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332 BC
Year that Alexander the Great conquered the Persians and took control over Judea/Samaria in the process
Antiochus IV
King of the Seleucid Empire who forced Hellenism on the Jews; outlawed many Jewish practices, forced them to participate in Greek religious practices, and installed high priests who were Hellenizers.
Maccabean Revolt
Jewish resistance that occurred in 167 BC, when the priest Matthias and his sons fled to the hills after refusing to allow pagan sacrifice. They became freedom fighters against the Seleucids and eventually took control over Jerusalem in 164 BC
Alexander the Great
king of Macedon who came to power in 336 BC; was a very powerful and prolific ruler in the ancient world
What was the lingua franca of the Roman Empire during this time?
Abbreviation for the Septuagint, the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible
70 AD
The year Jerusalem was conquered by Rome and the temple fell
Roman Empire
The empire which ruled over Jerusalem in the time of Jesus
Caesar Augustus
The Roman emperor at the time Jesus was born; issued a census that required Mary and Joseph to return to Bethlehem, where Mary gave birth to Jesus.
He was recognized in Roman culture as the son of god, which is why Christians identifying Jesus as the Son of God was such a political statement
A sect of Judaism which morphed into Rabbinic Judaism after 70 AD. Heavily emphasized the Torah and oral tradition; believed in the afterlife
Sect of Judaism that focused solely on the Torah; many were religious leaders in the temple and most were upper-class. Did not believe in the afterlife
Separatist sect of Judaism who preserved the scrolls at Kumron; emphasized righteous living and often criticized other groups. Believed in the afterlife
revolutionary Jewish movement that sought to expel the Romans from Judea; had another splinter group called the Sicarii
At first, a sect of Judaism, but that changed after the destruction of the temple; followers of Jesus as the Messiah.
officers in the army in the Roman empire
Synoptic Gospels
gospels that can be “seen together”; share themes/elements/etc and even quote each other at times
Matthew, Mark, Luke
Which of the gospels are the Synoptic Gospels?
late first century Jewish historian who wrote “The Antiquities of the Jews”
Roman historian, rhetorician, and official. Thought Christianity was “the great superstition”
Prophet whose words Christians believe point to Jesus as the Messiah; had passages about the ultimate suffering servant, who Christians believe is fulfilled in Jesus
David, Abraham
The genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1 lists these 2 figures before listing Jesus’ entire genealogy. This calls attention to the fact that Jesus fulfills God’s covenants with these two people. (Pay attention to order!)
The Great Commission
Matthew 28:8; the mission of Christians is to go and make disciples to the ends of the earth
King Herod the Great
ruler of Judea at the time of Jesus’ birth
John the Baptist
cousin of Jesus who baptized Him
Mother of Jesus
earthly father of Jesus
Mary Magdalene
woman whom Jesus cast 7 demons out of; important to His ministry and also witnessed Him at the cross and the empty tomb
mother of John the Baptist and important to the infancy narrative of Jesus
father of John the Baptist
Greek word for gospel; meaning “good tidings” or “good news”
“seen together”
In the Gospel of John, Jesus is introduced as “the Word”. What is the Greek/Latin word for this?
The Word existed with God before creation and is made incarnate in Jesus
Man who Jesus raised from the dead. This man’s death and resurrection foreshadows the death and resurrection of Jesus
Pontius Pilate
governor of Judea who oversaw Jesus’ trial
What was the initial name of the apostle Paul?
Apostle who at first fiercely persecuted Christians. On the way to Damascus, he encountered Jesus and experienced a radical transformation into a follower of Christ.
The day in which the Holy Spirit was initially poured out upon Jesus’ followers
Collection of Jewish religious writings included in the Septuagint. Word itself means “hidden texts”. Eventually excluded from the HB by Jews but identified by some (Catholic/Orthodox) Christians as deuterocanonical
Gospel which was written anonymously by a Greek-speaking Jewish Christian who was familiar with the HB. This gospel is the shortest out of the 4 and is believed to be the first of the Synoptic Gospels to be written. Emphasis on action.
Gentile Christians
Audience for the Gospel of Mark?
Gospel which was initially anonymous but associated with its namesake in the 4th century AD. Written after the destruction of the Temple; appears first in the NT because it was the most cited, contains instructions to the early church, and begins with a genealogy that provides a smooth transition from the OT to the NT
Jewish Christians
Audience of the Gospel of Matthew?
Gospel which is associated with a physician who also authored the book of Acts.
Who is the Gospel of Luke addressed to? This could be the book’s actual patron or the ideal audience. Means “friend of God”
Gentile Christians
who is the general audience of the Gospel of Luke?
Gospel which identifies itself as being authored by the “beloved disciple”; many scholars believe it was authored by The Elder
Johannine Community
Who was the intended audience of the Gospel of John?
Acts of the Apostles
5th book in the NT; second section of the Gospel of Luke. Tells the story of the early church. (Use the full name rather than the abbreviated in your answer!)
A follower of Jesus who was closely associated with Him. Witnessed His resurrection and had been sent to continue His work
“student”/”learner”; a follower of Jesus
How many apostles did Jesus have during His life and ministry on earth?
Members of a Jewish Christian faction who believed Gentiles had to become Jews to follow Jesus. They believed the Gentiles had to be circumcised and adhere to other Jewish practices.
Is salvation found through faith or works?
Last book of the Bible; its title means “to reveal” or “to be uncovered”
apocalyptic literature
genre in which a vision from God, under the guidance of an angel, communicates His hidden plan in symbolic language
the genre of Revelation!
Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the ends of the earth
Where does Jesus instruct His follower to therefore go and make disciples?
the first Christian to be martyred for his faith in Jesus. Was stoned to death
Simon Peter
disciple of Jesus who was the brother of Andrew. Jesus tells this disciple that He will build his church upon him
James, John
Who were the two disciples of Jesus who were sons of Zebedee?
disciple of Jesus who famously doubted His resurrection
disciple of Jesus who betrayed Him
brother of Jesus who authored one of the general epistles
branch of Judaism that developed after the Exile. Based out of the Northern Kingdom after the Babylonians’ importation/deportation policy that created a mixture of genetics. Tension between this group and the Jews in Jerusalem.
Samaritan Woman
Woman who has the longest conversation about Jesus than any other person in the Gospel of John. Jesus goes to a well in Samaria at noon and encounters her and asks her for water, ensuing a conversation about Him being living water.
Acts 2
What chapter of Acts does the Holy Spirit get poured out among Jesus’ followers?
Jerusalem Council
meeting led by James (brother of Jesus) who was leader of the Church in Jerusalem. James, Paul, and others debated the question of Gentile Christians and whether they had to become Jews. Result: No, they don’t; saved by faith in Jesus alone
Asia Minor, Asia Minor, Greece, Asia Minor, Greece, Rome
Where does Paul go for his 4 missionary journeys?
____ ______
____ ______ and ______
____ ______ and ______
____ as a prisoner
When Paul is on his voyage to Rome, where does he get shipwrecked?
When Paul is on house arrest in Rome, how many years does he remain there for?
Hebrews 11
Chapter in the letter of Hebrews known as the “faith chapter”; recounts a list of faithful characters of the Bible, mostly from the Old Testament, encouraging readers to remain faithful and steadfast
The letter of James focuses on the idea of faith bringing _____, which leads some people to falsely believe James and Paul disagree on the idea of faith versus works
“apocalypsis”; “uncovering”
Who was the Beloved Disciple?
the Elder
What is the author of 1-3 John referred to as?
Johannine Community
Community in which the Gospel of John and 1-3 John circulated together in?
In the gospel of Luke, do women play prominent roles in Jesus ministry? (Yes/No)
in the gospel of Luke, who are the first witnesses of the resurrection of Christ through the empty tomb? (men or women?)
Sermon on the Mount
Occurs in the Gospel of Matthew; contains the beatitudes in which Jesus intensifies and extends the Torah.
military leader
what did many Jewish people in Jesus’ day expect the Messiah to be?
ritual bath designed for the Jewish rite of purification
Brutal death practiced by the Romans; way in which Jesus died.
In the New Testament, Jesus is highlighted as the ________ of the Covenant
Greek for “letter”. Usually a writing directed/sent to a person or group of people in the form of an elegant and formal didactic letter
Body of Christ as a whole
The letter of Revelation is addressed to 7 different churches. The number 7 in the Bible represents completeness, so the 7 churches are thought to represent what?
Code name for Rome used in Revelation; Rev. warns that those who worship the emperor in Rome will be defeated
According to James, what is the most difficult part of the body to master?
James combines the wisdom of Jesus with the book of ______ in his call to live a life of devotion to God
1 Thessalonians
Which epistle is likely Paul’s first letter?
1 Corinthians
A Pauline Epistle which is addressed to a spiritually immature audience; themes include loyalty to Christ over other leaders, devotion of one’s whole being to God, and love for one another being more important than personal freedom. Concerned with orderly worship!