common descent with modification
Natural Selection:
the environment is selecting which traits are going to be passed on - because organisms with these traits are the ones that survive to reproduce.
modifications that make organisms better able to function in a particular environment.
the capability to do work
all the chemical reactions that occur in a cell
Chemical Cycling vs. Energy Flow:
chemicals move through living organisms and are broken back down to inorganic molecules whereas energy, starting from the -sun-, flows through organisms and eventually dissipates as heat
Energy Flows and Chemicals _______.
Energy Flows and Chemicals cycle.
biological balance, maintaining a constant internal environment despite fluctuations
make more organisms- passing information to another generation
becoming an adult - using the information
genetic instructions, DNA
inheritable changes in the genetic information, source of variation
coordinated response to environmental stimuli.
Emergent Properties:
each level of organization acquires new properties
Cooperation and Competition:
from chemical reactions in a cell to structure communities in a forest. Another example, the circulatory system helps facilitate the respiratory system and vice versa
formal way of seeing what happens
using inductive reasoning to formulate a possible explanation for a natural event
Experimental variable:
independent, what is being tested
Responding variable:
dependent, results, or data
not exposed to variable, test group is
Deductive reasoning:
involves if/then logic to make a prediction
The Process of Science:
the scientific method acts as a guidance for scientific studies
Scientific Theory:
concepts that join together well-supported and related hypotheses, supported by many observations experiments, data etc.
What are the four big ideas in Biology
BI-1 Evolution BI-2 Energy and Molecular Building Blocks BI-3 Information Storage, Transmission, and Response BI-4 Interdependent Relationships
The unity of life suggests that all organisms are descended from a ____________.
The unity of life suggest that all organisms are descended from a common ancestor.
Characteristics - Living things are organized, made of _____.
Living things are organized, made of cells.
Characteristics - They acquire materials and __________
They acquire materials and material and energy
Characteristics - They maintain ________.
They maintain homeostasis
Characteristics - They ________
They reproduce
Characteristics - They respond to _____
They respond to stimuli
Characteristics - They adapt and ___
They adapt and die
Chi Square Formula:
Chi Square Formula: x^2 = Σ (Observed - Expected)^2/ Expected
BI-1 Evolution:
drives diversity and unity of life
BI-2 Energy and Molecular Building Blocks:
examines energy and molecules to explore how living things grow, thrive, and reproduce
BI-3 Information Storage, Transmission, and Response:
focuses on how living systems use essential information, from DNA sequences to nerve transmissions to hormone signaling
BI-4 Interdependent Relationships:
surveys how systems operate and interact, between every level from cells to ecosystems, and examines the intricate components of these entities
Characteristics of life (song)
Living things are organized made of cells They acquire materials and material and energy They maintain homeostasis They respond to stimuli They Reproduce They grow and develop They adapt and die
Diffusion of water through a selectively permeable membrane
Chemical messengers that transmit information from one neuron to another
The collection of genetic information
storage units of genes
Nucleic acid that contains genetic instructions