What is the Square Deal?
Domestic policy program by Theodore Roosevelt
What is stare decisis?
Legal principle to adhere to precedents
What is a state?
Political entity with sovereignty over a territory
What is a status offense?
Crime based on status or age of offender
What is a statute?
Written law passed by a legislative body
What is a straw poll?
Informal survey to gauge public opinion
What is a subpoena?
Legal order to appear in court or provide evidence
What is a subsidy?
Financial assistance to promote a cause or industry
What is suffrage?
Right to vote in political elections
What is a summit?
Meeting between leaders to discuss important issues
What is a summons?
Legal order to appear in court or respond to a claim
What is a sunset law?
Provision for a law to expire or be terminated
What is a tariff?
Tax on imported or exported goods
What is a tenement?
Overcrowded and run-down apartment building
What is a trust?
Monopoly or cartel that controls a market
What is a veto?
Power of a president or governor to reject a bill
What is a writ?
Legal order issued by a court
What is anarchy?
Absence of government or authority
What is a sunshine law?
A law requiring transparency in government.
What is the implications of powers doctrine?
Allows federal government to take necessary actions.
What is impoundment?
President withholding or delaying funds.
What is integration?
Bringing different groups together into a single society.
What is internationalism?
Advocacy for cooperation between nations.
What is an interstate compact?
Agreement between two or more states approved by Congress.
What is isolationism?
Advocacy for a country to remain isolated from other nations.
Greek city-state
Political culture
Shared beliefs about government
Political efficacy
Belief in one's political influence
Political machine
Corrupt political organization
Political socialization
Learning political values
Pork-barrel legislation
Funding for local projects
Power of the Purse
Congressional control of spending
Legal decision used as a guide
Voting district
Federal law overrules state law
Press release
Official statement to the media
Prior restraint
Censorship before publication
Property tax
Tax on real estate
Charge with a crime
Public opinion
Views of the general public
Public policy
Government action to address issues
Minimum number of members needed to conduct business
Approval of a treaty or amendment
Removal of an elected official
Direct vote on a proposed law
Court order to appear in court
Sunset law
Law that expires after a set time
Sunshine law
Requires government transparency
Supremacy Clause
Federal law overrules state law
Tax on imported goods
Money paid to the government
Area governed by the US but not a state
Violent acts to create fear for political gain
What is judicial activism?
Courts using power to shape public policy.
What is judicial restraint?
Courts limiting power to interpreting the law.
What is judicial review?
Courts striking down unconstitutional laws or actions.
What is jurisdiction?
Legal authority of a court to hear a case.
What is jury selection?
Process of choosing a jury for a trial.
What is legal tender?
Currency accepted for debts and taxes.
What is labor union law?
Laws governing formation and operation of labor unions.
What is legislative oversight?
Monitoring of executive branch by legislature.
What is libel?
False, damaging written statement.
What is line-item veto?
Veto of specific provisions in a bill.
What is a lobbyist?
Advocate for interest group in government.
What is logrolling?
Exchanging political favors between legislators.
What is a mandate?
Political authority granted by voters.
What is the Marshall Plan?
US economic aid to Europe after WWII.
What is mass media?
Means of communication to large audience.
What is a mayor?
Chief executive of a city or town.
What is mercantilism?
Economic theory promoting exports and gold/silver.
What is Medicare?
Federal health insurance for seniors and some disabled.
What is a monopoly?
Single company/group controlling product/service.
Person fleeing persecution
What is the Monroe Doctrine?
US opposition to European interference in Western Hemisphere.
Reserved powers
Powers not given to the federal government
Government income
Punishment for violating international law
Unrelated amendment added to a bill
Shield law
Protects journalists from revealing sources
Separation of races
Simple resolution
Statement of opinion by one house of Congress
False spoken statement that harms reputation
Social contract
Agreement between people and government
Slave Trade Compromise
Allowed slave trade to continue until 1808
Spoils system
Rewarding political supporters with jobs
Political unit within a nation
Law passed by a legislature
Status offense
Illegal behavior only for minors
Straw poll
Informal poll to gauge public opinion
Court order to appear in court
Government payment to support a business
Right to vote
Meeting between heads of state
Voting district within a city
Monitors government for corruption
Writ of habeas corpus
Court order to release a prisoner
Person who exposes government wrongdoing
Zimmerman Telegram
German proposal for Mexico to attack the US
Absentee voting
Voting by mail
Highest ranking diplomat