Results for "commensal"


flashcards Flashcard (24)
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7 days ago
Resistant: Trait to render Pesticides useless. Can be passed down generations. FIFO: "First in first out" for storing food - old to new. Eradication: Complete Elimination of a Pest Exclusion: Preventing entry for pest Chemical Name: Scientific name of active ingredient Common Name: EPA approved name Inorganic Pesticide: Lacks Carbon Organic Pesticide: Contains Carbon Persistent Pesticide: Remains Present (Residual) Trade Name: Brand name designated by Manufacturer Barrier Treatment: Treating exterior perimeter Space Treatment: Treatment for Air (Fog, etc) Micron: 1/25,000 of an Inch (Measures size of spray droplet) Abdomen: Rear body Section of Arthropod Arachnid: A Class of Arthopod that has the head and thorax joined to form a Cephalothorax. Arthropod: An animal with jointed legs and a Segmented, Jointed exoskeleton. Exoskeleton: The hard, flexible outer covering of an arthropod Insect: An arthropod with 3 body regions, 6 legs and winged adults Instar: The Insect as it appears between molts Larva: An Immature Stage in the life Cycle of an insect with Complete metamorphosis, Active Feeding Stage. Nymph: The developmental Stage of an insect with gradual metamorphosis. Hatch from eggs and gradually develop into adult Thorax: The second of 3 body sections of an Insect. Legs and Wings are attached to the thorax Population: Same species occupying the same area Okay, here's the formatted text for your second set of notes, using Option 1: Abdomen: Rear body section of arthropod Aggregation: Group or cluster of Cockroaches. Egg Case/Capsule: "ooth eca" Molt: To shed exoskeleton Pronotum: Shield like top plate on front of thorax, In Same Insects, it covers the head (Cockroaches) Alates: Insects with wings Brood: The larvae and pupae of Social Insects Node: Narrow segments that connect the abdomen and thorax, most ants have one or two nodes Pedicel: The Constricted area between the thorax and abdomen Social Insect: Colony that divides labor Swarm: winged male and female insects produced to mate and form new colonies Cephalothorax: Front part of body where head and thorax are joined to make one head body combination. Exuviae: The Sheds/"Skins" of Past insects Seed Ticks: The larval stage of a tick Vector: An animal that can transmit disease causing organisms from one host to another Complete Metamorphosis: Insect development involving four different body forms and life cycles Clubbed Antennae: Antennae with enlarged section at the terminal Keratin: External Feeding: Stored product pests that feed from the outside of the grain Internal Feeding Pest: larvae of stored product pest that feed entirely from within the grain Okay, here's the formatted text for your third set of notes, using Option 1: Vertebrates: Animals with a back bone Burrow: Underground passageway that forms the nest Commensal: Residing/occupying the same area as people Ectoparasites: Animals that get all their food while remaining on the outside surface of another animal Avicide: A Pesticide specifically used to control birds Cambium Layer: Layer between inner bark and sapwood. Active cell growth Fiber Saturation Point: Percent of moisture in wood when all free water has evaporated leaving only bound water Hardwood Trees: Trees that produce seeds enclosed in a fruit or nut and usually lose their leaves in the fall Softwood Trees: Trees that produce seeds NOT enclosed in a fruit or nut, usually needles or scale like leaves that hold year round Sapwood: The outer, light colored wood on a tree stem that contains living cells and conducts water up the tree Heartwood: Inner portion of a woody stem, non-living cells, usually darker than the sapwood Phloem Cells: Inner bark of a tree between the cambium and the bark. These cells conduct nutrients up and down the tree Castes: Groups where individuals all serve the same function Cellulose: Primary component of wood and wood by product Desiccation: Drying out Primary Reproductives: AKA Swarmers or alates Secondary Reproductives: Wingless or nearly wingless termites that do not leave the colony
flashcards Flashcard (8)
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29 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (12)
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49 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (9)
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56 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (45)
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62 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (44)
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114 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (33)
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120 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (17)
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133 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (52)
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136 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (15)
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150 days ago
1. Adaptation Of An Animal 2. Adaptation Of A Plant 3. Abscisic Acid 4. Actin 5. Amniotic Egg 6. Amylase 7. Angiosperm 8. Animal That Has A Segmented Body 9. Annelid 10. Anther & Filament Of Stamen 11. Arthropod 12. Archaebacteria 13. Autotroph 14. Auxin Producing Area Of A Plant 15. Basidiomycete 16. Batesian Mimicry 17. Biological Magnification 18. Bryophyte 19. C 4 Plant 20. Calvin Cycle 21. Carbohydrate – Fibrous 22. Cambium 23. Cellulose 24. Chitin 25. Chlorophyta 26. Cnidarian 27. Coelomate 28. Conifer Leaf 29. Commensalism 30. Connective Tissue 31. Cuticle Layer Of A Plant 32. Deciduous Leaf 33. Deuterostome 34. Dicot Plant With Flower & Leaf 35. Diploid Chromosome Number 36. Echinoderm 37. Ectotherm 38. Endosperm 39. Endotherm 40. Enzyme 41. Epithelial Tissue 42. Ethylene 43. Eubacteria 44. Eukaryote 45. Exoskeleton 46. Fermentation 47. Flower Ovary 48. Frond 49. Fruit – Dry With Seed 50. Fruit – Fleshy With Seed 51. Gametophyte 52. Gastropod 53. Genetically Modified Organism 54. Gibberellins 55. Glycogen 56. Gymnosperm Cone 57. Haploid Chromosome Number 58. Heartwood 59. Hermaphrodite 60. Insect 61. K-Strategist 62. Keratin 63. Leaf – Gymnosperm 64. Lepidoptera 65. Lichen 66. Lignin 67. Lipid Used For Energy Storage 68. Littoral Zone Organism 69. Long-Day Plant 70. Meristem 71. Modified Leaf Of A Plant 72. Modified Root Of A Plant 73. Modified Stem Of A Plant 74. Monocot Plant With Flower & Leaf 75. Muscle Fiber – Striated 76. Mutualism 77. Mycelium 78. Mycorrhizae 79. Myosin 80. Nematode 81. Niche 82. Nymph Stage Of An Insect 83. Parasite 84. Parenchyma Cells 85. Phloem 86. Pine Cone – Female 87. Platyhelminthes 88. Pollen 89. Pollinator 90. Porifera 91. Prokaryote 92. Protein – Fibrous 93. Protein – Globular 94. Protostome 95. Pteridophyte 96. R-Strategist 97. Radial Symmetry 98. Rhizome 99. Scale From Animal With Two-Chambered Heart 100. Spore 101. Sporophyte 102. Stem – Herbaceous 103. Stem – Woody 104. Stigma & Style Of Carpel 105. Tendril Of A Plant 106. Thorn Of A Plant 107. Unicellular Organism 108. Vascular Plant Tissue 109. Xerophyte 110. Xylem (copy)
flashcards Flashcard (110)
studied byStudied by 1 person
189 days ago
1. Adaptation Of An Animal 2. Adaptation Of A Plant 3. Abscisic Acid 4. Actin 5. Amniotic Egg 6. Amylase 7. Angiosperm 8. Animal That Has A Segmented Body 9. Annelid 10. Anther & Filament Of Stamen 11. Arthropod 12. Archaebacteria 13. Autotroph 14. Auxin Producing Area Of A Plant 15. Basidiomycete 16. Batesian Mimicry 17. Biological Magnification 18. Bryophyte 19. C 4 Plant 20. Calvin Cycle 21. Carbohydrate – Fibrous 22. Cambium 23. Cellulose 24. Chitin 25. Chlorophyta 26. Cnidarian 27. Coelomate 28. Conifer Leaf 29. Commensalism 30. Connective Tissue 31. Cuticle Layer Of A Plant 32. Deciduous Leaf 33. Deuterostome 34. Dicot Plant With Flower & Leaf 35. Diploid Chromosome Number 36. Echinoderm 37. Ectotherm 38. Endosperm 39. Endotherm 40. Enzyme 41. Epithelial Tissue 42. Ethylene 43. Eubacteria 44. Eukaryote 45. Exoskeleton 46. Fermentation 47. Flower Ovary 48. Frond 49. Fruit – Dry With Seed 50. Fruit – Fleshy With Seed 51. Gametophyte 52. Gastropod 53. Genetically Modified Organism 54. Gibberellins 55. Glycogen 56. Gymnosperm Cone 57. Haploid Chromosome Number 58. Heartwood 59. Hermaphrodite 60. Insect 61. K-Strategist 62. Keratin 63. Leaf – Gymnosperm 64. Lepidoptera 65. Lichen 66. Lignin 67. Lipid Used For Energy Storage 68. Littoral Zone Organism 69. Long-Day Plant 70. Meristem 71. Modified Leaf Of A Plant 72. Modified Root Of A Plant 73. Modified Stem Of A Plant 74. Monocot Plant With Flower & Leaf 75. Muscle Fiber – Striated 76. Mutualism 77. Mycelium 78. Mycorrhizae 79. Myosin 80. Nematode 81. Niche 82. Nymph Stage Of An Insect 83. Parasite 84. Parenchyma Cells 85. Phloem 86. Pine Cone – Female 87. Platyhelminthes 88. Pollen 89. Pollinator 90. Porifera 91. Prokaryote 92. Protein – Fibrous 93. Protein – Globular 94. Protostome 95. Pteridophyte 96. R-Strategist 97. Radial Symmetry 98. Rhizome 99. Scale From Animal With Two-Chambered Heart 100. Spore 101. Sporophyte 102. Stem – Herbaceous 103. Stem – Woody 104. Stigma & Style Of Carpel 105. Tendril Of A Plant 106. Thorn Of A Plant 107. Unicellular Organism 108. Vascular Plant Tissue 109. Xerophyte 110. Xylem
flashcards Flashcard (46)
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190 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (115)
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220 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (16)
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225 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (50)
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267 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (34)
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269 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (20)
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269 days ago
Genotype: The genes that control a particular trait ex) homozygous dominant BB, heterozygous Bb Biological exponential growth: When resources are unlimited, a population can experience exponential growth, where its size increases at a greater and greater rate. Phenotype: The observable physical characteristics of an organism ex) purple flower Patterns of dispersion: The spatial distribution of individuals within a population is called dispersion. 1. Uniform distribution: Equidistant from each other, may result from social interactions such as competition and territoriality. Penguins! 2. Clumped distribution: Individuals are clustered together in herds/flocks Elephants! 3. Random distribution: Dominant: Trait is always expressed as the dominant trait if one connected allele is dominant. Species interactions: Competition (-/-) Predation (+/-) Mutualism (+/+) Commensalism (+/0) Parasitism (+/-) Recessive Adaptation: Process driven by natural selection, where a recessive trait becomes more prevalent in a population over time due to its beneficial effects in a specific environment. Codon: Sequence of 3 nucleotides that codes for a specific amino acid on mRNA. There are 64 codons for 20 amino acids. More than 1 codon can code for 1 amino acid. Nucleotides can be: A, C, G, U DNA: A nucleic acid of two linked strands wounded in a double helix shape. The helix shape comprises a backbone of deoxyribose sugar and phosphates that link the sugars together. The nitrogenous bases lie in the inside of the double helix, purines A and G pair with pyrimidines T and C. A-T C-G Anticodon: An anticodon is the complementary sequence to a codon in mRNA that is found in tRNA. Transcription DNA, mRNA (nucleus) Translation mRNA, tRNA, Protein (ribosome) Codon: AUG Anticodon: UAC Speciation: Process by which new species emerge from an existing one. Allopatric Speciation: Formation of new species due to geographic isolation, populations begin to differ from genetic drift. Sympatric Speciation: Formation of new species due to reproductive isolation from behavioral differences. Spontaneous generation: Simpler forms of life were generated from spontaneous generations…organisms can ‘spawn’ from nonliving matter. Logistic growth: Due to limiting factors within a population. The growth rate of a population will start high and then decline as the population approaches the carrying capacity of the ecosystem. Species Biotic vs abiotic = Living vs nonliving Levels of organization in ecology Organism → Population → Community → Ecosystem → Biosphere DNA replication Population density: Population density is the number of individuals of a species per unit area. 10% rule: k Carrying capacity: Maximum number of individuals of a particular species that an environment can support indefinitely Limiting factor: A limiting factor is a factor that restricts the growth or survival of a population. Limiting factors can be either density-dependent (e.g., competition for resources) or density-independent (e.g., natural disasters). Density-dependent (due to its density) vs independent factors (regardless of its density) Interdependence: The interconnectedness of organisms in their surroundings and with the abiotic factors of their environment
flashcards Flashcard (31)
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275 days ago
flashcards Flashcard (24)
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333 days ago


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