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Treats: mild to moderate fever, reduces fever (antipyretic)
MOA: inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis
SE: hepatotoxicity in large doses (black box warning)
→can lead to liver failure or death
Nursing care: do not exceed 4g/day, 2-3g/day for very young & old patients, avoid ETOH & alcohol, can be used instead of NSAIDs to decrease bleed risk
Antidote: acetylcysteine
Hormones created at site of injury or infection→ promotes inflammation, blood flow & fever
acetaminophen & NSAIDs inhibit prostaglandin synthesis
Acetaminophen antidote
-smells like rotten eggs! (normal finding)
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Excedrin)
naproxen (Aleve)
ketorolac (Toradol)
indomethacin (Indocin)
salicylate acid (Aspirin)
ketorolac (Toradol)
only NSAID that can be given through IV
ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Excedrin)
naproxen (Aleve)
ketorolac (Toradol)
indomethacin (Indocin)
salicylate acid (Aspirin)
Treats: mild to moderate pain, fever, inflammation
-Indomethacin can treat patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) in premature babies
MOA: inhibits prostaglandin synthesis
SE: GI upset, GI bleeding, renal toxicity, rash, headache, hard on the kidneys
Nursing care: contraindicated for PUD or bleeding disorder, can be given with milk or antacids to reduce risk of injury to lining of stomach, avoid alcohol (increases GI bleed risk)
Difference between acetaminophen & NSAIDs
NSAIDs reduce inflammation, while acetaminophen does not
NSAIDs side effects:
N: not good for the entire body
GI bleeding: BAD for ulcers
Lungs: BAD for asthma (bronchospasms)
Heart: HTN & ♥ failure
Kidney clogging: ↑ creatinine & BUN
NEVER take 2 NSAIDs simultaneously
use lowest dose for shortest time possible
S: sticky blood clots (increased risk for thrombosis)
bad for patients with a clot history
MI: heart clot
stroke: brain clot
Aspirin: thins the blood for cardiac patients
A: asthma worsening
NSAIDS are NOT safe for asthma
asthma & nasal polyps
nurse should CLARIFY ORDER
NCLEX question: A patient with asthma or nasal polyps
use acetaminophen instead of an NSAID
I: increased bleed risk!
notify health care provider of any bleeding
easy bruising
Tarry stool & coffee-ground emesis (indicates GI bleed)
since NSAIDs block prostaglandins, which protects the lining of the stomach
AVOID peptic ulcer patients, which leads to GI bleeding
always take medicine with food, NEVER on an empty stomach
if patient is on an acid reducer, like a PPI, then it is ok to use an NSAID
avoid EGGO vitamins (this increases bleed risk)
E: vitamin E
G: ginko, garlic
O: omega 3 oils
HESI Questions
ibuprofen: do NOT take on an empty stomach
patient with acid reflux on Ranitidine (PPI) & NSAID
I can occasionally take ibuprofen for my knees (rheumatoid arthritis patients)
D: Dysfunctional kidneys
renal injury with long term use! (nephrotoxicity)
AVOID renal patients
instead, use acetaminophen for renal patients
creatinine over 1.3 = bad KIDNEY
urine output 30 ml/hr or LESS= kidneys in DISTRESS
Ketorolac- Kills the kidneys
S: swelling heart
CHF (congestive heart failure) & HTN worsening
most OTC NSAIDs contain Na+→ swell the body with fluid (bad for ♥ patients)
patients with long term HTN or cardiovascular disease= NO NSAIDs; notify healthcare provider!
Salicylate acid (Aspirin) contraindication
Aspirin: Avoid kids
possible Reye’s syndrome
if child has viral infection (flu/varicella): DO NOT GIVE ANY KIND OF SALICYLATE MEDS (aspirin & Pepto-Bismol)
instead, use ibuprofen & tylenol (acetaminophen)
Reye’s syndrome: pediatric illness with non-inflammatory encephalopathy (brain disease) & fatty changes in the liver
another type of NSAID
Treats: osteoarthritis & rheumatoid arthritis
With celecoxib, you can celebrate without arthritis pain.
MOA: inhibits COX, which is produced in the body & maintains GI lining; produced during an inflammatory response
SE: increased risk for thrombosis (blood clot)→ heart attack or stroke, GI bleeding, development of a rash
Contraindications: allergies to aspirin, NSAIDs, sulfonamides
Salicylate: Aspirin (Bayer)
Treats: pain, inflammation, fever, can prevent a heart attack in patients who are at risk (patients can get a baby aspirin every day to help prevent a MI), Kawasaki disease (systemic inflammation of BVs that can affect children)
MOA: inhibits prostaglandin synthesis & decrease platelet aggregation (this is how blood clots form)
SE: GI upset, GI bleeding, rash
-bleeding disorder: no (similar to NSAIDs basically)
Nursing care:
-monitor for s/s of salicylism (n/v, tinnitus, respiratory alkalosis-hyperventilation)
salicylism s/s
n/v, tinnitus, respiratory alkalosis
Drug class: anticonvulsant
Treats: neuropathy, fibromyalgia, restless-leg syndrome, seizures
“Pregabalin prevents Gabby’s neuropathy pain.”
MOA: binds to Ca channel in CNS→ decreased excitatory NTs→ decrease AP communication to pain or involuntary movement
SE: drowsiness, dry mouth, dizziness, possible edema
Nursing care:
-avoid alcohol (makes sense b/c alc is a CNS depressant)
-d/c gradually d/t withdrawal symptoms like dizziness
Opioid agonists
fentanyl, morphine, hydromorphone, oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, oxycontin
fentanyl, morphine, hydromorphone, oxycodone, hydrocodone, codeine, oxycontin
Treats: moderate to severe pain
MOA: binds to opioid receptors in the CNS
SE: (serious)
low RR: respiratory depression
hold opioid dose for RR <12
we never hold drug if patient is NOT practicing deep breathing exercises (we give the med)
low BP (orthostatic hypotension)
slow position changes
if patient is dizzy & lightheaded: assist to seating position
do not get up unassisted: use call light
low brain: CNS sedation
easily falls asleep when talking
sedation comes before respiratory depression
abuse & addiction
black box warning (resp depression & addiction)
Nursing care: monitor pain level, v/s, respiratory status, deliver via IV slowly, for constipation (fluid, fibers, ambulation)
Normal Tings
do not need to report to health care provider
burning during IV push: just dilate & give a lil slower next time
itchy: treat with antihistamine like benadryl
nausea/vomiting when 1st starting taking med: TEACH that as tolerance develops, nausea will improve
nursing interventions:
take PO opioids with food (this decreases the risk for nausea)
give anti n/v meds at first
Antidote: naloxone
Opioid antidote
SE: HTN, tachycardia, agitation
Nursing care:
1-2 hr half life
short, so need to give multiple doses
reassess every 60 min
monitor for low & slow
RR below 12, unarousable, falling asleep while talking to you→ prepare for a 2nd dose of Narcan & notify health care provider
topical analgesic
Treats: conditions or procedures involving the skin or mucous membranes (wound vac dressing)→ numbs area for patients
SE: rare, stinging or redness at site of application
EMLA cream: for pediatric patients
→ apply, put occlusive dressing, wait one hour, remove dressing, insert IV
Treats: migraines & cluster headaches
MOA: vasoconstriction of intracranial BVs
SE: GI upset, HTN
black box warning: contraindicated for patients with ischemic CAD or peripheral vascular disease (d/t patient already having restricted blood flow; the vasoconstriction would make it worse)
Nursing care:
-take one tablet immediately at onset of headaches
-avoid alcohol & tyramine (can sometimes trigger migraines)
-lay down in a dark quiet place to help with symptoms
-report pale extremities (may be a clot)
Treats: migraines & cluster headaches
MOA: vasoconstriction of intracranial BVs
SE: dizziness, vertigo, a warm, tingling sensation
Black Box Warning: contraindication for anyone with severe HTN
Nursing care: do NOT give to patients with uncontrolled HTN
-avoid alcohol & tyramine (can sometimes trigger migraines)
-lay down in a dark quiet place to help with symptoms
-report pale extremities (may be a clot)
May improve a patient’s memory, cognition & ability to perform ADLs; does not cure.
“Don’t forget things (like your Pez dispenser) when you take donepezil.”
MOA: increase acetylcholine by inhibiting the action of cholinesterase, which is an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine.
It is theorized that Alzheimer's is associated with the loss of cholinergic neurons that produce acetylcholine.
SE: headache, diarrhea, nausea
Administration: at night
Myasthenia gravis
autoimmune disorder that causes severe muscle weakness, characterized by periods of exacerbation & remission
body attacks receptors that allow for voluntary muscle control
Neostigmine, pyridostigmine
Treats: myasthenia gravis- can help improve strength & mobility in patients
MOA: increase acetylcholine by inhibiting enzyme that breaks it down (cholinesterase)
“Stig (race car driver) pulls up and blocks cholinesterase with his car, which prevents the breakdown of ACh. Most contain “stig”.
Basically, with MG, the body is too dry, causing muscle cramping, so we want to lube up the body.
SE: it’s the opposite of an anticholinergic so→ pee, poop, spit (increased salivation, diarrhea, n/v, sweating, bradycardia)
-alert if cholinergic crisis!
Treats: diagnosis myasthenia gravis; differentiates MG from a cholinergic crisis
Basically, if we give this to a patient & they improve→ MG
If we give this to a patient & they get worse→ cholinergic crisis (give atropine, an anticholinergic)
(This makes sense bc you have muscle weakness in MG due to the inhibition of Ach. So, a cholinergic would give you more Ach)
MG s/s (think of muscle weakness patho)Ch
eyelid drooping (ptosis)
mask like expression: no expression, looks sleepy
difficulty swallowing
slurred speech
Cholinergic crisis antidote
Atropine (an anticholinergic)
Parkinson’s Disease
A progressive neurodegenerative causing muscle rigidity, akinesia (loss of voluntary movement), involuntary tremors.
with Parkinson’s disease, we have ↓ dopamine, & ↑ acetylcholine & large protein clusters called Lewy bodies in the brain
this results in jittery movements: muscle tremors, muscle rigidity & slow start & stop motions (shuffling gait & pit rolling of fingers)
unsteady movements are called bradykinesia
like “parking a car”
low movement: “you can’t jump rope if you don’t got dope”
“more dopa means more movement”
Carbidopa & Levodopa
Treats: Parkinson’s
MOA: increases the amount of dopamine in the CNS by activating dopamine receptors that regulate motor function and body movement
basically Levodopa leaves dopamine in the brain, & Carbidopa prevents the breakdown of Levodopa
SE: n/v, drowsiness, dark urine & sweat, diarrhea, sweating, bradycardia
Adverse Effects
hallucinations (psychosis)
orthostatic hypotension
low dose to prevent adverse effects to prevent toxicity:
dyskinesia: spontaneous or involuntary movement (too much dope→ too much movement)
report to HCP
Key Points
slow onset: 2-6 weeks to become effective (usually true for any drug acting on the brain)
slow position changes
NORMAL: red, brown urine, sweat, saliva
NO high protein meals→ interferes w/ absorption of levodopa
only decreased tremors or rigidity
not lifelong drugs: not “cure” or “eliminate”
never stop abruptly→ complete loss of movement
MAOI (antidepressant) + levodopa + carbidopa enhance the effects of this
selegiline (MAOI)
this med does not help with memory
Treats: Parkinson’s disease, improves symptoms
MOA: decreases levels of acetylcholine
SE: it’s an anticholinergic, so→ no pee, poop, spit, see (dry mouth, blurry vision, urinary retention, and constipation)
Nursing care: chew gum, suck on sugar-free hard candy for dry mouth, wear sunglasses when going outside, and increase their intake of fluids and fiber to counteract constipation
Note- this also helps with EPS symptoms in 1st gen typical antipsychotics
Phenytoin & Fosphenytoin
Treats: seizures & prevention of seizures (anticonvulsant)
SE: gingival hyperplasia (overgrowth of gum tissue→ enlarged gums), vision issues, GI upset & rash, bradycardia & hypotension (CNS depressant)
Adverse: suicidal ideations, skin rash that is new & painful (PRIORITY)
Nursing care:
monitor therapeutic levels: 10-20 mcg/ml
-toxicity s/s: ataxia (unsteady gait), hand tremor, slurred speech
-routine blood draws to check for toxicity
-take med at same time every day
-do not d/c abruptly
-no oral contraceptives (deactivates)
-take folic acid, Ca2+, & vitamin D
drug decreases folic acid absorption & bone density
encourage foods high in folate & vitamin D such as milk, cantaloupe & kale
-bleeding gums is normal (gingival hyperplasia): teach good dental hygiene & use soft bristled toothbrush, inform dentist you are taking phenytoin
STOP tube feeding 1-2 hours before & after administration!
will interfere with absorption & ↓ effectiveness
flush with 30-50 mL tap water before & after
normal saline not required, but required for IV administration
Treats: seizures & prevention of seizures; anticonvulsant
SE: vision issues, dizziness, sedation, metabolic acidosis
Nursing care: monitor bicarb levels
Levetiracetam (Keppra)
Treats: seizures & prevention of seizures; anticonvulsant
-behavioral abnormalities (suicidal thoughts & confusion)
-skin rash that is new & painful (Steven Johnson syndrome)
↑ same as phenytoin
-agranulocytosis: increases risk of infection
-fatigue, orthostatic hypotension, seizures, sedation, anticholinergic effects
-CNS depressant: low & slow body, w/ drowsiness & fatigue
Nursing care: CBC, monitor for infection
Treats: seizures & prevention of seizures; anticonvulsant
SE: (barb)
-drowsiness, GI upset, blood dyscrasias (anemia, leukemia, blood clotting conditions)
“I am primiDONE with these seizures!”
given to paralyze (flaccid paralysis) the body before ET tube, intubation & mechanical ventilation (deep muscle relaxation)
those who are difficult to intubate
SCARY: this drug only paralyzes the body, but does not sedate the patient, so the patient is awake
brain is NOT sedated, so the patient can feel PAIN
no LOC
always sedate with a benzodiazepine with this drug
sedation 1st, then succinylcholine 2nd, then immediate intubation
Adverse Effects
respiratory arrest: diaphragm is not paralyzed!
malignant hyperthermia
occurs bc of general anesthesia or acetylcholine
Ca2+ is released from the muscles when an anesthetic is administered→ causing muscle contraction→ muscle rigidity→ increases O2 demand & metabolism→ dangerously high body temp
IMMEDIATE INTERVENTION: NOTIFY HCP FIRST, then administer dantrolene (muscle relaxant; antidote), then give O2 & cooling measures
Key Nursing Tings
screen for high risk malignant hyperthermia:
prior reaction to general anesthesia!!!
blood relatives with significant reactions to general anesthesia
Barbiturates: phenobarbital & pentobarbital
Sedative hypnotic agents
Treats: seizures, used for preop sedation, induce a coma in a patient with high ICP
MOA: increases GABA→ CNS depression
SE: CNS depressant, so lethargy, hypotension, respiratory depression, constipation
A measure of pressure inside the skull, including brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid.
Normal levels: 10-15 mmHg
Increased levels can be caused by: head injury, tumor, meningitis, hydrocephalus, intracranial hemorrhage, or hypertension
S/s: irritability (an early sign), restlessness, headache, decreased levels of consciousness, pupil abnormalities, abnormal breathing and/or posturing
Treats: used to induce & maintain anesthesia
MOA: increases effects of GABA→ CNS depression
“If you are given propofol, someone will have to prop you up (because you will be knocked out!)”
SE: CNS depressant so→ bradycardia, hypotension, respiratory depression
Administration: continuously monitor v/s, does NOT treat pain, use or discard within 12 hours d/t risk of bacterial contamination