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Non verbal communication includes what (definition then list them)
-Anything other than the words
-With or without intention
-With or without permission
-Hand gestures
-Facial expressions.
-Voice (high-pitched or loud voice)
Stats on Non verbal communication according to Mehrabian
-93% Non Verbal
-53% from the face
-38% from the voice
-7% from words
Stats on Non verbal communication according to Argyle
Stats on Non verbal communication according to Hsee
Stats on Non verbal communication according to Burgoon
The importance of non verbal communication goes up when
When verbal and non verbal channels are in conflict
-Communicate positive via verbal channel
-Convey negative via non verbal channel
-Communicate negative via verbal channel
-Coney positive via non verbal channel
What are hand gestures used for
What is an Illustrator
Hand gesture used to:
-Amplify message or
-Communicate feelings
-Speak more fluently
What is an Emblem used for
To communicate complex nuanced information
Paul Ekman's six basic emotions
And anger.
Paul Ekman's additional basic emotions
Sensory pleasure
Powerful evidence for emotional expression being hard wired/evolutionary
-Blind and deaf children smile same age
-Limited cultural variation
Cross cultural variation in non verbal behaviours
-Ratings of intensity of emotions
Baby's demonstrate fear and disgust what age
Baby's demonstrate smile at what age
6-8 weeks
Full spectrum of emotions demonstrated by what age
6 months
Some emotions seen across species such as snarling which species?
Neurocultural theory
-Inhibit emotions
-Cross cultural differences
-Emblems/hand gestures various meanings across cultures
Minimal encouragers
-Show your listening
-Vocal encouragements
-Head nods
Direct body orientation
Face squarely
Indirect body orientation
Two position body's at angle to each other
Non verbal cues of lying
-High pitched voice due to vocal cord constriction due to stress
-Biggest indicator
Theory's on deception
-Self presentation perspective
Emotional theory perspective of lying (Ekman)
-Heightened arousal
-Physiological reactions
-Increased movements
-Increased speech disturbances
Cognitive theory perspective of lying (Burgoon)
-Deception cognitively complex
-Cognitive load increased
-Body language neglected
-Reduction in movement
-Increased speech disturbances
-Slower speech and pauses
Attempted control approach to lying (DePaulo)
-Attempts to control behaviour
-Rigid and inhibited
-Decreased movement
-Decreased speech
DePaulo's attempted control approach also called
Self presentation perspective
Detecting lying in speech
-Rate of speech
-Number of disturbances
Best indicator of lying
Voice pitch
Easier to tell liar opposed to face to face
Distracted in person
Non reliable indicators of lying
-Gaze (eg:looking to left)
-Shifting position
In relation to a liar's speech what gives it away
-Increase in speech disturbances
-Slower speech rate
-Move less
Facial expressions and emotions
-Communicates emotions
-6 basic emotions
-All other emotions blends
-6 emotions have distinct facial expression attached
Why people smile
Fake smile communicated via what
Real smile communicated via what
Muscles in checks and eyes
Sadness communicated via what
Eye brows
Hardest emotion to spot
Disgust communicated via what and why
-Screwed up face to avoid toxins
Surprise communicated via what and why
-Eye brows, eyes, mouth wide open
-Secondary to preparation for fight or flight
Fear communicated how
Slightly less exaggerated than surprise
Fear communicated how
-Eyes narrow
-Mouth: Snarl
Rate of speech and number of disturbances depends on what
-Type of lie
-Making up lie harder than concealing truth
Average lie detection accuracy
Factors in detecting deception (studies)
-Compare current to past behaviour
-Lie is important
-Lie is complicated
-Retrospect or feedback