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When a traffic signal changes to green or "WALK" what should you do?

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When a traffic signal changes to green or "WALK" what should you do?

look left, right, then left and yield the right of way to any vehicle in the intersection before the light changes

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Children under how many years old may drive in the front with you?

8 years with a federally approved child passenger restraint system

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How many inches away should you be from the air bag to be safe?

At least 10 inches

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What should you never do in terms of children?

leave them unattended in a vehicle

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Is it legal or illegal to leave a child under 6 years or younger unattended in a vehicle home?


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Can a child be left under the supervision of a person 12 years or older?


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What does a flashing red sign mean?

"STOP" proceed when it is safe following the right of way rules

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What does the yellow arrow traffic sign mean?

The protected turning time period is ending be prepared to obey the next traffic signal

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What does a flashing yellow sign mean?

It warns you to proceed with caution slow down and be alert before entering the crosswalk

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What does a flashing yellow arrow traffic signal mean?

Turns are permitted but you must first yield to oncoming traffic and pedestrians then proceed with caution

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What does a blue or white sign near a railroad signify?

It indicates what to do if there is an emergency on or near the tracks or if your vehicle has stalled on the tracks

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What does this signal mean?

Divided highway

<p>Divided highway</p>
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What does this signal mean?

End of divided highway

<p>End of divided highway</p>
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For a blind person how early should you stop

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within a crosswalk?

5 feet

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At intersections without "STOP" or "YEILD" signs what should you do?

slow down and be ready to stop

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What should you do to pedestrians or traffic already in an intersection or just entering?


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Who should you yield to first at an intersection?

vehicle or bicycles or to the vehicle or bicycle on your right if it reaches the intersection the same time as you

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At "T" intersections what should you do?

Yield to traffic and pedestrians on the through road as they have the right of way

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When you turn left what should you do?

Give the right of way to all vehicles approaching that are close enough

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While turning left what way should your wheels be pointing?

Straight ahead until it is safe to start your turn

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What way should you travel in a roundabout?


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When 2 vehicles meet at a steep road where neither vehicle can pass what happens?

The vehicle facing downhill must yield the right of way by backing up until the uphill vehicle can pass

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What it California "Basic Speed Law"?

You may never drive faster than it is safe to for current conditions

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What is the maximum speed limit on most California highways?

65 mph

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When it is posted what may you drive?

70 mph

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What is the maximum speed limit for on two lane undivided highway?

55 mph

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What must you drive like in heavy traffic or bad weather?


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When towing a vehicle or driving a bus of three or more axle truck what should you do?

Drive in the right lane specially marked for slower vehicles

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What may you do if no lanes are marked and there are 4 or more lanes in your direction?

You may only drive in either of the 2 lanes closest to the right edge of the road

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What is the speed limit when driving within 500 to 1000 feet of a school while children are outside?

25 mph

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What do some schools have the speed limit posted as?

15 mph

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What may happen if you continue while a bus' red lights are flashing?

You may be fined $1,000 and your driving privileges could be suspended for a year

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What is the speed limit for a blind intersection?

15 mph

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When is an intersection considered blind?

When there are no stop signs at any corner and you cannot see for 100 ft in any direction during the last 100 ft before crossing

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What is the speed limit in an alley?

15 mph

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What is the speed limit for railroad crossings within 100 ft where you can't see the tracks for 400 ft in both directions?

15 mph however, you may drive faster if it is controlled by gates, a warning signal or flagman

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When should you stop near a railroad?

At least 15 ft but no more than 50 ft from the nearest track when the crossing device is active

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To avoid tailgating what rule must you follow?

3 second rule

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At 55 mph how much feet do you need to react and bring your vehicle to a complete stop?

410 feet

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At 35 mph how much feet do you need to react and bring your vehicle to a complete stop?

210 ft

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What do solid yellow lines mark?

The center of a road used for two-way traffic

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What do broken yellow lines indicate?

That you may pass if the broken line is next to your driving lane

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What do two solid yellow lines indicate?

NO passing never drive to the left of these

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What is a barrier considered to be?

Two sets of solid double yellow lines spaced 2 feet apart

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What do solid white lines mark?

Traffic signals going in the same direction

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What do broken white lines do?

They separate traffic lanes on roads with two or more lanes in the same direction

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What do double solid white lines indicate?

A barrier between regular and carpool use

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What is the "Number 1 Lane"?

The left or "fast" lane

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What is the "Number 2 Lane"?

The lane to the right of the "Number 1 Lane"

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What is the "Number 3 Lane"?

The lane to the right of "Number 2 Lane"

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Which lane should you pick for smooth driving?

middle lane

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How is a center left turn lane located?

In the middle of a two-way street marked on both sides by two painted lines inner line is broken and the outer line is solid

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What must you do if a street has a center left turn lane?

You must use it to prepare for or make a left turn or to prepare for or make a permitted U-turn

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How many feet may you drive in a center left turn lane?

200 ft

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What are special "turnout" areas?

Marked on two-lane roads and once you drive into these area it allows for cars behind you to pass

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You may not drive in a bicycle lane unless you are preparing to...?

Turn right or park

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If you are passing bicycle traffic pass with a least how many feet between your vehicle and the bicyclist when safe to do so?

3 ft

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When making a right turn enter the bicycle lane..?

No more than 200 ft before the corner or other driveway entrance

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To make a left turn ...?

Drive close to the center divider line or into the left turn lane

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How many feet should you signal before making a left or right turn?

100 ft

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When can a left turn be made against a red light?

From a one way street onto a one way street

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To make a right turn drive..?

Close to the right edge of the road

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Can you turn against a red arrow?

NO you may not turn right or left

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Are you able to make a U-turn across a double yellows line?

Yes when it is safe and legal

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Headed downhill how should your wheels be turned when you want to park?

Turn your front wheels into the curb or toward the side of the road set the parking brake

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Headed uphill how should your wheels be turned when you want to park?

Turn your front wheels away from the curb and let your vehicle roll back a few inches the wheel should gently touch the curb set the parking brake

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Headed either uphill or downhill when there is no curb to park what should you do?

Turn the wheels so the vehicle will roll away from the center of the road if the parking brake fails

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What colored curb means to pick up or drop off passengers or mail?


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What must you make sure of when your parked alongside a curb on a level street?

The front and back wheels must be parallel and within 18 inches of the curb

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What is a left turn arm signal?

knowt flashcard image
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What is a right turn arm signal?

knowt flashcard image
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What is a slow or stop arm signal?

knowt flashcard image
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What should you do before every lane change?

Check your mirrors, look over your shoulder, and check your blind spot

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If you plan to turn beyond an intersection when should you start signaling?

When you are in the intersection

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What is hand-to-hand steering?

"push/pull" steering one hand will push the wheel up and the opposite hand pulls down

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What is hand-over-hand steering?

used when turning at low speeds, parking or recovering from a skid

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What is one hand steering?

used when turning, while backing, or operating a vehicle which requires removing one had from the steering wheel

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When should you use your horn?

To avoid collisions, to try to get "eye contact" with other drivers, and on narrow mountain roads where you cannot see at least 200 ft ahead of your vehicle

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With what speed should you enter a freeway?

At or near the speed of traffic

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What is the speed limit near streetcars, trolleys and buses?

10 mph

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What is the speed limit in business or residential districts?


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To avoid last minute moves what should you do?

scan the road 10-15 seconds ahead of your vehicle so you can see hazards cleary

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When a vehicle makes a turn the rear wheels..?

follow a shorter path than the front wheel

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It is against the law to follow within..

300 ft behind any emergency vehicle with a siren or flashing lights

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What is the image for a slow moving vehicle?

knowt flashcard image
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What does a diamond shaped sign on a truck mean?

the load on the truck is potentially dangerous

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What is rubbernecking

slowing down to look at collisions or anything else unordinary

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When it comes to road conditions what should you do?

adjust your driving speed for road conditions or whatever affects safe operation to vehicle

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What should you do before entering a curve?

slow down

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When are roads most slippery?

After a dry spell

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How should you adjust your speed for a wet road?

5 - 10 mph slower

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What should you do while driving in fog?

Turn on your windshield wipers and turn on your low beam headlights

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What should you NOT do while driving at night?

Use only your parking lights

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When should you use your high beam headlights?

Whenever possible in an open country or dark city streets

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Who's responsibility is it to know the effects of the medications you take?


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If you are under 21 years old and caught with possession of alcohol in your vehicle what are the consequences?

Your vehicle may be impounded for 30 days and the court may fine you $1,000 and either suspend your driving privilege or delay your driver license

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If you are under 21 years old and convicted of driving with blood alcohol of concentration of 0.01% or higher what will happen?

Your driving privilege will be revoked for 1 year

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What is an exception to liquor?

you may carry alcoholic beverages in a closed container while working for someone with an off-site liquor license

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What is the BAC if the person is 21 years old or older?


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