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Explosive, Oxidizer, Flammable, Corrosive, Compressed Gas
Physical hazards
Corrosive, Toxic, Health Hazards, Irritants, Environmental
Health Hazards
Fire hazard
Hazard classification of chemicals (red)
Health hazard
Hazard classification of chemicals (Blue)
Specific Hazard
Hazard classification of chemicals (white)
Hazard classification of chemicals (yellow)
Corrosive (HCl, NaOCl, NaOH)
These substances destroy living tissues and equipment upon contact
Substances can ignate flammable and combustible substances. Caution: keep away from flammable, combustible and spontaneously combustible substances
Very hazardous to health when inhaled, swallowed or when they come in contact with the skin. May lead to death. Caution: avoid contact with the human body and call the physician in case of contact
Flammable liquids
caution: flash point below 141°F (60.5 °C)
Flammable Solids
Caution: keep away from open fires, sources of sparks and heat
Combustible material
caution: flash point greater than 141° F (60.5 °C) but less than 200 F (90° C). Keep away from any sources of heat and sparks and open flames
Store away from foodstuffs.
Toxic and poisonous materials which are hazardous to health when inhaled, swallowed or when it comes in contact with skin.
These are materials with measurable radioactivity.
Harmful to aquatic environment
Very toxic to aquatic organisms. May cause long-term effects to aquatic environment
are considered as all products and preparations, if they explode through ignition or if they are more sensitive than nitrobenzene towards blows and friction.
Classified as per its highest one
Benzaldehyde, Alcohol, cyanide, potassium chlorate, sulfuric acid, potassium dichromate
Arrange the following according to hazard: