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low employment @ the same time as high inflation → having to make economic changes in the government
watergate scandal
a bunch of scandals → reason why nixon was the only president to ever resign, gets its name from a failed robbery attempt at a democratic party HQ at the watergate hotel during the election
smoking gun tape
a recording from the oval office that proved that nixon knew about the watergate robbery and he lied to cover it up. became the basis for his impeachment before he resigned.
helsinki accords
a bunch of diplomatic agreements that were signed by 35 countries in helsinki and it recognized USSR claims about territories in exchange for the USSR giving himan rights to their people. important to détente
title ix
a landmark piece of legislation that was passed in order to ban sexual discrimination in federally funded education programs in order to move further in feminism, allowed women to play sports even in college
equal rights amendment (ERA)
an amendment stating that the laws prohibiting women from doing things are unconstitutional and it was gonna be added to the constitution, but Phyllis Schlafly came in and convinced some states to not ratify it → in order to add something to the constitution ¾ of the states have to ratify and they didn’t so it didn’t work
roe v. wade
landmark cases stating that abortion was a human right, and banned anything stopping women from getting abortions. It was a win for feminism, but was opposed by pro-lifers (smh).
indian gaming regulatory act of 1988
created legal abilities to regulate indian gaming aka casino games were legal and became a big part of indian society
new right
conservative politial activists that considered abortion, busing, and prayers in school and issue. They also rejected déntente
camp david
presidential home in MD and called “shangri-la” by FDR but renamed to Camp David to honor Eisenhower’s father and grandkid. Where Carter created different agreements between Israel and Egypt, Israel would give territory back if Egypt respected their borders
malaise speech
carter made a speech where he criticized american materialism and it was supposed to improve morale but ended up being a political disaster for him
SALT II - Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty
between USSR (Leonid Brezhnev) and USA (Jimmy Carter) agreed to limit weapons but the USSR obv broke it when they invaded Afghanistan
iranian hostage crisis
444 days where american embassy workers were held captive by iranian revolutionaries. they were mad because of the energy crisis caused by cutting off iranian oil so they overthrew the american embassy in iran. led to hostile relations and the prisoners were released the day reagan was named president
saturday night massacre
nixon fired archibald cox who was the prosecutor of the watergate scandal case who had requested a subpoena of the smoking gun tapes
milliken v. bradley
banned segregation in schools
university of california v. bakke
stopped acceptances to college based on race, opposed by thurgood marshall bc it would set civil rights progress back
united states v. wheeler
native american tribes had limited jurisdiction
rapid deployment force
pitched by carter to be a force that could quickly respond the crisis around the world
gerald (jerry) ford
38th president who served 3 years, (74-77), was appointed VP during Nixon’s presidency but had to take over when he resigned → focused on containing inflation and lost the next term
phyllis schlafly
antifeminist (bruh.) who was the reason ERA wasn’t passed
jimmy carter
39th president who beat ford,
camp david accords
iranian hostage crisis
malaise speech
lowk was hated
milton friedman
nobel prize winner economist who criticized keynesian and was popular for his writing on markets and democracy
robin morgan
founder of 2nd wave feminism, she was active in civil rights and found many radical groups, health nets and foundations
leonid brezhnev
general secretary of the communist party and ousted khrushchev, he agreed with déntente, led the USSR into the afghanistan invasion