Results for "john locke"


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Unit 1 Mercantilism -Economic relationship where the mother country has tight economic control -England's goal was to maximize wealth and power Navigation Acts -Laws that prevent colonies from trading/selling or buying from other countries Salutary neglect -Good neglect -GB was backing off the colonies - Not military or trade Middle Passage -2-3 month voyage -15% died on the ship -slaves are captured and chained together Enlightenment - A movement started in Europe by a small group of intellectuals -discussed thoughts, wrote books, and sent them to America. -Influenced America -believed there was a natural solution to every problem54rat vc Diests -Not a religious group -Believed there was a creator -Believed the creator was gone now, standing outside human experience, or just gone -Therefore, there is no reason to pray or go to church John Locke -English Philosopher -Believe every person has natural rights -Life liberty and property -Believed if the government wasn’t respecting these rights, the people could overthrow it Benjamin Franklin -Liked John Locke's Ideas -Freed slaves because of Lockes’ ideas -Referred to America as slaves to GB that should be freed Great Awakening/Pietism -A Christian movement stressed individual connection to god -didn’t like the king being the head of American churches -people required by law to attend church and pay taxes to the church -The revival movement started with thousands of people outside of the church -rejected English church system French and Indian War (including impacts on revolution) -Conflict between France and England -native american tribes helped both sides -Colonies were on the coast, french was on the inland -Settlers tried to move west and ran into french -France had a fur trading empire Sugar Act -Not the amount that mattered, it was the principal -A small tax on sugar -Re-enactment of molasses tax -People couldn't protest because they would be caught illegally trading it Stamp Act Tax on anything sold that was made out of paper It is not a huge amount but it affects a lot of people Stamp Act Congress Group of middle-aged educated men -made legal arguments -no tax w/o representation -No jury trial = not right -very respectful Sons of Liberty -young, violent, rowdy people, -South out by Stamp Act -bullies, terrorist-esk -Paid to do the calm group dirty work Declaratory Act -said that GB had the right to tax the colonies -warning official statement -one year after the Stamp Act was repealed Townshend Acts -taxed people on four things -paper -paint -glass -tea -GB argued they needed the money -affected virtually every American Non-Importation -Didn’t buy or use anything British -Loyalists were targeted with violence -Idea to shut British down economically Daughters of liberty -used gender-based skills -Women made their clothes and clothes and made others if they couldn’t Boston Massacre -Lots of British soldiers + SOL on streets -Soldiers surrounded and attacked with snowballs, rocks, bottles, pavement -A gun raised in the air to shoot, the smoke clears and 5 dead -exaggerated the event to send a message, made into propaganda -made out to be a completely random attack on Americans Tea Act -Lowered the tax on tea -GB had an economic problem with the British East India Tea Company -Made British tea the cheapest tea Committees of Correspondence -Properganda and social media -Coordinated the riders to spread the propaganda to other areas -the message was to not fall for the British tea -many SOLs took part in this -made physical threats to British ship captains. Boston tea Party -Ships in Boston harbor waiting for soldier escort -SOL disguised themselves as Native Americans -At night dumped a lot of pales of tea into the harbor -342 chests of tea destroyed, major financial loss for GB Coercive (Intolerable) Acts -Nicknamed intolerable acts by patriots -Boston Port Act (shut down harbor) -Ma. Gov. Act (shut down all colonial gov) -New Quartering Act (sent more soldiers, colonists had to house them) -Administration of Justice Act (soldiers who committed a capital crime would go to GB for trial) 1st Continental Congress -hoped to go to war but not independence. -rep from every colony except Georgia -3 things were decided -organize militias -keep boycotting -meet again in spring Loyalists (Tories) -Completely loyal to GB -snitch on patriots -⅓ of colonists Paul Revere -Rode from Boston to Concord -warned British soldiers were coming (bc patriots were gathering weapons) -Soldiers were going to break up the weapon-gathering Minutemen -Middle-aged men + teenage sons w/o military experience -said they'd be ready in a minute if needed Lexington and Concord -Militia started shooting soldiers who were taken by surprise -Casualties on both sides (273 GB) (95 Patriots) -The British retreated to Boston, and people shot them along the way 2nd Continental Congress -Met in May 1775 -Decided three things -no more militias, make a continental army -Continue boycotting -2 groups would send letters to the king -The” Olive Branch Petition” asked the king to step in, no war, but reverse British policy -” Declaration of causes of taking up arms” reasons why they’d fight -The King messaged both groups “I will crush you” (basically), which united both groups. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense -50 page pamphlet convincing the middle group to join the patriot cause - Is it in the interest of a man to be a boy all his life? -A gov. Of our own is our natural right ‘tis time to part. -Question, why do you obey the king? Thomas Jefferson/ Declaration of Independence -Jefferson wrote it with help from Franklin and Adams -Gave a list of reasons for independence -used “he” to target people's anger towards the king -” life liberty and the pursuit of happiness” -Helped more colonists to join the patriots. War of Attrition/George Washington -Not play by rules -make it difficult for the enemy - make the British think the war is stupid and give up Battle of Trenton/Battle of Princeton -British in NYC, Americans in Pennsylvania -On Christmas night patriots crossed the Delaware River, a surprise attack. -Heschians surrendered. Battle of Saratoga/General John Burgoyne - Burgoyne was overconfident in himself and told soldiers to bring family and friends -Got ambushed by minutemen at Saratoga, minutemen attacked the back of the basic parade situation happening. -John Burgoyne escaped, not defeated. Funding the Continental Army -borrowed money from France and other British enemies -borrowed gold and silver but they were afraid to raise taxes -printed money, not worth face value causing insane inflation Treaty of Paris (1783) -Treaty negotiation took 2 years Formally recognize that GB no longer had claims in North America, and USA is not a country All land won in french- Indian War was now American American fishing ships were allowed to fish in GB waters off the coast of Canada If GB Freed slaves they had to give them back Both countries had access to the Mississippi River America agreed to not persecute or bother loyalists (agreed to but not followed) Loyalists after the war -A lot of them left -Many went to Canada - A small group went to England -Few went to the British West Indies -Some stayed, had to keep their mouths shut, and live American Established churches after the war -Freedom of religion was prominent -Religion was big -Church of England turned into Episcopalion Chuch Unit 2 Mixed Government -people feared too much democracy -elect people to represent them, a democratic republic System of checks and balances Articles of Confederation -first constitution -four things, Power to form army and navy Power to declare independence and war Power to establish diplomatic relationships between nations Right to handle sidputs against the states. -did not include the right to tax Northwest Ordinance of 1787 -Procedure on how territories would become states The adult white male population of 5,000 in the territory could send a non-voting rep to Congress Could become a state when the adult white male population is 60,000 Write the state constitution and apply for statehood Shays’ Rebellion -Daniel was the leader -farmers fed up after fighting in the war, and the debt wasn't their fault -tried to overthrow the Ma. state government -4,000 state soldiers fought the farmers, they won after months Virginia Plan -James Madison's plan at the Constitutional Convention -congress with two parts upper/lower house -reps depended on the state's population New Jersey Plan -William Patterson plan -Single-house legislature -equal representation Connecticut Compromise -take both ideas and mush them together -Senate, equal representation -house of reps, based on population -electoral college ⅗ Compromise -Decided after the electoral college system was decided -Southern states wanted slaves to count towards pop, the North did not -a slave counted as ⅗ of a person for electoral college + house of reps Difference between Federalists and Anti-Federalists -Federalists wanted to ratify the constitution and have a strong central government -Anti-federalists had two problems with the constitution Wanted states rights Wanted individual rights Federalist Papers -Hamilton, Jay, and Madison wrote anonymous essays -Convince people to approve the constitution -Helped to gain support Bill of rights -wrote to please the anti-federalists -includes the first ten amendments -worked, and it was ratified Thomas Jefferson vs. Hamilton on the Constitution -Jefferson had a strict interpretation, this meant following it to a t. -Jefferson meant this to limit the power of the constitution -Hamilton had a loose interpretation, which meant unless the constitution says no, they can do it -This meant to stretch the power of the constitution Hamilton's financial plan 1. Report on Public Credit, This addressed all levels of debt People could give paper money to the government and they'd redeem it at face value. Or people could give loan certificates back and provide a new one with interest. 2. Report on a national bank Established a national bank that held money at taxes Should be a large government institution 3. Report on manufactures Not adopted Use money to get new manufacturing businesses going Jay's Treaty -George Washington sent John Jay to negotiate for a stop to the bullying of ships at sea -A last resort, ended with GB saying they’ll stop and start trading with the USA Whiskey Rebellion -Corn farmers in Pa. angry because of corn prices and attempt to overthrow the state government -Washington sent 15,000 federal troops and he led them himself to send a message XYZ Affair - Adams tried to make a treaty for American ships being bullied, sent a rep to France -Prime minister rep refuses to meet with our rep -Adams tried again and sent three more reps who again denied - Democrats in Congress accused Adams of never trying to negotiate -Adams told them what happened and replaced their names with XYZ Aliens and sedition acts 1. Naturalization act, had to live in us for 14 years to apply for citizenship (previously 4) 2. Alien Act On suspension, non-citizens could be deported to their country of origin 3. Alien EnemiesAct If at war, us could deport migrants without suspension 4. Sedition Act. Made sedition a crime, if convicted $2,000 or two years in jail Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions/ Nullification -Declared states had fundamental rights that the federal government could not infringe -Stated that states could nullify laws that they viewed as unconstitutional Revolution of 1800 -Think about Hamilton's musical. -Adams and Jefferson run again, Burr comes in third, and Jefferson (after a tie) wins. - Adams did not put up a fight when leaving before the inauguration. Louisiana Purchase -Louisiana territory purchased from France for $ 15 million -Neoplean realized he didn’t care about the western hemisphere, and sold it to make a profit Lewis and Clack Expedition -An expedition to explore the Louisiana territory -Wanted to learn about the weather, terrain, native Americans, etc. -Ended on the Oregon coast at Fort Clatsop. -A very peaceful trip they brought presents for tribes, brought Sacagawea 2 Reasons Burr became infamous -Challenged and killed Hamilton in a dual -Fled to the Mississippi River area -plotted to overthrow that area and become dictators with James Wilkonson Troubles with Britain and France at Sea -GB had impressed 8,000 American sailors -Jefferson enacted the Embargo Act of 1808 which halted trade with the countries but backfired. War Hawks and their goals -Young men who wanted to expand US land -Get Canada and Florida -they were very aggressive and would go to war for this -Jefferson's party. Causes of the Way of 1812 The -US gov said it was the bullying of ships at sea and native americans -Historians say it was the war hawks wanting to expand land. Treaty of Ghent -Established in 1815 for the War of 1812 -established no real winner or loser and everything would go back to normal. -historians think this is why GB stopped bullying our ships. Hartford Convention -Federalists met up during the war to discuss secession -made them look like traitors after the war -capitalized on the unpopularity of the war Eli Whitney -Creator of the cotton gin -made it when American cotton and slavery were declining -caused both those things to expand exponentially Missouri Compromise -Henry Clay -Union had a perfect balance of slave and not slave states -Missouri would be upset about this -had Missouri join as a slave state -Main break off from Ma. and become a free state In the long term, any state joining below the 36, 30 would be a slave state Rush-Bagot Treaty -By John Quincy Adams -Established the north border of the US after Canada and the states expanded fully Adams-Onis Treaty -John Quincy Adams -treaty with Spain -US bought Florida Monroe Doctrine -Established European countries had to stay out of the western hemisphere -No new countries -Helped GB by letting them have land uncontested -in return, GB would protect the us Election of 1824 (corrupt bargain) -3 presidential candidates none had the majority but Jackson had the most -Clay had the least about of votes but was the speaker of the house -made a deal with Adams that if Clay endorsed him Clay could be Sec of State. -Made Adamss an unpopular president John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, and the “American System” 1. Protective Tariff 2. Internal improvements (roads canals etc.) 3. A national bank Andrew Jackson's views of the American System 1. the tariff was a conspiracy against the South because they were more agricultural 2. the roads and canals were fine but he’d rather the states fund them 3 . The national bank was corrupt and run by wealthy people to stuff their own pockets Tariff of Abominations -Jackson had lost an election and wanted to win this one had Southern support but not northern -gained support by making a tariff (helped him gain support in the north) Kitchen Cabinet -Jackson did not trust his cabinet -never held a cabinet meeting -Held meetings with friends around the kitchen table instead Spoils System -Fired everyone -put his followers in government positions -no one was qualified for the positions they gained Second Part system (democrats vs. Whigs) -emerged in the 1830’s -whigs: - Less extreme federalists -anti-andrew Jackson -more elitist party (educated + wealthy) -democrats stayed the same (party of the south) Panic of 1837 -An economic depression caused by Jackson partially when he removed all the money from the national bank -Also by the tariff of 1828 -made it harder for GB and USA to do business they pulled out of investments and business Election of 1840/ Williams Henry Harrison -Whigs finally only ran one person who was a war hero to draw more people in -Harrison won but got pneumonia and died a month into his presidency John Tyler’s Presidency -VP to William Henry Harrison -hated by both parties -he was a Democrat but ran as a Whig because he got screwed over by Jackson -Whigs hated him because he was a Democrat and vice versa American Colonization society -Abolitionist movement -thought that they would buy slaves off their owners and return them to Africa -only 6,000 slaves were freed and they founded Liberia Though blacks and whites couldn’t or shouldn’t live together Nat Tuener’s Rebellion -Nat Turner is a slave who never did anything wrong to his master -had a vision from god -several plantations revolted at the same time -made plantation owners paranoid and more strict -All escaped slaves were eventually killed or returned to their plantations Theodore Dwight Weld/ Angelina Grimke #powercouple -Theodore was a minister abolitionist and had an audience because of that -Angelina was born and raised on a plantation but moved to the north to be an outspoken abolitionist Manifest DestinyNorthernersrs and Southerners agreed on this -Assumption that the US would expand to the [acific and central land -seen as good and pure Fifty-Four fort or fight -A line of latitude -Wanted all of Oregon country and they would fight for it James Polk -A president from Tenesse that no one knew -Ran on getting Texas and Oregon -Said he would and only served on term General Winfield Scott -General in the Mexican-American war -Had a secret amphibious operation that they went from Vera Cruz to Mexico City -took over Mexico City and Mexico surrendered Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo -Polk could have taken all of Mexico and had pressure from Southerners to do so -He only took Texas Election of 1848 -Polk didn’t rerun -the whig Zachery Taylor won, he was a southern slave owner who was a general -Democrats ran Lewis Cass who was a northerner and not pro-slavery. Popular sovereignty -Lewis Cass’s view on slavery and expansion -Appealed to the people in the middle -When a state entered the union they would vote on being a slave or free state California Gold Rush -Gold was found in California in 1848 and many people moved there -California didn’t agree with the Missouri compromise Gadsden Purchase -bought the southern part of Arizona -originally wanted more but the Mexican government talked them down Compromise of 1850 -5 parts -only two important -the admission of California as a free state -passage of the fugitive slave act Unit 3 Election of 1852 -Pierce was the democratic candidate who won because Whigs were divided over slavery -Whigs won General Winfield Scott who was anti-slavery which some whigs didn’t like Kansas-Nebraska Act/Stephen A. Douglas -Stephen was trying to be a great compromise like Clay -Proposed that Kansas and Nebraska become states and use popular sovereignty -The South was happy because those states never had a chance to be slave states and now they did -The North was worried about the South and formed a new political party to replace the Whigs (republicans) American (know nothing) Party -3rd party who was anti-immigrant and anti-catholic -Thought the Irish were going to try to take over America as Catholics -leaders told them to respond with “know nothing” when asked about what their party was about Bleeding Kansas -Lawrence Kansas was a free town -Slavery supporters attacked Lawrence, killed, burned buildings, raped people. -the goal was to terrify the anti-slavery side John Brown –A very serious abolitionist who thought god was using him to end slavery -Took four of his sons and two other men to get revenge for Lawrence Kansas -Went to pro-slavery people houses who had nothing to do with the attacks -Dragged the men of the families onto the lawn and killed them The caning of the summer (Charles Sumner) -An abolitionist senator who gave a speech on the Senate floor –called out important people like President Pierce and SC Senator Andrew Butler (old guy) -Butler’s relative Preston Brookes got revenge for Butler by caning Charles Sumner Election of 1856 (Buchanan vs. Fremont) -Buchanan (D) was northern but pro-south -Fremont was the other candidate -Buchanan was a dough face who got all of the South and some of the North so he won -Fremont was a free soiler Lecompton Constitution -Pro-slavery people met in Lecompton to write a state constitution or Kansas -Sent to DC House of reps and President Buchanan publicly endorses it anyways –House people didn’t endorse it because it was completely fraud. Dred Scott -Scott was a slave taken from south to north and argued he could be free -The Supreme Court was dominated by Southerners and decided against Scott -implied slavery could be taken anywhere. Lincoln-Douglas Debates -Debated slavery in the Senate race. -Lincoln from Illinois condemned slavery but his priority was the union -Douglas was a moderate, liked popular sovereignty - Lincoln thought slaves should have rights in the Constitution, and Douglas fell back on popular sovereignty and he won Election of 1860 -Abraham Lincoln won - beat out Douglass Secession -SC started secession and the deep South followed -Feb. 1862 all southern states succeeded -The South considered themselves a new country, but Lincoln did not. Crittenden Plan -Buchanan supports this -Congress tried to stop secession by: -Extend Missouri compromise line -never try to abolish slavery -North rejected it Fort Sumter -Lincoln is the president -Confederates said if the US didn’t evacuate by a certain time they would attack it -kicked off the Civil War, confederacy got control of the fort -no deaths or injuries -April 12, 1861 Jefferson Davis -President of the Confederate States of America -War of attrition with an underdog mentality -related the confederacy to the US and the US to Britain First Battle of Bull Run (Manasses) -Virginia in July 1961 first major battle -north was confident but had to run away because they lost -Disaster for the north Antietam -On northern territory -24000 died in one day -both sides lost -Lincoln decides to fire McClellan (northerners didn’t understand why) How the Union and Lincoln Prepared for War -Held a draft halfway through the war -Many rich people hired other people to serve for them -made income taxes -sold bonds, tariffs, borrowed money from money from other countries How the Confederacy and Davis prepared for war -South doesn’t have a strong gov -Davis struggles to get buy-in -Wealthy people didn’t want to contribute so most of the taxes fell on the middle class -Had to seize things from plantations by force -economy struggled Emancipation Proclamation -Abraham Lincoln did this to end slavery and save the union -slaves started escaping and joining Union troops when they were near -So many slaves were freed that the Union didn’t know what to do Battle of Vicksburg/General Ulysses S. Grant -Grant was not the general yet -Grant took Union ships and covered them in iron which worked -allowed grant to move eastward Significance of the Battle of Gettysburg -Took place in Gettysburg Pa. -As far as the North as the South ever got -The confederacy started to get pushed backward after this -end of the Confederate success Role of African American Soldiers At the start of the war, they were not allowed to help -end of the war became 10% of Union troops -Fought in segregated units but were enthusiastic about fighting -paid less than white soldiers Ulysses S. Grant’s War Strategies -Considered controversial techniques -Total war strategy -Willing to lose his own men's lives, throw them at the enemy -Since the North had more soldiers than the South he could do that Shenandoah CampaignThe goal was to not kill civilians but destroy everything but life -Sunandoah was close to N+S border -found civilians who were helping confederates ride into the north and did this to them. Election of 1864 -Lincoln didn’t think/wasn’t expected to win -switched his VP to a Southerner who was pro-union -George McClellan ran against him for revenge -General William Sherman captured Atlanta and burned it to the ground which was a positive surprise and led to lincolns reelection William T. Sherman’s March to the Sea -After burning down Atlanta he marched to the Atlantic and destroyed everything they came across -Didn’t destroy Savannah because it was too beautiful -After getting to the Atlantic they marched north to SC after still no surrender Appomattox Court House -Lee was still fighting with few soldiers and Grant sent him a message to surrender to save lives -They surrendered in the biggest house in town and Grant was very gracious during it -Grant was a little star-struck Lincolns Reconstriction Plan -General Ambassy (forgiveness) except for high-ranking officers -If 10% of the white men in the states took an oath of elegance the state could write a new state constitution and rejoin the union -Required the abolition of slavery Radical republicans -Republicans had a large amount of power -The” Wade-Davis Bill” included no Confederate unions that could return to power, in the state got. Couldn’t have anyone who rebelled in any way, the Republic Party would establish itself as a strong party in the South, protect former slaves -Lincoln pocket vetoes this, just ignored it Andrew Johnson Reconstriction Plan -VP to Lincoln and became president when Lincoln was assassinated -Oath of allegiance to return to the union -no high-ranking officials or wealthy plantation owners could become citizens -Would have to ratify the 13th to be reinstated -All property taken during the war would be returned, except for the slaves Black Codes -Discriminatory laws keeping AA’s in an inferior position -Couldn’t have slavery but could keep them incredibly low Freedmen's Bureau Bill -A bill Johnson Vetoed -Attempt to give land in the South to freed slaves 14th Amendment -Vetoed this civil rights bill -Gave African Americans citizenship -Johnson encouraged the South to not ratify it but it passed -South argued it didn’t mean African Americans could vote. Reconstriction of Act 1867 -Republicans had a 3/1 majority in the senate -Johnson vetoed but congress overode it -Troops to protect African Americans and enforce laws 1. Divide south into military districts 2.” supervise” new states constitution writing 3. Protect black men's right to vote Tenure of Office Act/Johnson impeachment -Congress passed this act to make it easier to impeach Johnson -Made it so the President couldn’t fire cabinet members without congressional approval -Johnson went to fire Edwin Stanton and many reporters were there so there was evidence -used to impeach Johnson, but he was not removed Election of 1868 -Ulysses S. Grant was a Republican with no political experience but was popular because of the war -Surrounded himself by good advisors -Ran under the “National Union Republican Party” -Wanted to help African Americans -Did not want to treat Confederate leaders harshly 15th Amendment -Gave African American men the right to vote -Congress made this a requirement to rejoin the union -Women thought they be included but they weren’t Sharecropping -Freed slaves would rent farming spots on plantations -Plantation owners loaned out supplies and animals and took advantage of their inability to read -Slaves had to spend all they made on rent and since they still had a loan with the supplies and animals they couldn’t leave legally Ku Klux Klan -Not allowed to be in the open so they wore sheets to conceal their identity -They tried to scare African Americans into what they believed to be their place -Other groups like this existed too Election of 1876/ Rutherford B. Hayes -Rutherford B. Hayes (R) Samuel Tildon (D) -Neither candidate got the majority but Tildon was one vote short -Republicans set up Bipartisan committee ti find election fraud -Decided there was fraud in SC, LA, and FL and gave those votes to Hayes who then won Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896) Booker T. Washington's views on segregation (Accommodationists; Atlanta Compromise Adress) W.E.B Dubois’ views that disagreed with Washington
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53 days ago
Nicolaus Copernicus • Made Heliocentric Theory- Star, the earth and other planets rotate around the sun Galileo Galilei • Built telescope • Proved the heliocentric theory • Faced inquisition and recanted his work Issac Newton • Made Law of Universal Gravitation •  All physical object are affected equally by the same forces • The same forces rule the motion of the planets and all matter in earth and space Rene Descartes • Wrote “discourse on method” • Made his own scientific method- scientific study should be done using deductive reasoning to test hypothesis Enlightenment- Stressed reason and thought and the power of individual to solve problems  Philosophes • The 5 concepts of their core belief were reason, nature, happiness, progress and liberty Thomas Hobbes • Convinced people were naturally selfish and wicked • Felt governments were needed to keep order  • Like the idea of the social contract Social Contract • Strong government is needed to keep citizens under control • People gave up rights to a strong leader in exchange for law and order • Hobbes felt that an absolute monarchy was the best form of government  John Locke • Believed people could learn from  experience and improvement of himself • They had the natural ability to govern their own affairs and look after the welfare of society • Believed in everyone is born with natural rights of life liberty and property • Gov is based on the consent of the governed • Believed government had the responsibility to provide these rights and people had the power to overthrow it Natural Rights- Everyone is born with basic rights that nobody (monarchy) can take Voltaire • Used satire • Targeted the clergy, upper class and government  • Fought for tolerance, freedom of religion belief and freedom of speech Montesquieu • Believed in Separation of Power because would keep any individual from gaining total control • Executive: British king and his minster • Legislative: Parliament • Judicial: The judges Rousseau • Believed civilization corrupts people's natural goodness • Wrote the “Social Contract” • Government wa an agreement among free india; to create a society and government (NOT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN PEOPLE AND GOVERNMENT) WOMEN IN ENLIGHTENMENT • Philosophes took a traditional view on the role of women • Rousseau believed a woman’s education should be to prepare her to be a wife and mother • Other males scolded women for reading, that it could cause wickedness • Wealthy women held social gatherings called salons to spread the ideas of the enlightenment Mary Wollstonecraft • argued in favor of educating women, urged women to enter male dominated fields  ROYALS
Fredrick ll of Prussia • Granted religious tolerance • Reduced the amount of torture • Allowed freedom from the press Catherine the Great of Russia • Created national school system • Brought in all nobles and townspeople for convention on how to improve russia and modernize it The Old regime- a system of feudalism left over from the middle ages THREE ESTATES The First Estate  • Roman catholic church • Owned 10% of the land • Paid 2% f their income to government Second estate • Nobility • 2% f population • Owned 20% of the land • Paid almost no tax The Third Estate • 98% of the population Bourgeoise • Merchants,doctors and professionals • Well educated and wealthy • Believed strongly in the enlightenment ideals of liberty and equality  Workers • cooks, servants, factory workers, and etc • Paid low wages and were often out of work\ Peasants • 80% of population •  paid half of their income to the nobles,church and to the king  Start of revolution Factors leading to revolution- resentment of the first and second estate Legacy of the enlightenment • People were willing to question longstanding notions about society  Economic woes • High taxes and increase in cost of living • Bad weather leading to crop failures • Government debt Louis VI and Marie Antoinette • Lovis had been forced to call a meeting of the Estates General to get approval for tax reform  • Third estate, has little voice • Third estate created a new body to pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people • end of the absolute monarchy and beginning of representatives government. Tennis Court Oath • National Assembly was locked out of their chambers  • Broke into the indoor tennis court, signed a pledge that they would remain there until they’d written a new constitution  Storming of Bastille • in 1789 • Rumors spread that the kings was bringing Swiss Guards to paris to put down unrest • Bastille was a prison and an arsenal in Paris The Great Fear • Peasants took arms against the nobles  • People marched on versailles demanding that the royal family be brought to paris where they coil be closely observed  Revolution Terror and Empire The Jacobins • A radical political group • Called for “five or six” hundred head cut off to rid france of the enemies of the Revolution • Found Louis XVI guilty for treason and had him guillotine Maximilien Robespierre • Led the jacobins in the effort to rid france of all trace of monarchy and nobility • Gathered enough power to rule france in the style of a dictator  The Reign of Terror • Revolutionary courts sent thousands to their death for the crime of being an enemy of state  • 85% of the executed were peasants or urban poor n • Placed powerThe terror ended with execution of Robespierre himself  Napoleon Start of Napolean  • the death of Robespierre ended the terror • They were looking for stability • New  Constitution in upper middle class • Appointed napoleon to command france armies COUP D’ETAT • By 1799 the director had lost control • Napoleon quickly assumed dictatorial power as the first consul of the French Republic  New Economy and Faith • Set up a fair tax code and national band • Fired corrupt official and appointed new ones  • Created public schools Napoleanic Code • Uniform set of laws that brought stability eliminated injustices • Women lost rights • Freedom of speech restricted • Slavery was restored Church and Government • Rejected church control on national affairs and allowed govt to appoint church leaders Rebellion of Saint Dominque • Loss of his colonies napoleon gave up the idea of having a empire in the new world Louisiana Purchase • Sell claim to North America to raise cash Napoleon Power over eEurope • Napoleon crushed all enemies in europe • By 1810 Napoleon indirectly control almost all europe Invasion on russia  • Napoleon decided to invade russia with 2 million soldiers • Napoleon pursued russians toward capital russians burned everything behind them • Napoleon retreated leaving  with 10000 left End of napoleon • gave up the thrown • Was given a small pension and sent on the island of Elba Hundred days • Napoleon named emperor • Powers of europe were not going to let it happen • Waterloo War and French loss Final Exile • St. Helena- A remote island in the South Atlantic  Haitian Revolution Haiti • Became the second independent nation state in western Hemisphere • Site of largest successful slave revolt in history Saint Dominque (haiti) • The richest french colony • 40% of the worlds sugar and 60% of the coffee Grand Blances • Wealthy plantation owner • Merchants and lawyer • Held political power Petite Blances •  Poor whites • Little political power Gens de Couleur Libres • Free people of color, many of mixed race • Their political power varied according to the land they owned and the wealth they controlled • In contention with the petits blancs Slaves • Extremely harsh treatment of slaves caused high mortality and low fertility rates • Led to constant importation of slaves from Africa (40,000/year) People in Saint Domingue heard of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and revolution in France The Haiti Revolution  • The National Assembly gave full citizenship based on property and wealth instead of race • Fighting began between the petits blancs and the gens de couleur • Slaves across plantations joined together and the rebellion spread across the colony Spain and Britain attempted to weaken French presence on the island French Abolish Slavery Revolutionary armies in Haiti join with French to fight against the British and Spanish Toussaint Louverture • Organized and led slave rebellions • As governor • Constitution of 1801 • Abolished slavery • Santo Domingo remains French • Toussaint Louverture = Governor General for life Napoleon sent an Army to Reconquer St. Domingue • Massive French casualties • Haitian Independence, 1804 ◦ Jean Jacques Dessaline ▪ Lead Haitian revolutionaries to victories over French troops ▪ Dessalines declared emperor  Latin American Revolutions  Roots of the Revolution • Rigid social structure • Ideas of the Enlightenment and other revolutions Gradual weakening of the Spanish Empire Social hierarchy  • Peninsulares ◦ Colonist who were born in Spain or Portugal • Creoles ◦ Colonists born in the Americas of ethnic Spanish or Portuguese descent • Mestizo ◦ Colonists born in the Americas to ethnically European and Native American parents Spanish South America • Local Juntas (government) of Creoles declare independence from Spain • Peninsulares rally support for the Spanish crown Simón Bolívar • Creole • Liberal / Conservative, wanted to keep the social order, just with Creoles in charge • Eventually supported abolition of slavery to gain more troops • Bolivar’s army defeats loyalists in the North and moves south towards Peru José de San Martín • Peninsulare • Victorious in the South pushes North towards Peru Guayaquil Conference • Bolivar declared head of revolution, San Martin retires Final Independence and Outcome • Ideal of creating united Spanish South America • Bolivar elected president • Limited Democracies formed in new nations • Caudillos (A military or political leader) ◦ Local strongmen come to power • Slavery abolished, but issues of race remain Brazil • King Joao VI flees Portugal and sets up court in Brazil, goes home in 1821 • Prince Pedro left in charge of Brazil Independance • Brazilians noticed revolutions in Spanish colonies • Resentment of Portuguese economic power and social system • Pedro I declared emperor of independent Brazil Pedro I • Emperor  • Opposed slavery • Attempts to limit slavery result in Pedro abdicating (resigning) • Slavery continues in Brazil until 1888 • Last emperor Pedro II overthrown in 1889 Mexico • Creoles want to rebel against the king, Peninsulares loyal and brutally enforce their power • Severe food shortages and inflation • 3 phases in revolution Phase 1 • Mestizo and Native Americans see all rich white Mexicans as the problem • Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, creole ◦ Leads a ragged army ◦ Hidalgo and rebels defeated by united Peninsulares and Creoles, Hidalgo executed Phase 2 • Jose Maria Morelos takes over • Declares independence, and writes constitution • Defeated and executed by loyalists Phase 3 • Spanish King forced to give up some power • Guerrilla rebels team up with Loyalist soldiers and declare independence • Mexico becomes independent republic in 1823 Outcomes • Revolutions leaves Mexico in disarray • Central America break off • Caudillo  ◦ Antonio Santa Anna comes to power • 1848 loss off 55% of Mexico to the US in Mexican American War
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56 days ago
Scientific Revolution- Thought about the natural world based on careful observation and a willingness to question accepted beliefs  Nicolaus Copernicus • Made Heliocentric Theory- Star, the earth and other planets rotate around the sun Galileo Galilei • Built telescope • Proved the heliocentric theory • Faced inquisition and recanted his work Issac Newton • Made Law of Universal Gravitation •  All physical object are affected equally by the same forces • The same forces rule the motion of the planets and all matter in earth and space Rene Descartes • Wrote “discourse on method” • Made his own scientific method- scientific study should be done using deductive reasoning to test hypothesis Enlightenment- Stressed reason and thought and the power of individual to solve problems  Philosophes • The 5 concepts of their core belief were reason, nature, happiness, progress and liberty Thomas Hobbes • Convinced people were naturally selfish and wicked • Felt governments were needed to keep order  • Like the idea of the social contract Social Contract • Strong government is needed to keep citizens under control • People gave up rights to a strong leader in exchange for law and order • Hobbes felt that an absolute monarchy was the best form of government  John Locke • Believed people could learn from  experience and improvement of himself • They had the natural ability to govern their own affairs and look after the welfare of society • Believed in everyone is born with natural rights of life liberty and property • Gov is based on the consent of the governed • Believed government had the responsibility to provide these rights and people had the power to overthrow it Natural Rights- Everyone is born with basic rights that nobody (monarchy) can take Voltaire • Used satire • Targeted the clergy, upper class and government  • Fought for tolerance, freedom of religion belief and freedom of speech Montesquieu • Believed in Separation of Power because would keep any individual from gaining total control • Executive: British king and his minster • Legislative: Parliament • Judicial: The judges Rousseau • Believed civilization corrupts people's natural goodness • Wrote the “Social Contract” • Government wa an agreement among free india; to create a society and government (NOT AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN PEOPLE AND GOVERNMENT) WOMEN IN ENLIGHTENMENT  • Philosophes took a traditional view on the role of women • Rousseau believed a woman’s education should be to prepare her to be a wife and mother • Other males scolded women for reading, that it could cause wickedness • Wealthy women held social gatherings called salons to spread the ideas of the enlightenment Mary Wollstonecraft • argued in favor of educating women, urged women to enter male dominated fields  ROYALS
Fredrick ll of Prussia • Granted religious tolerance • Reduced the amount of torture • Allowed freedom from the press Catherine the Great of Russia • Created national school system • Brought in all nobles and townspeople for convention on how to improve russia and modernize it FRENCH REVOLUTION The Old regime- a system of feudalism left over from the middle ages THREE ESTATES The First Estate  • Roman catholic church • Owned 10% of the land • Paid 2% f their income to government Second estate • Nobility • 2% f population • Owned 20% of the land • Paid almost no tax The Third Estate • 98% of the population Bourgeoise • Merchants,doctors and professionals • Well educated and wealthy • Believed strongly in the enlightenment ideals of liberty and equality  Workers • cooks, servants, factory workers, and etc • Paid low wages and were often out of work\ Peasants • 80% of population •  paid half of their income to the nobles,church and to the king  Start of revolution Factors leading to revolution- resentment of the first and second estate Legacy of the enlightenment • People were willing to question longstanding notions about society  Economic woes • High taxes and increase in cost of living • Bad weather leading to crop failures • Government debt Louis VI and Marie Antoinette • Lovis had been forced to call a meeting of the Estates General to get approval for tax reform  • Third estate, has little voice • Third estate created a new body to pass laws and reforms in the name of the French people • end of the absolute monarchy and beginning of representatives government. Tennis Court Oath • National Assembly was locked out of their chambers  • Broke into the indoor tennis court, signed a pledge that they would remain there until they’d written a new constitution  Storming of Bastille • in 1789 • Rumors spread that the kings was bringing Swiss Guards to paris to put down unrest • Bastille was a prison and an arsenal in Paris The Great Fear • Peasants took arms against the nobles  • People marched on versailles demanding that the royal family be brought to paris where they coil be closely observed  Revolution Terror and Empire The Jacobins • A radical political group • Called for “five or six” hundred head cut off to rid france of the enemies of the Revolution • Found Louis XVI guilty for treason and had him guillotine Maximilien Robespierre • Led the jacobins in the effort to rid france of all trace of monarchy and nobility • Gathered enough power to rule france in the style of a dictator  The Reign of Terror • Revolutionary courts sent thousands to their death for the crime of being an enemy of state  • 85% of the executed were peasants or urban poor n • Placed powerThe terror ended with execution of Robespierre himself  Napoleon Start of Napolean  • the death of Robespierre ended the terror • They were looking for stability • New  Constitution in upper middle class • Appointed napoleon to command france armies COUP D’ETAT • By 1799 the director had lost control • Napoleon quickly assumed dictatorial power as the first consul of the French Republic  New Economy and Faith • Set up a fair tax code and national band • Fired corrupt official and appointed new ones  • Created public schools Napoleanic Code • Uniform set of laws that brought stability eliminated injustices • Women lost rights • Freedom of speech restricted • Slavery was restored Church and Government • Rejected church control on national affairs and allowed govt to appoint church leaders Rebellion of Saint Dominque • Loss of his colonies napoleon gave up the idea of having a empire in the new world Louisiana Purchase • Sell claim to North America to raise cash Napoleon Power over eEurope • Napoleon crushed all enemies in europe • By 1810 Napoleon indirectly control almost all europe Invasion on russia  • Napoleon decided to invade russia with 2 million soldiers • Napoleon pursued russians toward capital russians burned everything behind them • Napoleon retreated leaving  with 10000 left End of napoleon • gave up the thrown • Was given a small pension and sent on the island of Elba Hundred days • Napoleon named emperor • Powers of europe were not going to let it happen • Waterloo War and French loss Final Exile • St. Helena- A remote island in the South Atlantic  Haitian Revolution Haiti • Became the second independent nation state in western Hemisphere • Site of largest successful slave revolt in history Saint Dominque (haiti) • The richest french colony • 40% of the worlds sugar and 60% of the coffee Grand Blances • Wealthy plantation owner • Merchants and lawyer • Held political power Petite Blances •  Poor whites • Little political power Gens de Couleur Libres • Free people of color, many of mixed race • Their political power varied according to the land they owned and the wealth they controlled • In contention with the petits blancs Slaves • Extremely harsh treatment of slaves caused high mortality and low fertility rates • Led to constant importation of slaves from Africa (40,000/year) People in Saint Domingue heard of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen and revolution in France The Haiti Revolution  • The National Assembly gave full citizenship based on property and wealth instead of race • Fighting began between the petits blancs and the gens de couleur • Slaves across plantations joined together and the rebellion spread across the colony Spain and Britain attempted to weaken French presence on the island French Abolish Slavery Revolutionary armies in Haiti join with French to fight against the British and Spanish Toussaint Louverture • Organized and led slave rebellions • As governor • Constitution of 1801 • Abolished slavery • Santo Domingo remains French • Toussaint Louverture = Governor General for life Napoleon sent an Army to Reconquer St. Domingue • Massive French casualties • Haitian Independence, 1804 ◦ Jean Jacques Dessaline ▪ Lead Haitian revolutionaries to victories over French troops ▪ Dessalines declared emperor  Latin American Revolutions  Roots of the Revolution • Rigid social structure • Ideas of the Enlightenment and other revolutions Gradual weakening of the Spanish Empire Social hierarchy  • Peninsulares ◦ Colonist who were born in Spain or Portugal • Creoles ◦ Colonists born in the Americas of ethnic Spanish or Portuguese descent • Mestizo ◦ Colonists born in the Americas to ethnically European and Native American parents Spanish South America • Local Juntas (government) of Creoles declare independence from Spain • Peninsulares rally support for the Spanish crown Simón Bolívar • Creole • Liberal / Conservative, wanted to keep the social order, just with Creoles in charge • Eventually supported abolition of slavery to gain more troops • Bolivar’s army defeats loyalists in the North and moves south towards Peru José de San Martín • Peninsulare • Victorious in the South pushes North towards Peru Guayaquil Conference • Bolivar declared head of revolution, San Martin retires Final Independence and Outcome • Ideal of creating united Spanish South America • Bolivar elected president • Limited Democracies formed in new nations • Caudillos (A military or political leader) ◦ Local strongmen come to power • Slavery abolished, but issues of race remain Brazil • King Joao VI flees Portugal and sets up court in Brazil, goes home in 1821 • Prince Pedro left in charge of Brazil Independance • Brazilians noticed revolutions in Spanish colonies • Resentment of Portuguese economic power and social system • Pedro I declared emperor of independent Brazil Pedro I • Emperor  • Opposed slavery • Attempts to limit slavery result in Pedro abdicating (resigning) • Slavery continues in Brazil until 1888 • Last emperor Pedro II overthrown in 1889 Mexico • Creoles want to rebel against the king, Peninsulares loyal and brutally enforce their power • Severe food shortages and inflation • 3 phases in revolution Phase 1 • Mestizo and Native Americans see all rich white Mexicans as the problem • Father Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, creole ◦ Leads a ragged army ◦ Hidalgo and rebels defeated by united Peninsulares and Creoles, Hidalgo executed Phase 2 • Jose Maria Morelos takes over • Declares independence, and writes constitution • Defeated and executed by loyalists Phase 3 • Spanish King forced to give up some power • Guerrilla rebels team up with Loyalist soldiers and declare independence • Mexico becomes independent republic in 1823 Outcomes • Revolutions leaves Mexico in disarray • Central America break off • Caudillo  ◦ Antonio Santa Anna comes to power • 1848 loss off 55% of Mexico to the US in Mexican American War
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56 days ago
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92 days ago
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93 days ago
FINALS Lesson 1: An Embodied Spirit Coexisting with the Environment Human Being’s Understanding of Himself/Herself Human being is the source of many questions about the existence of the world and everything that exists in it. When he/she is confronted with the question “Who Am I,” which directly unveils his/her existence, he/she is pushed to the limit of existence. Jose Rizal believes that because a human being is endowed with reason, he/she wonders and questions about everything including his/her existence. Who Am I? According to Rizal and Kant Human being is endowed with reason He is self autonomous with self regulating will According to Karl Jaspers Human being is more than what he/she knows about himself/herself (Perennial Scope of Philosophy) According to Kant, human individuals… determine themselves through their interaction with their environment. they act autonomously, they make choices, including moral choices, with the aid of their reason. They have a strict duty to make these choices in accordance with moral law. Karl Jaspers Believes that human, the being of human is lost in a context of total determination. Thus what seems to be an obvious and ordinary question “Who am I” leads him/her into the depth of his/her being. This task summons him/her to leave the ordinariness of given time and context of his/her existence. Human beings Encounter with Existential Limit Situation Limit Situations German: Grenzsituation Any of certain situations in which a human being is said to have differing experiences from those arising from ordinary situations. Boundary Situations are inescapable and inevitable breaks of ordinary patterns of human existence, such as death, sufferings, conflict, tragedy, sickness, failures, communication, struggles and guilt. These boundary situations break the conventional pattern or ordinaryness of life. According to Jaspers, boundary situations lead.. to a deeper consciousness and experience of her limitations and fortitude. humans to a deeper level of reflection of her own self being. Sickness and Pain are opportunities to know more about yourself as human beings. Lesson 2: Various Ways in Dealing with the Question “Who Am I? In the Course of History Duality of Body and Soul Our body is separate and distinct from the soul Soul is immaterial Body shows corporeality (existing as physical body) We have soul or spirit (Lorenz 2009) Soul or the spirit is philosophically discussed as mind. For dualists, mind (mental) is not to be mistaken as brain (physical) since the mental is a unique phenomenon that cannot be reduced to a non mental or physical. Dualism a philosophical theory based on the idea of opposing concepts, human beings are made up of two independent constituents, the body and the mind or soul. Plato believes in the dualism of body and soul Human soul exist prior to the body and even if after the body is gone Doctrine is connected to theory of forms, material is separate from spiritual realm of forms or essences (world of ideas) Physical world is made up of appearances (destructible, illusionary and unreliable) or copies of what is real. Knowledge is to be found in the realm of ideas or essences which are eternal and true. The soul that humans possess pre-existed in the world of forms or ideas. Soul is immortal, learning is mere remembering or recollecting what the soul once knew when it was in the realm of forms. Rene Descartes Also recognized dualism He exists because doubt requires a doubter Him doubting is proof that he exists. He that exists is clearly a thing that thinks. He acknowledge that he is a body that is bound by some figure that can be located in some place and occupy space. Has the power to move, feel and think - this is attributed to body and soul. Unity of Body and Soul Thomas Aquinas Did not believe dualism Body and soul are not two separate entities, that interact with each other but are one being made up of matter and form Matter (body) and form (soul) cannot remain a being if matter and form are not united. A being ceases to exist in death, because the matter and form that make up that being is no longer complete. Whole is the sum of its parts, remove one part it is no longer whole. Aristotle Man is the whole of his body and soul. They are one like the oneness of the ugly and his figure. The relation of the body to the soul is the relation of matter to form. The body and soul are only two aspects of the whole man. Are the Spirit and Soul the same? Your soul speaks of your inner-life in relation to your own experience: your mind, heart, will, and imagination. It also includes your thoughts, desires, passions, and dreams. But your spirit speaks of the same inner-life in relation to God: your faith, hope, love, character, and perseverance. BODY, SOUL and SPIRIT according to Christian Perspective Body (Soma) – The Outermost Man 5 physical senses: smell, taste, touch, hear, see physical needs & desires: food, water, activity, shelter, clothing, oxygen, sleep, temperature regulation (FoWaSh TeReSOCA) Soul (Psyche) – The Outer Man SELF - identity, personality, character EMOTIONS - feelings & passions EVIL - dwelling place of sinful nature & evil spirits CONSCIENCE - know right from wrong INTELLECT - mind & thoughts WILL - your own will & desires (Seeciw) Spirit (Pneuma) – The Inner Man Spiritual Discernment Peace Revelation True Ministry Communicate with God Home of the Holy Spirit (Speret Coho) Human Consciousness and Existence John Locke advanced the theory of tabula rasa (blank slate or page) thoughts are conscious (we reflect and introspect) our consciousness is the criterion (standard) for personal identity as a thinking being ourselves consists of thoughts and sensation (physical feeling) of which we are conscious (awareness). Rene Descartes ( I ) self is a thinking thing. But what then am I? A thing which thinks. What is a thing which thinks? It is a thing which doubts, understands, affirms, denies, wills, refuses, which also imagines and feels. -said in Meditations on First Philosophy He exists and continues to exist as long as he is a “thing that thinks”. This consciousness that allows us to know that we exist composes our soul, which is a substance for Descartes, self-identity depends on consciousness. Immanuel Kant The self is a rational agent who can know their own thoughts and attitudes, and be responsible for them. Intentionality of consciousness (Phenomenologists) Feelings are being awakened by consciousness (Existentialists) To a phenomenologists, Man as an embodied subjectivity that gives meaning , with his body making incarnate or alive the meaning he gives (Dy 2001) Consciousness is thought that is always directed towards an object. Existentialists on the other hand confront the possibility. I might have been someone else or might have not existed (Tallis 2004). Our mind presents phenomena that are distinct from those experienced by the body. The Faculty of Reason Human beings have a mental faculty or capacity that enables them to think, reason, understand, compare, analyze, associate ideas. Human Being a Limited Being “The soul is the essence of the self” According to Aristotle the three kinds of soul: vegetative, sentient, and rational. Vegetative Soul includes the physical body that can grow. Sentient Soul includes sensual desires, feelings, and emotions. Rational Soul is what makes man human. It includes the intellect that allows man to know and understand things. Thus, Aristotle suggests that the rational nature of the self is to lead a good, flourishing, and fulfilling life (self-actualization). The pursuit of happiness is a search for a good life that includes doing victorious actions. In saying this, he posits (postulates) that part of the rational soul is characterized by moral virtues such as justice and courage. St. Augustine of Hippo a saint of the Catholic Church, and his authority in theological matters was universally accepted in the Latin Middle Ages and remained, in the Western Christian tradition, uncontested till the 19th century. The impact of his views on sin, grace, freedom and sexuality on Western culture can hardly be overrated. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2019) He ultimately viewed the body as the "spouse" of the soul, both attached to one another by a "natural appetite." He believes that the body is united with the soul, so that man may be entire and complete. As a religious philosopher, he contemplates on the nature of man with emphasis on the soul as an important element of man. He believes that the soul is what governs and defines a man. Augustine espouses the significance of reflection and the importance of prayers and confessions to arrive at a justification for the existence of God. For him, "knowledge can only come by seeing the truth that dwells within us." Descartes asserts that the "thinking self" and "physical body" are distinct, they are complete opposites. He says that the mind houses our understanding, intellect, and passion. While our body is just a shape with different sizes that showcase motion. "I think, therefore I am". "I think therefore I am." Cogito ergo sum This phrase was first seen in his literary work “Discourse on Method”. For him, the act of thinking about the self (or being self conscious) is in itself proof that there is a self . John Locke bases his argument on his conception that human minds are blank slates or—tabula rasas—at birth. So, to develop a sense of ‘self’, we must experience and create memories. From there, after having gathered these experiences, we are able to mold and shape the self because we slowly become conscious of our abilities to think, reason, and introspect; we have developed a sense of ‘self’. If one remains unconscious, they are unable to construct themselves. Therefore, the ability to be conscious of oneself constitutes one of having a self. "The self is consciousness." David Hume a Scottish philosopher Hume says that in the content of one's experience, there will be two distinct entities ; impressions and ideas . Hume talks about how the self is just an illusion. "There is no self." Karl Jasper We see man’s body in its comparable expression. It belongs to man himself, has its own unique specificity, its nobility and beauty. The Relation of I and the Body The capacity of the human being to think or feel is the very basis of consciousness of the “I” of its existential existence; that tangibly exists as a thinking substance My body- main basis for reflection and self consciousness Loss of consciousness and arousal are frequent after severe brain injuries. Usually, patients recover from this transient state of coma to a normal state of consciousness even though they can suffer from various cognitive deficits. Paul Churchland Self is inseparable from the brain The brain is all that a person has, therefore if it is lost, the person is no longer there. A person's concept of self is given by their actual brain, not their fictional mind. Since the mind cannot be perceived by the senses, it does not actually exist. "The self is the brain." 10 Signs of People with Dementia Memory loss Difficulty performing familiar tasks Problems with language Disorientation to time and place Poor or decreased judgment Problems keeping track of things Misplacing things Changes in mood and behavior Challenges understanding visual and spatial information Withdrawal from work or social activities Bertrand Russel The British philosopher described them—each in his own case. Each person seems to have direct, immediate knowledge of his own conscious sensations and of the contents of his propositional attitudes—what he consciously thinks, believes, desires, hopes, fears, and so on. Immanuel Kant Our minds actively sort, organize, relate, and synthesize the fragmented, fluctuating collection of sense data that our sense organs take in. The unity of consciousness is a phrase invented by Kant to describe the fact that the thoughts and perceptions of any given mind are bound together in a unity by being all contained in one consciousness—my consciousness. "We construct the self." Kant disagrees with the notion that the self is formed or developed through experiences. He doesn’t believe that experiences and the self must co-exist for there to be a self. ➢ The self already pre-exists before we experience anything. It is the one that processes our experiences and synthesizes them into something familiar, orderly, and meaningful. "We construct the self." Sigmund Freud Austrian psychotherapist (he is not a philosopher) according to Freud, the self has three layers to the self: the conscious, unconscious, and preconscious. The Unconscious Mind Conscious – The small amount of mental activity we know about. Thoughts Perceptions Preconscious – Things we could be aware of if we wanted or tried Memories Stored Knowledge Unconscious – Things we are unaware of and can not become aware of Fears Unacceptable Desires Violent Motives Irrational Wishes Immoral Urges Selfish Needs Shameful Experiences Traumatic Experiences Gilbert Ryle According to British philosopher ,the self is best defined as a pattern of behavior, or as a person's tendency or disposition to behave in a particular way under specific conditions. Ryle’s concept of the human self thus provides the philosophical principle, “I act therefore I am.” There are complex and personal connections between the body and mind that are inherent (inborn). He says that behavior reveals the full range of human dispositions, which make up the mind. However, Ryle is certain that the complete system of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors that comprise the human self is expressed by the mind. Maurice Merleau-Ponty All self-knowledge is derived from the "phenomena" of experience. The "I" is a composite of mental, physical, and emotional components. Individuals will realize that the mind and body are one. He notes in his book, Phenomenology of Perception, that everything that people are aware of is contained within the consciousness. Consciousness is a dynamic form that actively structures conscious thoughts and actions. "The self is embodied subjectivity." The embodied self is, at the same time, subjectively aware of the world, and objectively part of the world as a human, animal, or other being. The self in the first sense will here be called “subject for the world” and in the second “object in the world.” Consciousness – means awareness of self and environment. I-existence Certainty of something is always related and rooted on the very foundation of reflection: “my body” My body feels something (reality) My body senses (touches, smells, hears) the I - existence and the existence outside of itself. Objectives Recognize own limitations or possibilities for one’s transcendence Evaluate own limitations and the possibilities for one’s transcendence Thomas Aquinas Of all creatures human beings have the unique ability to change themselves and things for the better. Human beings are moral agents Humans are both spiritual and material; our spirituality separates us from animals. It separates the moral dimension of our fulfillment in action. We have conscience, determining good and evil are our responsibility. Evaluate our Limitations and the Possibilities for Transcendence Forgiveness as a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness. It frees us from our anger and bitterness caused by the actions and/or words of another.On the other hand, the hardness of our heart is reinforced by a whole series of rational arguments. Failure Failures force us to confront our weaknesses and limitations and to surrender to a mystery or look upon a bigger world. Acceptance of our failures makes us hope and trust that all can be brought into good. Loneliness It is our choice to live in an impossible world where we are always “happy” or to accept a life where solitude and companionship have a part. Our experience of loneliness can help us realize that our dependence on other people or gadgets is a possessiveness that we can be free from. Love To love is to experience richness, positivity, and transcendence. Love can open in us something which takes us beyond ourselves. Transcendence We have to struggle to regain spontaneous and vital awareness of our own spirituality. Transcendental and transcendence convey the basic ground concept from the words’ literal meaning (from Latin), of climbing or going beyond, with varying connotations in its different historical and cultural stages. The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit Theism is the belief that at least one god exists and that he or they created the universe and governs it. Deism is the belief that a higher being, i.e. god exists, but does not tell people what to do. Monotheism follows the same context as theism, except that it states there is only one God, hence religions such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam fall under monotheism. Polytheism follows all the principles of theism, except that it believes that there is more than one god, which defines the beliefs of religions such as Hinduism. Oriental Philosophy Connected to mythology and is religious in nature. Persian Philosophy (Zoroastrianism) Indian Philosophy (Buddhism & Hinduism) Chinese Philosophy (Daoism & Confucianism) Eastern Philosophy Eastern Philosophy is a diverse approach to life and philosophizing, particularly centered on understanding the process of the universe and endless “becoming”. centered on spirituality Parameters of Comparison Eastern Religions Western Religions Beliefs most of them have a core belief of Karma and Dharma mostly based on day to day good deeds and the concept of judgment day Geography East and Southeast Asia mostly no religion is ever geographically bound. Mostly in the Western world no religion is based on boundaries. Existence of Supreme Power Have a varying degree of polytheists( Hinduism) to monotheists( Buddhism) They are mostly Monotheists where they believe in only one God. Consists of Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism, Confucianism. Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Evangelicalism & Catholicism. Zoroastrianism Principle Good thoughts, good words, and good deeds. Belief about God One God. Concept of Deity One good God who is always fighting against evil Life after Death Eternal life in either heaven or hell Practices Fire is used in worship and they pray 5 times a day. Goal of Religion To serve God by doing good deed for others Belief There is a battle going on between Ahura Mazda, the good God, and Ahriman, the evil God. Sacred Scriptures The Gathas, Yashts, and the Vendidad Three Basic Teachings of Hinduism Dharma the religious duty of people to follow the principles of cosmic order rules that guide morality of human beings Adherence to Dharma means following the laws and virtues of good living Dharma is an important concept found in many spiritual philosophies from the Indian subcontinent, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. Karma set of individual rules to a specific person’s life, based on their status and deeds in both their current and past lives. Any future existence depends upon a person’s good or evil actions. Moksha The state of escaping the sufferings of the physical world in death. It is the end goal in a person's life and marks the end of the cycle of rebirth. Three Main Spiritual Philosophies on Transcendence Hinduism At the heart of Hinduism lies the idea of human beings’ quest for absolute truth, so that one’s soul and the Brahman or Atman (Absolute Soul) might become one. The “AUM” symbol (or OM – the symbol in the center) symbolizes the Universe and the ultimate reality. It is the most important Hindu symbols. At the dawn of creation, from emptiness first emerged a syllable consisting of three letters – A-U-M (often written as OM). Atman A Sanskrit word that means inner self, spirit, or soul; the essence of an individual. There is a soul called Atman, Atman assumes a physical body through reincarnation (depending on the merits of one’s deeds. Atman transmigrates during birth and rebirth until liberation is reached (samsara) Atman however is connected to Bhraman (absolute self) All living things are connected intimately, hurting another being is hurting oneself because the connection between the two beings (Brahman-Atman) is severed, causing suffering. Hinduism is against killing any kind of living being (practice of ahimsa, or nonviolence to all living being). Human beings have dual nature: the spiritual and immortal essence (soul) which is considered real; and the empirical life and character. Hindus generally believe that the soul is eternal but is bound by the Law of Karma (action) to the world of matter, which it can escape only after spiritual progress through an endless series of births. Closely involved in the Hindu doctrine of reincarnation. The determining factor that decides the state of a person's rebirth is her action. Caste System Religious system of reincarnation Higher caste members are worthy of privileges because of good karma Lower classes hoped to improve their social status in the future lives if they behave well in the present According to the Upanishads, Atman and Brahman are part of the same substance; Atman returns to Brahman when Atman is finally liberated and is no longer reincarnated. This return, or reabsorption into Brahman, is called Moksha. When they merge at last into pure Being. Humanity’s basic goal in life is the liberation (moksha) of spirit (jiva). Hinduism holds that humanity’s life is a continuous cycle (samsara) where the body goes through a transmigratory series of birth and death, even though the spirit is neither born nor dies. Dharma (Duty) Karma (Action & Reaction) Moksha (Escaping Samsara) One’s place in society What goes around comes around Attaining “heaven” One’s duty By following Dharma, one “builds up good Karma Escape from the cycle of life, death, rebirth, life, death, rebirth, etc. One’s path Consequence Becoming one with Brahman Things you do in this life Determines one’s social position in the next life Ultimate goal of Hinduism Whatever one does to acquire Artha (Wealth) should be bound by Dharma. Else, one is sure to end up in a chaotic life of suffering. Moksha (liberation from the Samsara — from the cycle of births and deaths) is considered the highest goal of life. The Hindu dharma (Righteousness) does not permit an unbridled life of carefree enjoyment; everything has its preset boundaries. ‘Eat, drink and be merry’ is never considered the goal of life. Kama (pleasure) Hinduism permits enjoyment within boundaries. Hindu Gods and Goddesses (33 Million) In Hinduism, there is a belief in three highest deities, this is called Trimurti (trinity), of which Brama, is the creator, Vishnu the preserver and Shiva the destroyer. Added Notes Goddess Consorts Saraswati, the goddess of speech is to Brahma Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth is to Vishnu Parvati worship as mother goddess is to Shiva Unless the individual exerts real efforts to break away or liberate one’s spirit from the monotonous cycle, there will be no end to the cycle. Ultimate liberation, that is, freedom from rebirth, is achieved the moment the individual attains the stage of life emancipation. Hindu’s view of reality places a lot of emphasis on the attainment of self-knowledge. The goal of human life as conceived by the different Upanishads (text) is to overcome congenital ignorance. True knowledge (vidya) consists of an understanding and realization of the individual’s real self (atman) as opposed to lower knowledge that is limited to an interpretation of reality based solely on the data offered by sense experience. One concept common to all expressions of Hinduism is the oneness of reality. When we realize this unity with the absolute, we realize our true destiny. Also common to all Hindu thought are the four primary values: wealth, pleasure, duty, and enlightenment. To understand enlightenment, one must understand the law of karma, the law of sowing and reaping. The wheel of existence turns until we achieve enlightenment. Buddhism Origins developed in India 2500 years ago based on many of the core concepts of Hinduism essence of Buddhism is the attainment of enlightenment points to a way of life that avoids self-indulgence and self-denial. no supreme god or deity in Buddhism Divisions of Buddhism Theravada – found in Burma, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, & in part, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Malaysia Mahayana – found in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam Vajrayana – found in Tibet, Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, and Mongolia Jodo Shin or Pure Land Buddhism – mainly from India, Japan Zen – mostly in Japan Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 BC) Born in NE India (Nepal) Raised in great luxury to be a king At 29, he rejected his luxurious life to seek enlightenment and the source of suffering Lived a strict ascetic life for 6 years Rejecting this extreme, sat in meditation, and found nirvana. Became “The Enlightened One” at 35. Founder Siddhartha Gautama or Buddha (means “enlightened one”) lived in the 5th century BC born into the Brahmin caste-led a luxurious lifestyle Became troubled by the human misery that he saw around him everyday Upon reflection, he deduced that desire was the root caused of all suffering (enlightened under a Bodhi Tree) not considered a god by his followers Main Philosophy The Four Noble Truths – Siddartha’s philosophy of the nature of human suffering and its relation to desire is articulated by these four statements: Life is full of pain and suffering. Human desire causes this suffering By putting an end to desire, humans can end suffering Humans can end desire by following the Eightfold path. The Eightfold Path Wisdom (WIVIRIN) Right View – Know the truth Right Intention – Resist self-centeredness Ethical Conduct (ECSAL) Right Speech Right Action Right Livelihood Mental Discipline (MEAR) Right Effort Right Awareness Right Meditation Reincarnation (Samsara) concept that one must go through many cycles of birth, living, and death After many such cycles, if a person releases their attachment to desire and the self, they can attain Nirvana (a state of liberation and freedom from suffering) Nirvana can be achieved from meditating and following the guiding principles of Buddhism, such as the Four Noble Truths and 8-fold Path Karma the law that every cause has an effect, i.e., our actions have results. This explains a number of things: inequality in the world, why some are born handicapped and some gifted. Buddhists believe that our past actions have an effect on who or what we are in our next life. Symbol of Buddhism Wheel of Life (Bhavacakra) – represents the endless cycle of life through reincarnation. Each of its eight spokes represents one of the teachings of the Eightfold Path. Lotus Flower – symbolizes purity and divine birth. The different color lotus flowers have specific meanings: for example, the red lotus signifies the qualities of the heart. The Wheel of Life, a diagram depicting samsara, brings together all the different factors that define and characterize the cycle of conditioned existence. Practices of Buddhism Live by this moral code: Do not take the life of anything living (non-violence / ahimsa) Do not take anything not freely given (stealing) Abstain from sexual misconduct and sensual overindulgence Refrain from untrue speech (lying) Avoid intoxication (drinking) Do not lose mindfulness Meditation training the mind to empty all of thoughts. When this happens, what is important becomes clear. Vegetarianism Many Buddhists today eat only vegetarian foods, and most groups will instruct on a healthy vegetarian diet. Buddhism Concept of Person/Being/HumanMan Anatta means “no self” and the doctrine of anatta is the Buddha’s most unique and radical teaching We usually assume that beyond our changing body, mind, and experience is an unchanging and unique ego or self Having identified this self “me” we then identify other things as “mine” This, according to the Buddha, is the cause of much of the distress and pain humans inflict upon themselves and others through greed, fear, ignorance, hatred, and self-deception
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