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BASIC STRUCTURE AND PROMINENT FUNCTIONS OF VERTEBRATE INTEGUMENT INTRODUCTION The integument or the outer cover of the body is commonly referred to as the skin. Together with its derivatives it makes up the integumentary system. It is continuous with the mucous membrane lining the mouth, eyelids, nostrils, rectum and the openings of the urino-genital ducts. The skin functions primarily to cover and protect the tissues lying beneath it. In other words, it forms the external protective covering of an animal. Forms interface between organism and external environment. Part that the predator sees first, and which offers the first line of defense. Abundantly supplied with sensory nerve endings, which are affected by environmental stimuli and play an important role in communication. General metabolism of the body, temperature regulation and water loss. Character of the skin and its derivatives shows variation in different regions of the body, in different individuals, in the same individual as age advances and in different groups of vertebrates. The type of environment whether aquatic or terrestrial is of importance in connection with these variations. The evolution of vertebrate integument is correlated with the transition of vertebrates from an aquatic to a terrestrial environment. Nevertheless, basic similarities exist in the integument of all vertebrates. INTEGUMENT PROPER In Annelids, Arthropods, integument consists of single layer of cells, the EPIDERMIS, together with an outer non-cellular CUTICLE, secreted by the cells. Annelids have a body covered with an external thin collagenous cuticle (never shed or molted). In Arthropods, the chitinous and rigid cuticle makes up the exoskeleton. Periodic shedding of this cuticle is termed Ecdysis. THE VERTEBRATE SKIN DIFFERS FROM INVERTEBRATE SKIN TWO LAYERS – Outer epidermis derived from ectoderm Inner dermis or corium of mesodermal origin. The relative amount of the two layers varies with the environment. EPIDERMIS – the epidermis is made of stratified epithelium (several layers of columnar epithelium cells). These cells are held together tightly by minute intercellular bridges found on the surface of cells. The innermost layer is stratum Malpighii or stratum germinativum placed over a thin basement membrane. These cells divide constantly to produce new cells. Move upwards, tend to become flattened, protoplasm becomes horny (keratinisation). In fishes and amphibians, this keratinised layer forms a cuticle, but in amniotes, it forms stratum corneum, of hard, horny, flat, cornified cells made largely of keratin, which is tough, waterproof and insoluble protein. It affords protection against mechanical injuries, fungal and bacterial attacks and prevents desiccation. In many Tetrapoda, this layer is shed periodically in pieces or all at once. No stratum corneum in cyclostomes and fishes (since they are fully aquatic) here the epidermis has mucous glands, secreting mucus to keep the skin slimy and protects it from bacteria. The epidermis has no blood vessels and is nourished by capillaries in the dermis. The epidermis rests on a thin basement membrane which separates it from the dermis Dermis has an outer loose layer and inner dense layer Made up of dense connective tissue having cells, muscles, blood vessels, lymph vessels, collagen and elastic fibres, and nerves. Amphibians and reptiles -collagen fibres at right angles in three planes Birds and mammals, they have an irregular arrangement. Substances pass by diffusion from the dermis to the epidermis. Skin contains pigment, if present in epidermis, it occurs as a diffuse substance or as granules. If in dermis, then in the form of granules in special branching cells called chromatophores. The pigment can either collect as a central ball making the skin lighter or spread out into all the branches making the skin darker, thus, chromatophores bring about colour variations. Chromatophores are of many kinds, Melanophores that contain brown to black pigment Lipophores or xanthophores which contain yellow red fatty pigments Iridocytes or guanophores contain crystals of guanine which reflect light. Under dermis, the skin has subcutaneous loose areolar tissue which separates the skin from the underlying muscles, it may contain fat and muscles, especially in mammals. Integument of Anamnia shows a decrease in thickness and also a decrease in the degree of ossification. These are of advantage in allowing greater mobility and in amphibians, they permit respiration by the skin. But in Amniota, the skin becomes progressively thicker to prevent loss of water and to retain body heat. STRUCTURE OF INTEGUMENT IN CYCLOSTOMATA Epidermis is multi-layered (stratified) but has no keratin. It has three types of unicellular gland cells: mucus glands (secrete mucus), club cells (scab-forming cells) and granular cells (unknown function). Below epidermis is the cutis formed of collagen and elastin fibres. Star- shaped pigment cells are also present in the cutis. STRUCTURE OF INTEGUMENT IN PISCES The epidermis has several layers of simple and thin cells, but there is no dead stratum corneum. The outermost cells are nucleated and living. The stratum Malpighii replenishes the outer layers of cells which have some keratin. Unicellular goblet or mucous gland cells are found in the epidermis, as in all aquatic animals. The mucous makes the skin slimy reducing friction between the body surface and water, protects the skin from bacteria and fungi and assists in the control of osmosis. Multicellular epidermal glands like poison glands and light producing organs may also be found. The epidermis rests on a delicate basement membrane. The dermis contains connective tissue, smooth muscles, blood vessels, nerves, lymph vessels and collagen fibres. The connective tissue fibres are generally not arranged at right angles but run parallel to the surface. Scales are embedded in the dermis and projected above the epidermal surface. The colours of fishes are due to chromatophores and iridocytes. STRUCTURE OF INTEGUMENT IN AMPHIBIA: The epidermis has several layers of cells, six to eight cells in thickness and is divisible into three layers: stratum corneum, stratum germinativum and a basal portion in contact with the basement membrane. The outermost layer is a stratum corneum, made of flattened, highly keratinised cells. Such a dead layer appears first in amphibians and is best formed in those which spend a considerable time on land. The stratum corneum is an adaptation to terrestrial life (protects body and prevents excessive loss of moisture). In ecdysis, stratum corneum is cast off in fragments or as a whole in some. (moulting / desquamation i.e., removal of unicellular sheet of stratum corneum). The dermis is relatively thin in amphibians, it is made of two layers - upper loose stratum spongiosum and a lower dense and compact stratum compactum. Connective tissue fibres run both vertically and horizontally. Blood vessels, lymph spaces, glands and nerves are abundant in the stratum spongiosum. There are two kinds of glands, multicellular mucous glands and poison glands in the dermis, but they are derivatives of the epidermis. Mucous gland produces mucus (slimy protective covering, helps in respiration). Amphibian skin is an important organ of respiration. Poison glands produce a mild but unpleasant poison which is protective. In the upper part of the dermis are chromatophores. (melanophores and lipophores) Ability of the skin for changing colour to blend with the environment is well developed. INTEGUMENT IN REPTILIA. The integument is thick and dry, it prevents any loss of water, it has almost no glands. The only glands present are scent glands for sexual activity. The epidermis has a well-developed stratum corneum well adapted to terrestrial life. The horny scales of reptiles are derived from this layer. Ecdysis is necessary to remove dead outer layers, hence scales are shed periodically in fragments or cast in a single slough as in snakes and some lizards Scales often form spines or crests. Below the epidermal scales are dermal bony plates or osteoderms in tortoises, crocodiles and some lizards (Heloderma). The dermis is thick and has an upper layer and a lower layer, upper layer has abundance of chromatophores in snakes and lizards. Lower layer has bundles of connective tissue in which collagen fibres lie at right angles. Leather of high commercial value can be prepared from the skin of many reptiles like lizards, snakes and crocodiles. Many lizards and snakes have elaborate colour patterns, they may be for concealment or as warning colours. There is marked colour change in certain lizards such as chameleon, the colour may change with the environment for concealment or it may change in courtship or threat. The ability of chameleons and some other animals to change colour is known as metachrosis. (metachromatism) In Calotes, chromatophores are controlled by the posterior lobe of pituitary whereas in chameleons they are controlled by the Autonomic Nervous System. INTEGUMENT IN BIRDS Thin, loose, dry and devoid of glands. There is only a uropygial gland at the base of the tail, its oil is used for preening (to clean and tidy its feathers with its beak) and waterproofing the feathers (aquatic birds) Epidermis is delicate except on shanks and feet where it is thick and forms epidermal scales. The rest of the body has a protective covering of epidermal feathers. The keratin producing powers of the epidermis are devoted to producing feathers and scales. The dermis is thin and has interlacing connective tissue fibres, abundant muscle fibres for moving feathers, blood vessels and nerves. The dermis has an upper and lower compact layer, between which is a vascular layer, the dermis also contains fat cells. The skin has no chromatophores. Pigment is found only in feathers and scales. Colour patterns in birds are vivid (concealment, recognition and sexual stimulation) Colours are produced partly by pigments and partly by reflection and refraction from the surface of the feathers. INTEGUMENT IN MAMMALS Skin is elastic and waterproof, much thicker than in other animals, especially the dermis is very thick and is used in making leather. Epidermis is thickest in mammals. Outer stratum corneum containing keratin, cells not dead as believed before. Below this is stratum lucidum (barrier layer), chemical called eleidin Below this stratum granulosum, darkly staining granules of keratohyalin Below this is stratum spinosum whose cells are held together by spiny intercellular bridges. Lastly stratum germinativum which rests on a basement membrane Dermis is best developed in mammals. Upper layer is papillary layer made up of elastic and collagen fibres with capillaries in-between, thrown into folds called dermal papillae, especially in areas of friction Greater lower part of dermis is reticular layer, having elastic and collagen fibres. In both layers there are blood vessels, nerves smooth muscles, certain glands tactile corpuscles and connective tissue fibres in all directions. Below dermis the subcutaneous tissue contains a layer of fat cells forming adipose tissue In the lowest layer of epidermis there are pigment granules, no pigment bearing chromatophores in mammaIs (in man, branching dendritic cells or melanoblasts) FUNCTIONS OF THE INTEGUMENT ▪ PROTECTION ▪ TEMPERATURE CONTROL ▪ FOOD STORAGE ▪ SECRETION ▪ EXCRETION ▪ SENSATION ▪ RESPIRATION ▪ LOCOMOTION ▪ DERMAL ENDOSKELETON ▪ SEXUAL SELECTION 1. Protection: The integument forms a covering of the body and is protective. It protects the body against entry of foreign bodies and against mechanical injuries. It protects the tissues against excessive loss of moisture, this is very important because both aquatic and terrestrial animals are dependent upon water in their bodies for various metabolic activities. The integument forms protective derivatives, such as scales, bony plates, layer of fat, feathers and hair which reduce the effect of injurious contacts. In some animals the skin shows protective colouration which makes the animals resemble their environment, thus, making them almost invisible to their enemies. Poison glands of toads, slippery skin of aquatic animals and an armour of spines of some mammals are protective devices of the integument. The skin forms a covering which prevents the passage of water and solutes in one of the following ways: (a) By formation of cuticle in Protochordata and embryos of fishes and amphibians, (b) By secreting a coat of mucus in fishes and aquatic amphibians, and (c) By formation of keratin layers in the epidermis of tetrapoda. Keratin is formed from the cytoplasm of degenerating cells of the epidermis which finally form a layer of horny stratum corneum. 2. Temperature Control: Heat is produced constantly by oxidation of food stuffs in tissues. This heat is distributed evenly by the circulating blood. The body heat is lost constantly with expired breath, with faeces and urine, and from the surface of the skin. The integument regulates heat and maintains a constant temperature in endothermal animals. In birds the heat is regulated by adjustment of feathers which retain a warm blanket of air, when feathers are held close to the body, they remove warm air and body cooled, when feathers are fluffed out, they keep the warm air enclosed. In mammals, constant evaporation of sweat regulates the body heat. In cold weather contraction of skin’s blood capillaries reduces the loss of body heat. In some animals, fat in the skin prevents loss of heat because it is a non-conductor of heat. 3. Food Storage: The skin stores fat in its layers as reserve food material which is used for nourishment in times of need. In whales and seals the fat of the skin forms a thick layer, called blubber which is not only reserve food but also maintains the body temperature. 4. Secretion: The skin acts as an organ of secretion. Glands of the skin are secretory. In aquatic forms there are secretory mucous glands whose secretions keep the skin moist and slippery. In mammals, sebaceous glands secrete oil which lubricates the skin and hairs. Mammary glands produce milk for nourishment of the young. In birds uropygial glands secrete oil for preening the feathers. Odours of scent glands attract the opposite sex. Lacrymal glands’ secretion wash the conjunctiva of eyeball in mammals. Ear wax (cerumen) secreted by the glands of auditory meatus greases the eardrums and avoids insects to enter the canal. 5. Excretion: The integument acts as an organ of excretion. Shedding of the corneal layer during ecdysis removes some waste substances. In mammals metabolic waste (salts, urea and water) is removed from the blood by means of sweat. Chloride secreting cells are found in gills of marine fishes. 6. Sensation: The skin is an important sense organ because it has various kinds of tactile cells and corpuscles which are sensory to touch, temperature changes, heat, cold, pressure and pain. 7. Respiration: In amphibians, the moist skin acts as an organ of respiration, in frogs the respiratory function of the skin is greater than that of the lungs. 8. Locomotion: Derivatives of the integument bring about locomotion in some animals, such as the fins of fishes aid in locomotion in water, the web of skin in the feet of frogs and aquatic birds aid in swimming, feathers of the wings and tail of birds are used for flying, and extensions of the integument forming “wings” of flying lizards, extinct pterodactyls, flying squirrels and bats. 9. Dermal Endoskeleton: The skin contributes to the endoskeleton. It forms the dermal bones of vertebrates and also forms parts of the teeth. Endoskeleton of head protects the brain and sense organs. In the body it protects the soft, tender viscera. 10. Sexual Selection: The skin acts as an organ of sexual selection. It provides the feathers of birds which often have brilliant colours which are for sexual attraction. Some integumentary glands of mammals produce odours far attracting the opposite sex. Antlers of male deer distinguish it from female. Besides the above functions, mammalian skin synthesizes the vitamin D with the help of Sebum of sebaceous glands. Brood pouches beneath skin in some fishes and amphibians protect unhatched eggs. Nasal glands of tetrapods, keep the nostrils free of dirt and water. Skin also has the power of absorption of oils, ointments, etc
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Save Flashcards Learn Test Blocks New Blast Match Worries about Kennedy during 1960 election Shortcut Press Space or click on the card to flip He was too young, inexperienced, and Catholic Track progress 4 / 58 Profile Picture Vera_Klochkova Top creator on Quizlet · Created 5 days ago 0:05 / 0:15 Students also studied Flashcard sets Study guides Practice tests Modern Era Review Teacher 167 terms Profile Picture PhillipsPHS Preview Civil Rights 69 terms Profile Picture apantis7 Preview Lecture Notes (History 5B-01 Final) 83 terms Profile Picture Samuel_Soohoo7 Preview Chapter #26 Quiz 10 terms Profile Picture pixelpirate87 Preview HIST 1302 Exam 3 40 terms Profile Picture jeremy1220045 Preview ap world unit 5 learning objectives & historical developments 11 terms Profile Picture Paul_Espinosa32 Preview history test 6 terms Profile Picture isabel_irwin9 Preview Neolithic Era: Turning Point in History 21 terms Profile Picture artisticallyselena Preview Unit 4 History Study Guide 24 terms Profile Picture crimsontraylor723 Preview ch. 28--29 45 terms Profile Picture leslierodriguez_24 Preview LOUISIANA HISTORY: Chapter 1, Lesson 4 34 terms Profile Picture frcramer Preview Mil History WEEK 1 7 terms Profile Picture SiahQuizzes Preview Ship Designations and Classes 41 terms Profile Picture sayers001 Preview Worldview and the History of Life 56 terms Profile Picture bbene792 Preview Key Events and Concepts of WWII and Human Rights 84 terms Profile Picture kaptsany27 Preview Chapter 16 Terms 20 terms Profile Picture A_ydunx Preview World War I Causes and Impact 38 terms Profile Picture quizlette76576101 Preview Euro 8.2 WW1 9 terms Profile Picture Daniela_Arana-Duenas Preview 9/11 Quiz 25 terms Profile Picture aprilsimmons8 Preview History WWII Test 19 terms Profile Picture vbaseball09 Preview Social Studies 5004 World History 49 terms Profile Picture anna_reimers7 Preview World History : Chapter 19 - 21 Vocab 39 terms Profile Picture aucletic Preview AP World History People 30 terms Profile Picture Allyson_Bell924208 Preview Final Exam for Global World History 56 terms Profile Picture Esme1058 Preview World History 7 terms Profile Picture plehmann2 Preview social studies 13 terms Profile Picture Amanda_Lin57 Preview AP U.S. History - Chapter 12 23 terms Profile Picture Mancan76 Preview Practice questions for this set Learn 1 / 7 Study with Learn Kennedy seemed cool & appealing, spoke to people - Nixon looked sickly, sweaty and uncomfortable Choose matching term 1 Engel v. vitale 2 Robert f. kennedy 3 Baker v. carr 4 Kennedy / Nixon Debate Don't know? Terms in this set (58) Your stats Still learning (58) You've started learning these terms. Keep it up! Select these 58 John F. Kennedy (JFK) 35th President - youngest man ever elected & first Catholic; won election by NARROW margin over Nixon; inspired HOPE in all Americans; assassinated in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22, 1963 Robert F. Kennedy Attorney General of the US; he was JFK's younger brother and trusted advisor Kennedy / Nixon Debate Kennedy seemed cool & appealing, spoke to people - Nixon looked sickly, sweaty and uncomfortable Worries about Kennedy during 1960 election He was too young, inexperienced, and Catholic Camelot Was the name of a popular Broadway musical about King Arthur who fought to make things right -- "Camelot" came to represent the energetic, idealistic image of the Kennedy White House Why were many of Kennedy's proposals defeated in Congress? He did NOT have a strong mandate to push them through Mandate Public endorsement of a candidate's proposals -Kennedy did NOT have this b/c he won by slim margin; LBJ did have this, he won by a landslide 3 Goals of Kennedy's New Frontier (1) Improve the economy / cut taxes (2) Fight poverty / provide aid to the poor (3) Speed up the space program **He gave Americans HOPE for a better future Strategies JFK used to improve relations between US and developing countries Peace Corp & Alliance for Progress Peace Corps Federal programs established to send AMERICAN VOLUNTEERS to help developing nations around the world to raise their standard of living - would help them resist communism Alliance for Progress Program set up by JFK for the US and cooperating nations to send money to LATIN AMERICA in an attempt to help them resist communism Berlin Crisis Soviet leader Khrushchev tried to bully Kennedy (wants US out of Berlin) - Kennedy responds by building up the US military - Khrushchev responds by building the Berlin Wall Why did USSR build the Berlin Wall? Built by the Soviets in order to prevent the EAST GERMANS from fleeing to West Berlin for freedom Bay of Pigs Invasion - who planned it? Eisenhower - he approved plans for the CIA to train Cuban exiles as guerillas to invade Cuba Bay of Pigs Invasion - what happened? 1,400 Cuban exiles invaded Cuba on April 17, 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion - goal? To overthrow Fidel Castro, the communist leader of Cuba Bay of Pigs Invasion - outcome? The mission failed miserably - Kennedy's administration humiliated - Cuba gov't turned to USSR for protection from the US Cuban Missile Crisis The confrontation between the US and the USSR that brought them to the brink of a nuclear war What event started the Cuban Missile Crisis? American spy plane discovered Russian missile sites being placed in Cuba 4 options Kennedy had in handling the Cuban Missile Crisis 1) Do nothing & avoid immediate war 2) Attack and destroy missile site 3) Diplomatic pressure to remove missiles 4) Naval blockade (quarantine) How was the Cuban Missile Crisis resolved? Kennedy set up a naval blockade - Soviets backed off - Soviets agreed to remove missiles from Cuba - US agreed not to invade Cuba Results of Cuban Missile Crisis US promised to remove their missiles from Turkey, US & Soviets signed Limited Test Ban Treaty, US & Soviets establish "hot-line" for future crises Nikita Krushchev Soviet leader (1953-1964) during Berlin crisis and the Cuban Missile Crisis. He and JFK signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1963, temporarily easing Cold War tensions Hotline Direct telephone line between US & Soviets that was set up after the Cuban missile crisis; direct line of communication between JFK & Khushchev Effect Cold War had on NASA US was losing the space war to the Soviets, US spent a lot of money on NASA and on science & math education in schools JFKs goal for NASA To land a man on the moon before 1970 Limited Test Ban Treaty An agreement between the US & Soviets, and 40 other countries, not to test nuclear weapons above ground; result of Cuban missile crisis November 22, 1963 President Kennedy was shot and killed Why did Kennedy's assassination deeply affect Americans? He represented hope for a better future Magic Bullet Theory Theory by Warren Commission that one bullet caused wounds in both Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally, who sat in the front seat of the presidential limousine Lee Harvey Oswald Ex-Marine & communist sympathizer who killed JFK in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963 - he was murdered two days later by Jack Ruby Jack Ruby Night club owner who assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald, he was suspected of having ties to Mafia What was the Warren Commission? A committee that investigated the assassination of President Kennedy Findings of Warren COMMISSION Determined that Oswald acted alone; 3 shots from the book depository Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) Vice-president to JFK; became the 36th president after Kennedy's assassination; reelected in 1964; domestic policy called the "Great Society" Great Society Johnson's domestic policy - series of legislative issues that included major poverty relief, education aid, healthcare, voting rights, conservation, urban renewal & economic development (his programs were a continuation of JFKs New Frontier plans) Criticism of the Great Society It spent too much money on the poor and it gave too much authority to Fed. gov't Equal Pay Act of 1963 Law that required both men and women to receive equal pay for equal work Civil Rights Act of 1964 A federal law that made discrimination illegal in voting, public places, schools and jobs VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) Federal program to send volunteers to help people in poor communities in the U.S.; includes Head Start pre-school program to help kids from low income families Medicare Federal program that provides health insurance for Americans 65 and older Medicaid Federal program that provides health insurance to poor Americans of any age who cannot afford it Immigration Act of 1965 Law that abolished immigration quotas and increased the number of immigrants allowed into the US What is the Warren Court? Supreme Court named after Chief of Justice Earl Warren during JFK's presidency - he overturned many old laws & rulings & established new legal procedures 5 matters supported by the Warren COURT Rights of the accused, voting rights, the poor, civil rights, religious freedom Apportionment Warren Court decision about the way seats in a legislative body are distributed among electoral districts Baker v. Carr Voting districts must be based on population - "one person, one vote" Engel v. Vitale Public schools can't require a school prayer because it defies separation of church and state Mapp v. Ohio Police required to have specific warrants in order to make arrests Miranda v. Arizona Criminal suspects must be informed of their right to consult with an attorney and of their right against self-incrimination Miranda Rule Ruling by the Warren Court that police must inform persons accused of a crime their legal rights Why LBJ won 1964 election by a landslide He ran against Barry Goldwater who threatened to use nuclear weapons (think of Daisy commercial) How did Johnson continue Kennedy's plan to eliminate poverty in the US He pushed to pass JFKs anti-poverty programs, such as the Economic Opportunity Act (including Head Start & VISTA) Relationship between Warren Court & Great Society Both dealt with the rights of the poor & disadvantaged Similarities between the New Frontier (JFK) & the Great Society (LBJ) Both focused on civil rights and helping the poor and elderly (believed federal gov't should help the less fortunate with their economic & social needs) Differences between the New Frontier (JFK) & the Great Society (LBJ) LBJ had a strong mandate in Congress and was able to get laws passed - JFK did not; LBJ focused on domestic policy, JFk more on foreign Panama Canal Zone Controlled by the US since early 1900's; in 1964, nationalist rioted & demanded US give up control - Panama President and LBJ negotiated treaties Invasion of Dominican Repbulic Attacks on Dominican Republic gov't by rebels. LBJ said it was fueled by Communists - sent 22,000 marines. Gov't & marines took control, attack over, provisional US gov't set up in 1965 Add or remove terms You can also click the terms or definitions to blur or reveal them Review with an activity About us About Quizlet How Quizlet works Careers Advertise with us Get the app For students Flashcards Test Learn Solutions Modern Learning Lab Quizlet Plus Study Guides Pomodoro timer For teachers Live Checkpoint Blog Be the Change Quizlet Plus for teachers Resources Help center Honor code Community guidelines Privacy Terms Ads and Cookie Settings Quizlet for Schools Parents Language English (USA) © 2025 Quizlet, Inc. COPPA Safe Harbor Certification seal Home Your library Notifications 2 MUSH Psychology 2023 Fall B Peri... 2023 Fall A Peri... Spanish 2H New folder Start here Flashcards Study Guides Practice Tests Expert Solutions Home
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. The last experimental. So this is going to involve the event relationship to between more variables. And do much changing on manipulating one of the variables theries as you already talked about both designs. And then we record or collect data, what obser the change in the dependent variable that result from our manipulation of the. That's what we're looking at. We're moving and sh and manipulating one and seeing if it causes an effects or change in the other. That's what we're looking for. So have experimental research, we are looking for causation not just correlation. We're not just looking to see due to variables moved together. No, we're actually looking to see if we make a change in one variable, do we see a subsequent change in the other word? If we make another change in that variable, we shift it more, we change it fast. We take it away. Do we need a consequential change in the independent variableag yet, okay, you're able to shift and manipulate the independent variable and consistently see a change of the dependent variables, then you know you have causation, a change in one causes a change in the other. They've already kind of gone over this multiple things, so I will just briefly say this again, but you've got the independent variable dependent variable, the independent ones you what we're going to manipulate and change, whatever. that looks like. um at a very simple level of experimental research, you can have one level of your independent variable, and then nothing, right? You can have your experimental group and your controller. The group that gets the treatment, that group that does not. So that is your very basic experimental research where you just have two groups and one of them is to control groups. But even still, you should see a change in the depependent variable to the group that is receiving treatment and you should see no change for the group that is not receiving treatment, right? That would be causation. Now, of course, you can have multiple levels of the independent variable, we're not gonna get too much into that. In this course, um, but two is kind of the minimal, right? treatment, no truth, and then you can move beyond that. The dependent variable is the one that is being measured. It is hopefully changing. If you see no change in the dependent variable when you're making changes to the independent variable, you've got a big problem, right? That means that your independent variable that you manipulating actually has nothing to do with the behavior that you're trying to observe. It doesn't impact it at all, and you're going to have no results, no adjacent. It's very disappointing. It does happen. and it's disappointing, but not happen. Um, so it is the uh the outcome orependent measure. Now, something I briefly mentioned that I have gone too much into depth, yet are the confounding variables, so the confounding or they're also called you probably heard them called extraneous variables. These are other variables, other than your independent variables. So anything that is not your independent variable can be a confounding variable, and it can cause and change in the dependent variable if you have not accounted for and controls something that has to be at and avoid it at all costs. Let's say let's say we're doing a study and we are trying to decrease the amount of smoking individuals engage. Hi, so we're trying to help them. We're trying to decrease their smoking paper. And our treatment is going to be some sort of meditation and relaxation techniques that they can learn because of that is based on the research that people smoke war when they're experiencing higher levels of stress. So how can we decrease their stress? Let's teach them various coping mechanisms, deb breathing techniques, meditation techniques, other things that they can do to decrease their stress and hopefully have a decrease in theopy behavior. Okay, great. So we implement our treatment. But what if we forgot to ask participants? if any of them had gotten pug onto to the doctor recently and had some maybe vac about their health, if they received some not so great news about their health, could that be a variable that is intacting how much they decide to smoke after that document? Absute, right? The doctors that said, hey, you' lungs are not looking for good, or you've got something precursors to cancer, we're gonna have to run some tests. That type of news could certainly impact someone who's smoking and could result in a change in their smoking behavior, they might leave that doctor's office and go, okay, wow, I really need to stop smoking. But if we didn't ask them that, we don't know. We don't have that information. So, we've moved forward, we implement our procedure and our treatment, and theyreased their smoking and we go, wow, our treatment works really great. Look at all these people that stop smoking. But in fact, all those people went to the doctor got not so great, there was a decided to not smoke, regardless of whether or not you taught them had a meditate break, right? That is a confounding variable that will throw your data because you did not account for it. Whenever we're doing a study like that, on any type of addictive behaviors for illness, if you're doing a medication study, you have to ask all of those questions. You have to get all of that information up front, because those are come down in variables that can change the behavior that you did not account for and you are not manipulating or control. So now we can't make the claim that if we um, you know, give individuals, um different mechanisms to decrease their stress, it will decrease their snow people. We can't make that claim anymore because that's not what caused the meaning. Or at least we don't know for sure that that's what we're doing. So confoundingles are a big bump. we run into these a lot, and I will tell you that when we are designing a research study um when you're working in a lab and you're working with researchers, it is intimidating to bring a research project to the lab. I mean, I did it a lot inad school. We were required to do this. You have to do this when you're doing research, but you bring your research question and your proposal for how you're gonna run your study to the lab. you put it up there and literally everyone in the room writs it apart. Everyone sits there for an hour or two and says, what about this confounding birdle? What about this? Well, this one's gonna throw your data. Well, this one's not gonna work. Well, you have an accountant for this, they rip it apart. It doesn't feel great in the moment. However, that is how you identify all of the compounding variables and you find a way to account. so that you have good data in the end. It's very important piece of research and experimental research specifically. We do want to avoid them at all costs. Okay, so here's another example. Let's say a researcher investigate whether giving students more time to study, reduces their tests anxiety. Okay. What is going to be the dependent variable here? What are we measuring? What are we looking at? We wouldn't want to take it again. Test anxiety. levels of anxiety when you're taking a test, right? That's what we're measure. We're trying to change that, okay? So that's gonna be the behavior that we're looking at. What is the independent variable here? Time to set, the amount of time that you're set, whatever that may be, okay? So the DV is test anxiety or levels of anxiety will take the test whatever you will word that, that's what we're measuring. Am amount of study time is what we're looking at for the independent version. Now, when you're taking a test, there are multiple things that happen that have nothing to do, maybe, with the amount of time you study. Can we reduce test anxiety by making sure that you study at least a minimum amount of time? Yes, we can reduce your test anxiety a little bit. But there are also other factors that if we if I was running this study as an experimental research, not just as like the naturalistic observation in a classroom, like let's just see if we can help. If I was actually running an experimental res research that many things that I have to account for. I need to account for type of tests. What if I get half of my participants, the tests is the morning and half of my participants the test in the afternoon? That's the I founding variable. Maybe the students in the morning are more stressed out because they didn't have time to relax in the morning and get ready for this test that I'm about to do them yet. Right? They're getting ready, they're in traffic, they're driving here, trying to park and so and so forth. Yes, we might run into that in the afternoon, but you still have got more time in the day. to get ready for it. So that's a confounding marriage, time of test. Another confounding variable would be temperature in the room. If it's too cold or too hot, you've got one room that's hotter, one room that's colder. That can impact someone's test anxiety. When you're feeling anxious, if I'm sure everyone has felt that feeling at one point in their life, it doesn't feel great to then also be hot and sweat. It usually makes that anxiety a little bit worse. You start to feel kind ofustrophobic and you're like, I don't know what's going on. I'm getting really hot. I don't feel good, I'm getting kind of dizzy, like, and your anxiety skyrock. right? So, I wanna make sure that the temperature in my room every time participants are taking the test, it has to be exactly the same, or usually within a couple degrees of the temperature. Okay, so these are just a few examples I can go on and on about all of the things that would impact you while you're having an exam that would impact your test anxiety. I need to help for all of those things, and every participant in all of my different groups would all have to have the same things so that I can truly say it was the amount of set. and it wasn't possibly due to during the room, time of the test, the room that they're in, how close they're sitting to each other and so on. and and that and that's part of the roofing unit ofart process, right? If I came to my lab and just said, oh, I'm gonna do this. They're like, well, what else, what else are you controlling for? I'm like, nothing, you know,'ll be fine. They're gonna rivet apart, right? All of those confounding variables that we need to account for. Um, a study involved investigating how manipulating the accuracy with which feedback is delivered, affects a number of work tasks that can be completed by college. So this is essentially, say, a student is doing a work task, and if I give you no feedback on that, as to whether you're doing it track, if I give you feedback that is correct and it matches, I say, yes, that's correct. or if I give you wrong feedbacks. So that's what we're talking about when we were saying a different type of feedback on your ability to complete a task. So, what is the independent variable here? What are we manipulating? Yeah, that's hypo feedback, right? We're gonna change that. It's gonna be different. What's the dependent variable that we're measured? It's the behavior we're looking at here? Yeah. Uh, number of work task. Correct, yes. How many workops did they actually complete? Do they get more done when they're getting positive feedback? Do they get more done when they're getting no feedback at all? You probably don't get more done when they're getting negative. You back would probably be my hypothesis, but we're gonna look at them, right? We're gonna count how many tasks they get done based on the type of feedback that they are given. And then we see how this impact that dependent varies. How does that impact the behavior that they're engaging? So, there will be questions like this on these things. This is like a perfect example. It will be this exact one, I'll change the words I'll change a thing. And I'll ask you these questions. What is the independent? What is the dependent variable? And sometimes I'll put a confounding variable in there and I'll say like, identify the confounding variable. and you'll hopulate pick one of the choices. So very similar to what I've test questions would look like for something like that. But the good to be able to look at examples and pull these things up about. If you're in any type of research class, statistics class, you need to be able to have this very uh, you guys could go over these ones.. I'm not gonna keep going, but you get you get this. All right. So experiments typically involve two groups at a minimum, which I talked about already, but you're gonna have atom minimum, your control group, and your experimental. The control group is a group of participants that does not receive the treatment. No treatment. Okay. Um, you don't change it. You essentially just measure their behavior, but you don't expose them to anything. Um, so work tasks with the feedback, that would be the control group is no feedback, okay? So we just allow the students to complete tasks as they normally would, we do not interject, we do not give the feedback one way or another. We just sort of let them carry on with their day as they normally would and we count how many works how they could. Versus, the experimental group are the ones that are going to receive some type of treatment. Now, as I've said before, minimally, you've got one experiment group and your control but you can have multiple experimental groups and a controll. And so you can have two or three different types of feedback. Those would be your experimental groups, and you can still have a group that received no feedback. if we're looking at study fine with students, you can look at, you know, two hours, four hours, six hours a week. Those are your experimental groups. the other students, you would sort of just allow them to either or you would prevent them from studying at all, or you just would not manipulate the study time for them, you would allow them to study however long they normally do and have them report on. So you would just basically specify that this group did not have a controlled set amount of set, and then they would report on how many hours they affected. versus the other three experimental groups would have a set amount by the time that you're controlled. Okay. Here's a question, a clinical psychologist conducts a study that involves ten people. He thinks he can cure depression by giving his science a particular type of drug. So he prescribes the drugs and finds his 60 days later, all clients show fewer signs of depression, as the psychologist includes he has cured depression. So what's the problem? There's a lot of problems here, but like, what's the main simple problem with what we understand in this particular research research? What has not been done? Yes.... doesn't describe. There is no controller, right? Every single person got the drug. There's no control group. So how do you know that that drug improved their depression? If you do not have a control group, you have no comparison to make, the whole point of having a control group, the whole reason we do it is so that if the drug does work, let's say that the psychologist is correct, this drug works, it cures depression. If you have a controlled group, we have a group of participants who didn't get the dress, what should happen for them? is someone over here? I take a guy? What should happen for people who are naked? Is it control with this? What do you expect? Yes. Yes, they should save the same, right? They're not getting the drugs. So they shouldn't get better. And then the people in the experimental group who are getting the drug if the drug works, they should get better. And you have that comparison. You now you can definitively say, okay, look at all these people that did not get the drug in my control group, they didn't get any better. The symptoms of depression persisted. But look at all of my participants, my experimental your, we saw a significant improvement in depression symptoms. Okay, now maybe you have a plane. But if you give the drugs to every single person, you have nothing to compare. How do you know what your drug is not something else that you're their depression? Maybe a bunch of people were unemployed and during that time that they were given the drug, they got a job. Back didn't improve someone's levels of depression, especially if it's a situational depression. course, there's a depression that is biologically, you know, that's a different type of depression, but there's also situational depression. And if you have an accountant for every single situation that person is in, those are confounding variables that can impact in this case, levels of depression. Do you know how control group, you have nothing to compare. You cannot make this. big problem. can't rule out any other expavation. So that's why minimally we always have to have at least a control group and an experimental group. And as I said, you can have more than that, but the bare minimum requirement, no treatment, treatment, control group, experiment. So when we use, um control groups and experimental groups, individuals are randomly assigned to each group, and I've kind of talked about this a little bit that the need for this in order to make sure that the participants in each group represents the larger population. That's the, right? You're never going to be able to access the entire population. You're not going to be able to access every single person who's ever experienced depression or has symptoms of depression in a drug site. You're going to have to randomly assign participants to certain groups and hope that they represent the larger population of people that experience symptoms of depression, right? So that is the point of random assignment to different conditions. Usually, the experimenter, I mean, ideally, the experimenter doesn't even know who's in which group, in a drug study that is ideal. We call it a double blind assignment where the participant doesn't know if they're getting a drug or not and the experiments or also does't know if they're getting the drug or not. Why? Because bias can be introduced? If they're participant thinks they're getting the drug, um, they can have sort of placebo effects, right? If you've ever heard of that, the placebo effects, or they think they're getting better because they're underlyression, they're getting the drug. researchers can also treat participants differently based on if they know who is getting the drug and who's not, and that will impact the data that they're collecting on that person's behavior. So, ideally, like the perfect scenario, nobody knows what's going on. There's a lab that assigns the drug and puts it in an envelope and assigns names, randomly and they give the envelope to their researcher and there's a red pill and there's a blue pill, but the researcher doesn't know which one is which. One could be trained it, one could be placebo, we don't know, and that's very important, but kind of nobody knows what's going on. until the end. And that's how you get the best data. out of something like this. Now, group should be comparable to each other. um, they should be assigned to the group based on Chancel, essentially. Um, usually we use some sort of computer programming to randomly assign numbers, two people and then randomly assign those numbers into the groups that were trying to produce. This can be very difficult to do. The smaller your participant pool, in fact, the more impossible this gets. So that's why a lot of research studies try to get so many participants and absorbid an amount of participants, um or why you need to run several studies to build your participant pool, before you can make any sort of claim about your data. because the smaller you participant pool gets, the less representative of the population they will be. because you do need to think about things like, um intelligence or um education level personality type socioeconomic status, ethnicity, um, their income, there's so many things that you have to think about and a smaller you participant will gets, the less representative of all of these things it will be. And then we run into the problem that your participants didn't actually represent the larger population, and your data really only applies to that very small group, and it cannot be applied to the larger group, which is always the goal. The goal of research is to collect data with a smaller amount of people, but you hope that you can go and apply those kinds and those results to the larger population. If you are looking for a drug that cares depression, you want those results to be good and to be representative of the larger population so that you can then produce a drug that can be distributed to people who have symptoms of depression and it cures them, right? You don't only want that drug to work for 60 people that you ran the side with, and that's it. and it doesn't work for anyone else. So, random assignment does help with this, but also large participant groups are going to make sure or ensure that you have a representative family of the larger published. Okay. yeah. So some other important things we have to considerable we're running research. and just terms that you should be aware of, so a confederate is someone who is employed by the researcher or is a researcher themselves that is going to participate in the study and pretend to be a participant. So they're gonna essentially take part in the study. um, the participants will not know that that person is a confederate, obviously it's a secret, so this involves some level of deception, usually in the study that we have to present to our review board and make sure that all of that is okay. But when you use a confederate, it's usually because you are conducting a study that people know they're being observed, they're going to change their behavior. So that's why we have confederates. When I was in grad school, a a grad friend of mine, she was in a different lab, and I was helping with her study. She ran this really interesting study on graphic Ed, so people would eat very, very fast. And I'm not just talking like, you know, kind of fast. We're talking like a burrit that big, is gone in one minute or less, like gone. And so, like barely chewing their food, like, wrap it, rapid, you. And as you can expect, there is a lot of health concerns that come first. We had some children who were rabbit eaters in that study. um there was significant choking hazards that had already occurred with some of those personents because they're eating much too fast, too large in bites. Um, but before we could run our study with children, we had to make sure that it was safe and it was not going to impact them too greatly, so we ran it with college students here on campus. Um and when we first started running it, you realized very quickly that they knew they were being observed, and so they were slowing down their eating. They were still eating fast, but it wasn't quite as fast as they had reported in their interviews when we were trying to pull participants. So what did we do? We got conf better. So we had a sticker researcher in there. and we left, so we who were identified as the researchers, we were like, hey, um, we're gonna be back a little later, and we're just we're gonna ask for your report on how fast you ate, but we gotta go. We'll be back later. Maybe pizza in the middle of the room, help yourselves. And then we actually had another researcher in there who was a participant, but she was a confederate. And she had to eat with them, which was difficult because she had to eat very, very quickly, so that they didn't know that she was a confederate. But that is an example of what we would do. Now, she had a time where she had different time on her too, that she was like collecting data for certain people in different sessions, so we could get a truer representation of how fast those people ate and their behavior was a different because they didn't know that they were being observed. So that is a perfect example when we could use the compatory. Um, replication and I've already sort of talked about this before, but we always wanna ask if we can rep replicate the results that have been found. This is extremely important. Scientific understanding is based on the accumulation of knowledge. The more knowledge we have, the more data we have on a on a body of research, the greater our scientific understanding is of that res research, of that behavior, of that phenomenon or theory, or whatever it is that we're investigated, the more research we have, the better we understand it. Replication is foundational to science moving forward. If we adjust did research for the heck of it, just to entertain ourselves to stimulate our reins or whatever research we just want to do, it doesn't help science, it doesn't move us forward at all. We have to publish it and then other scientists, other researchers have to replicate it and move the science forward. It's an extremely important part of research and without it, it really would kind of be pointless to do research at all. The point is to accumulate the knowledge and move the science forward. I've gonna talk about briefly about significant outcomes. If you take a statistical course, they get into this in great detail. But whenever we're looking at data, we're looking for what is called significant outcomes, statistically significant differences. We're not just looking for minimal differences between our groups, between our control group and our experimentsal groups, or even between our different experimental groups, we're looking for significant changes. big changes, changes that make a difference in people's lives. and a difference in their behavior changes, not just very small minuscule differences that maybe we can kind of say, well, there's a slight change. No, there must be a statistically significant dip. Now, of course, that is determined by the statistical analysis that are run. um, or if you're doing a study that's sort of based on kind of like a real world problem, um, things like when we work with children with autism and things like that, um, or any individual with a developmental disability, we're looking for um learning outcomes, so do they make significant jumps in their learning outcomes or their development? E cognitive or physical development, right? So they need to be meaningful differences as, you know, we're not just looking for tinyunicule changes, we're looking for meaningful, statistically significant differences between our groups. Experimental bias is something we always have to be aware of, these are going to be factors that could impact your dependent variable, a bias from the researcher, a bias from the in from the first incipant. Those can impact the data that you get in the way that they be hidden um any expectations that you are the persistent have can surely impact how they are behaving. We always need to account for that and make sure that we're, you know, making sure that doesn't do. Well is a false treatment. I've already kind of mentioned this before, but we typically see this with any sort of drug study um, but it's just the no treatment. They're given a pill that doesn't have any chemical properties to it, so it shouldn't impact their um system.? So if it impacts them in any way? That's what we need when we say alpha seat. And then finally, I've also talked about this already, but double blind means both the experimenter and the person do not know who's receiving treatment and who's not. That is the ideal standard to lose a another one in experiment, nobody knows. And it prevents
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Identifying with one's own nations and support of its interests Idea that Nation (people) should be the state (country) Nation People who share a common culture, language, territory, and government 1848 Revolutions Wanted liberal change, heavily influenced by ideas of Enlightenment -Democratic -Nationalistic Italy was divided into multiple kingdoms and city states Northern Italy to rebel and unite under King Victor Emmanuel of Piedmont Sardinia Constitutional monarchy Giuseppe Garibaldi leads Red Shirt rebels in the south Too radical and southern Italians join with northern Kingdom of Piedmont and Sardinia 1871 Italy Fully United Italy becomes united under Constitutional Monarchy Prussia and Austria emerge as two major German powers Otto Von Bismarck Chancellor of Prussia Unite German people under Prussian leadership Realpolitik Politics based on reality not morals 1871 German Empire created Ottoman empire Ruled by Turks Extremely diverse Culturally Ethnically Religiously Ottoman empire Muhammad Ali fights war with Ottomans Tie results in Egypt being independent Selim III tries to modernize and reform based on enlightenment Janissaries resist Balkans independence Russia supports fellow Slavs, Serbia effectively Independent 1815 Western Europe helps the Greeks (nationalism/racism) Greece Independant 1829 Ottoman empire loses territory in Europe and Africa to independence movements Ottoman empire known as “the sick man of Europe” Topic 5.3 Industrial Revolution Begins Thematic Focus - Economics Systems (ECN) As societies develop, they affect and are affected by the ways that they produce, exchange, and consume goods and services. Learning Objective  1 Explain how economic systems transformed during the period of 1750-1900. Historical Developments Summarize industrialization and its impact. (see 5.3 reading guide) Industrialization, the increased mechanization of production, and the Social! changes that accompanied this shift, had their roots in several influences. Such as Increased agricultural production and greater individual accumulation of capital. I reshaped Society, increasing world population, shitting people from farm to city, and expanding the production and consumption of goods Thematic Focus - Humans and the Environment (ENV) The environment shapes human societies, and as populations grow and change, these populations in turn shape their environments. Learning Objective 2 Explain how environmental factors contributed to industrialization from 1750 to 1900. Historical Developments Britain’s Industrial Advantages • Mineral and colonel resources - used resources for fuel and manufacturing  • Good environment - rives made transportation cheap • Strong fleet- let resources from colonies to be brought to Britain shortly  • Growth- farmers growing more food meant fewer people had to grow their own • End enclosure movement- The government stopped providing farmland which made people move to urban places  Describe the features of the Cottage Industry • It's a pull-out system • Merchants proved cotton to women who spun it into finished cotton at home • Cotton industries gave women independence •  The cotton industry was slow so people demanded faster processes, due to people wanting faster process it led to faster machinery  Explain the development of the factory system and how it relates to specialization of labor.  The factory system used special machinery was also a new way of making products, it increased efficiency and reduced the need for manual labor. It was similar to specialisation of labor the increase efficiency and productivity in production Topic 5.5 Technology of the Industrial Age Thematic Focus - Technology and Innovation (TEC) Human adaptation and innovation have resulted in increased efficiency, comfort, and security, and technological advances have shaped human development and interactions with both intended and unintended consequences Learning Objective 3 Explain how technology shaped economic production over time. Historical Developments A. Explain the impact of the technologies of the first Industrial Revolution. Factory system technology improved systems and grew technologies to be more efficient  Steam engine Powered trains→ Bigger train industry, used for traveling jobs, replacing sails trade and fast communication around the world   Coal Used to heat up stream from the steam engine but causes pollution  B. Explain the impact of the technologies of the Second Industrial Revolution.   Steel Bessmer process mass produces steel from pig iron making railroads Chemicals Led to the development of new materials and product Electricity Has powered machinery, led to an increase in population/efficiency in factories  Oil Was used for cars/mechanic cars, to power cars focused on maximizing product efficiently  C. Explain how technologies impacted trade and migration.  The change increased the rise of maritime trading empires, People were able to shift from farm to city increasing world Production and expanding the production and consumption of goods Topic 5.6 Industrialization: Government’s Role from 1750 to 1900 Thematic Focus - Governance (GOV) A variety of internal and external factors contribute to state formation, expansion, and decline. Governments maintain order through a variety of administrative institutions, policies, and procedures, and governments obtain, retain, and exercise power in different ways and for different purposes. Learning Objective 4 Explain the causes and effects of economic strategies of different states and empires. Historical Developments As the influence of the Industrial Revolution grew, a small number of states and governments promoted their own state-sponsored visions of industrialization.  Answer the following questions to explain the state-sponsored  industrialization of Japan. a. What was the historical situation of Japan in the 1800s?  The emperor was at the highest point of the social hierarchy, but the shogun and daimyo had the power  b. Describe the threat Japan faced from Western powers. The US came with modernized equipment their ships looked intimidating and forced Japan to open trading ports c. What was Japan’s response to the Western threats? Japan created trading ports with the US  and became more modernized  d. Define MEIJI RESTORATION and identify key changes it made.  The emperor wanted to modernize but the Shoguns and daimyo didn’t want to so the emperor won they made Japan modernized by becoming more Westernized and pro-business Topic 5.7 Economic Developments and Innovations in the Industrial Age  Thematic Focus - Economics Systems (ECN) As societies develop, they affect and are affected by the ways that they produce, exchange, and consume goods and services. Learning Objective 9. Explain the development of economic systems, ideologies, and institutions and how they contributed to change in the period from 1750 to 1900. Historical Developments A. Western European countries began abandoning mercantilism and adopting free trade policies. Define the following terms to demonstrate an understanding of the developing economic systems. ADAM SMITH • Wrote “Wealth of Nations”  • Established the idea of private owner ship of industry and business LAISSEZ FAIRE CAPITALISM • Laissez -Faire “Leave Alone” “Hands Off!” ◦ Little to no government involvement in business ◦ Reduce tariffs on trade(don’t penalize imports and exports with tax=free trade) • FREE MARKETS Mercantilism • Government run companies believing ... • fixed amount of wealth • Wealth = amount of silver + Gold you have • Export more than import • Colonies serves as resources STOCK MARKETS capitalism • No limit to earn wealth • supply and  demand should be bought + sold • minimal govt intervention LIMITED-LIABILITY CORPORATIONS Corporation • Business run by lots of people • Stockholders buy parts of companies • corporations made profit  • if Corporations go out of business stockholders only lost the amount they put in the business C. The development of industrial capitalism led to changes in social life. Explain the changes as they relate to -  consumerism Working class and middle class had time to shop and have money from working in the factories standard of living • The working class who worked at the factories lived in the slums which were crowded, unsanitary condition, dirty  leisure time Companies encouraged leisure activities like baseball because it taught hard work, discipline, teamwork, and rule following  Topic 5.8 Reactions to the Industrial Economy from 1750 to 1900 Thematic Focus - Social Interactions and Organization (SIO) The process by which societies group their members and the norms that govern the interactions between these groups and between individuals influence political, economic, and cultural institutions and organization.. Learning Objective 10. Explain the causes and effects of calls for changes in industrial societies from 1750 to 1900. In response to the social and economic changes brought about by industrial capitalism, some governments, organizations, and individuals promoted various types of political, social, educational, and urban reforms A.  Explain how workers organized themselves to improve working conditions, limit hours, and gain higher wages.  Workers rise up and rebeled against the capitalist business owners and they revolted against the upper class B. Discontent with established power structures encouraged the development of various ideologies, including socialism and communism.  Identify the people and key points of each ideology. KARL MARX & FRIEDRICH ENGELS • German journalist • Appalled at the horrible working conditions in the factories • He blamed capitalism • Big business owner dont care about workers- just for profit $$$  SOCIALISM • New governmet ownership of industry  • Resources distributed all • High taxes support government (helthcare,education,safty net) • Goal of classless society  COMMUNISM • Advanced stage of Socialism • Classless society is achieved • Everyone is equal economically, politically, socially therefore… • No government is needed • No $ is needed  •  No need for national borders = world peace C. In response to the expansion of industrializing states, some governments in Asia and Africa, including the Ottoman Empire and Qing China, sought to reform and modernize their economies and militaries. Reform efforts were often resisted by some members of government or established elite groups. Topic 5.9 Society and the Industrial Age Thematic Focus - Social Interactions and Organization (SIO) The process by which societies group their members and the norms that govern the interactions between these groups and between individuals influence political, economic, and cultural institutions and organization. Learning Objective 11. Explain how industrialization caused change in existing social hierarchies and standards of living. Historical Developments A. Because of changing economic systems, new social classes developed during the Industrial Era. Identify and define the 2 new classes.   1. bourgeoisie 2. proletarians B. The Industrial Revolution had a profound impact on the lives of all people. Describe the impacts on the following groups:  Demographic Group Impact Working class • Strict schedules • Low pay • dangerous tasks Family • families had to move to rural to urban • Families lived in slums which were unsanitary  Children • children had to work in factories • Children worked long hours and lower pay • children faced dangerous tasks to do Women • Women had more independence  • Women had shifted from working at home to factories • Early feminism . C. The rapid industrialization and  urbanization led to a variety of environmental challenges. Identify at least 3 environmental problems created by urbanization and the Industrial Revolution.  Air pollution was happening because of factories using coal to for machinery and causing smoke to pollute the air, water pollution was caused by factories dumping toxins into rivers and deforestation because of the population growing in cities natural lands have to be clearing for housing, factories, roads,  Topic 5.10 Continuity and Change in the Industrial Age The final topic in this unit focuses on the skill of argumentation and so provides an opportunity for your students to draw upon the key concepts and historical developments they have studied in this unit. Using evidence relevant to this unit’s key concepts, students should practice the suggested skill for this topic. Learning Objective Explain the extent to which industrialization brought change from 1750 to 1900. Historical Developments • The development of industrial capitalism led to increased standards of living for some, and to continued improvement in manufacturing methods that increased the availability, affordability, and variety of consumer goods. ◦ Railroads, steamships, and the telegraph made exploration, development, and communication possible in interior regions globally, which led to increased trade and migration. • The 18th century marked the beginning of an intense period of revolution and rebellion against existing governments, leading to the establishment of new nation-states around the world. ◦ Enlightenment philosophies applied new ways of understanding and empiricist approaches to both the natural world and human relationships; they also reexamined the role that religion played in public life and emphasized the importance of reason. Philosophers developed new political ideas about the individual, natural rights, and the social contract. ◦ The rise and diffusion of Enlightenment thought that questioned established traditions in all areas of life often preceded revolutions and rebellions against existing governments
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