Frank Ocean Finesses Def Jam Records for 5 minutes straight
Ch 11
New-to-the-world products (product category)
-Create entirely new market
-Smallest category of new products
New-product lines
-Previously not offered products
-Enters established market
Additions to existing product lines
-Supplement established product line
Improvements or revisions of existing products
-Established product
-Slightly different features
Repositioned Products
-Existing products
-Targeted at new markets
Lower-Priced Products
-Similar performance to competitors
-Priced lower
New-Product Strategy (New-Product Development Process)
-Links development process with marketing objectives
-Provides guidelines for new-products
-Specifies roles new products play
Idea Generation (New-Product Development Process)
-Customers needs and wants
-Employees know processes of company
-Distributors are aware of customer needs
-Competitors are monitored
-R&D is conducted for product modification
-Consultants from other companies recommend ideas
-Other experts develop ideas from range of sources
Idea Screening
-Eliminates ideas inconsistent with organization
-Concept Test: New-product idea evaluation before prototype creation
Business Analysis
-Sales figures are calculated
-Costs and revenues estimated + compared
-Economic Trends Analyzed
-Market share forecasted
-R&D, marketing, engineering, production, suppliers work together
-Simultaneous Product Development
-Firm should start sketching marketing strategy
-Prototypes made
Test Marketing
-Limited introduction of product
-Cities chosen as test sites
-Test site reflects market conditions
-Takes a year or longer
-Can exceed 1 million
-Simulated lab market testing is the alternative
-It’s cheaper
-Final stage in new-product development
-Order production materials + equipment
-Starting production
-Building inventories
-Shipping products
Products Success vs. Failure
-Do not offer discernible benefit
-Failure to meet customer desires
-Overestimation of market size
-Incorrect targeting/positioning
-Bad pricing
-Inadequate distribution
-Poor promo
-Offering an inferior product
Absolute Failure
Company cannot recoup costs related to product
Relative Product Failure