The total value of everything that someone owns, minus debts, is
What percentage of the nation's wealth is owned by the wealthiest 10% of Americans?
more expressive worship services and louder music.
When it comes to religion, the lower classes tend to be attracted to
women average only 72% of what men earn.
The reason why families headed by a mother, rather than by a mother and father or a father alone, are more likely to be poor is because
_____ mobility is movement either up or down the social class ladder due more to changes in society than to the actions of individuals.
Contradictory class locations
_____ is Wright's term for a position in the class structure that generates contradictory interests.
$30 billion
Philanthropist Bill Gates has given away
Which occupation has the most prestige in the United States—physician, banker, actress, or plumber?
working class
Members of the _____ tend to think of themselves as having "real jobs" and regard the "suits" above them as paper pushers.
The region of the United States that has the most poverty is the
_____ is material possessions.
If we use the analogy that some U.S. families have an income that could be represented by the height of Mount Everest, then the average American family has an income that is about _____ feet off the ground.
It improves
As you go up the social-class ladder, what happens to your health?
ranking high or low on all three dimensions of social class.
Status consistency refers to
power elite
C. Wright Mills called the top people in U.S. corporations, the military, and politics who make the nation's major decisions the
deferred gratification
Going without something in the present in the hope of achieving greater gains in the future is called
upward social
Lee started as a bank teller and 15 years later ended up running the bank. This is an example of _____ mobility.
getting their children to follow rules and obey authority.
When it comes to child rearing, lower-class parents tend to focus more on
In his modification of Marx's model of social classes, Wright added
Homeless people are part of the
a threat
Based on the histories of lottery winners, sudden wealth brings
are high school dropouts
Most members of the working poor class
income inequality has increased since 1970.
In tracking income in the United States from 1935 to 2013,
Marx's model of the social classes included
_____ is the ability to carry out your will, even over the resistance of others.
downward social
In Mexico, Javier was a physician. Javier emigrated to the United States and ended up working as a carpenter (which had been his hobby in Mexico). Javier experienced _____ mobility.
often confused
Income and wealth are
upper middle
The class most shaped by education is the _____ class.
$77 million
In 2013, the highest-paid U.S. CEO received
move on the social ladder, either up or down
It is likely to be painful to
June was the president of her neighborhood association, which in that group afforded her a high
outside the criminal justice system
White-collar crimes are likely to be dealt with
The money that someone receives, usually from a job, business, or assets, is referred to as
intergenerational mobility
_____ refers to the change that family members make in social class from one generation to the next.
with old money
The upper end of the capitalist class is occupied by those
_____ is respect or regard.
Seth did menial work—mostly house cleaning—when he could find it. He had been homeless for a year, and since then simply did not have a good enough employment record to find a regular job. He relied on welfare, a subsidized rental, food stamps, and even the occasional visit to a food pantry to supplement his work income. In terms of class, Seth would belong to the
Durkheim called it _____ when people become detached from the usual norms that guide their behavior.
called the poverty line
The official measure of poverty of the U.S. government is
social class
_____, according to Weber, is (are) a large group of people who rank close to one another in property, power, and prestige.
In _____ mobility, many people move up the social class ladder, and many move down, with the social class system showing little change.
represents the essence of a person.
Ezekiel's research (1995) found that Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazi leaders believed that race
institutional discrimination
Built into society's institutions, _____ is negative treatment of a minority group.
One perspective on prejudice is that it is _____, in that it creates in-group solidarity.
reserve labor force
Conflict theorists say that capitalists use the _____ to expand production during economic booms, and then lay off people during economic contractions.
_____ permits—or encourages—ethnic differences.
A person or group unfairly blamed for someone's troubles is a(n)
_____ is an umbrella term for people from any of the Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America.
Among Americans of European descent, the largest group comes from
White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
WASP stands for
Broadly speaking, the highest percentage of the dominant group in the United States is found in the
_____ is an act of unfair treatment directed against an individual or a group.
Usually negative, _____ is an attitude or prejudgment.
Symbolic interactionists focus on the role of _____ in affecting perception and creating prejudice.
direct population transfer.
The United States government's relocation of Native Americans to reservations is an example of
white ethnics.
Immigrants to the United States from Poland, Ireland, Italy, and Germany are examples of
The concern in some quarters that too many immigrants will change the character of the United States is
Individual discrimination
_____ is person-to-person or face-to-face discrimination.
selective perception.
Seeing certain features of an object or situation, but remaining blind to others, is
To _____ is to separate acts from feelings or attitudes.
internalize; prejudiced against
According to research, it appears that people in the minority _____ the norms of the dominant group and learn to be _____ their own group.
72; 77
Presently, the life expectancy for African American females is about _____ years, and for white American females it is _____ years.
_____ refers to prejudice and discrimination based on race.
Asian Americans
Which of the following groups in the United States has the highest median family income?
The annihilation or attempted annihilation of a people because of their presumed race or ethnicity is known as
a myth.
The idea of racial superiority is
_____ is a policy of keeping racial-ethnic groups apart.
African American
_____ mortgage applicants are most frequently offered subprime loans, which charge the highest interest.
_____ refers to a group whose inherited physical characteristics distinguish it from other groups.
_____ create self-fulfilling stereotypes.
the tendency of people with similar characteristics to marry one another.
Homogamy refers to
_____ is a form of marriage in which women have more than one husband.
Authority is held by males in a(n) _____ society.
In a _____, people occupy the same housing unit.
family or procreation.
The family that is formed when a couple's first child is born is referred to as a
Marion, 10 years old, knew that she was related to the relatives on her mother's side of the family, and also the relatives on her father's side of the family. This _____ system is the usual model in the United States.
marriage exists in every society.
One factor to note in considering the future of marriage is that
men saying they are taller than they are.
A typical lie made by potential mates on an online dating site is
When a social group does not think of children as being related to their mother's relatives, that group follows a(n) _____ system.
Approximately what percentage of African American households is headed by both a mother and a father?
affiliated with a religion.
The risk of divorce is decreased among couples
role confusion.
From the functionalist perspective, the incest taboo helps families to avoid
incest taboo
The _____ prohibits sex and marriage among designated relatives.
Celeste had been married before—twice. She was thrilled by the prospect of her upcoming marriage to Caldwell, which would be her third marriage and Caldwell's second. About how many Americans who get married are not saying "I do" for the first time?
Due to time pressures on parents, _____ has (have) become a parental substitute.
The Naxi of China do not even have a word in their language for "father." In their _____ system, descent is traced only on the mother's side.
zero, one, or two
The majority of Americans think that families with _____ children are ideal.
The percentage of American children under 18 who live with both parents is
_____ is the practice of marrying within one's own group.
The major distinction between gay or lesbian families and heterosexual families is
It decreases with each generation in the United States.
Which statement about machismo is true?
A dramatic shift in what Americans perceived to be the ideal family size occurred in the
older than at any other time in U.S. history.
The average ages of first-time brides and grooms in the United States are
_____ is a form of marriage in which men have more than one wife.
the system of descent
The way that people trace kinship over generations, known as _____, is different all over the world.
Native Americans had same-sex marriages already when Columbus arrived.
Which statement about same-sex marriage is true?
Approximately how many cities with over one million residents does the world presently have?
edge city
A(n) _____ is a large clustering of service facilities and residential areas near highway intersections that provides a sense of place to people who live, shop, and work there.
Zero population growth
_____ refers to women bearing only enough children to reproduce the population.
300 million
At around the time of the birth of Christ, there were about _____ people in the world.