-living stages and soon die when separated from host
Pediculus humanus capitis
which kind of lice live in human hair, in warm surroundings?
ovicidal or non-ovicidal pediculicide
how is head lice and body lice treated?
Pediculus humanus corporis
what lice spend most of their time on the underclothing, next to the body, particularly along the seams?
Pthirus pubis
which lice is found mostly in the hair of the pubic area?
sexual contact, toilet seats, in beds
how is crab lice transmitted?
1% permethrin mousse
how is crab louse treated?
Rickettsia prowazekii
what bacteria causes Typhus?
Bartonella quintana
what bacteria causes Trench Fever?
Pediculus humanus humanus
what transmits Trench Fever?
contamination of abraded skin with louse feces or a crushed louse or by inhalation of louse feces
how does infection with Trench Fever occur?
Borrelia recurrentis
what causes Relapsing Fever?
Yersinia pestis
what bacteria causes Xenopsylla cheopis?
which plague causes swollen buboes?
which plague produces a pneumonia-like disease that develops rapidly and is highly contagious to other people?
which plague is a blood infection with little or no prior lymph node swelling
what is inflammation of the brain called?
extrinsic incubation period
what is the time interval between infection of vector and first transmission of pathogen by vector called?
transovarial transmission
what is an infection of eggs in ovaries of an infected female vector leading to new vector infection called?
“dead-end” host
what is it called when a host does not develop high titer of pathogens—will not infect vectors?
transports and dissemination of infectious agents
how does rainfall promote disease?
sewage treatment plants overflow; water sources contaminated
how does flooding promote disease?