i hate this class so much it is genuinely making me miserable xoxo gossip girl
- Federalist
- Came up with financial plans to get US out of debt
Whiskey Tax and Rebellion
This passed a tax on whisker, the Farmers got mad - The _ of 1794 was used as an example by the national government to show that it could enforce its authority
XYZ Affair
incident in which French officials demanded a bribe from U.S. diplomats in exchange for france to stop attacking US ships trading with GB
Barbary Pirate Wars
two wars between the United States of America and Barbary States in North Africa in the early 19th century. At issue was the pirates' demand of tribute from American merchant vessels in the Mediterranean Sea. American naval power attacked the pirate cities and extracted concessions of fair passage from their rulers.
a law that increased the number of federal judges, allowing President John Adams to fill most of the new posts with Federalists
i. create additional Federal Judgeships
ii. The Judiciary Act of 1801 expanded federal jurisdiction, eliminated
iii. Supreme Court justices' circuit court duties, and created 16 federal circuit court judgeships.
iv. Federalists plan to control 1 Branch (lost Leg & Exe Branch)
Washington's Farewell Address