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Matter is made of tiny indivisible particles
John Dalton
Atoms are indivisible and indestructible
Atoms of a given element are identical
Atoms of different elements vary in mass
A compound contains atoms of two or more elements combined in a fixed ratio
Law of conservation of mass
Matter cannot be created or destroyed only changed from one form to another
What is this?
Discharge Tube
William Crookes
Modified the discharge tube by adding a free moving paddle wheel and Maltese cross.
The wheel moved towards the anode meaning the cathode rays are particles.
The Maltese cross cast a shadow on the anode meaning the cathode rays travel in straight lines.
J.J. Thomson
Modified the discharge tube by adding two electrodes above and below the tube.
The cathode rays were attracted to the anode meaning that the cathode rays are negatively charged.
Negative particles are lighter then H atoms meaning they are sub-atomic.
Measured the charge to mass e/m
George Stoney
Named the sub-atomic particles electrons
Robert Millikan
Oil is vaporised into droplets and falls into viewing chamber (with charged plates above and below) under gravity
X-rays ionise the air in the chamber and droplets take on a negative charge
The droplets are then balanced by varying the electric field and results were fed into e/m - electrons mass was calculated
What is this?
Thomson’s Plum Pudding Model
Ernest Rutherford - Observations
Fired positive alpha-particles at gold foil and most went through
Some slightly deflected and a few deflected by huge angles
1 in every 100,000 completely bounced back towards their source
Ernest Rutherford - Conclusion
An atom is mostly empty space
There is a region of strong positive charge in the atom
There is a solid mass at the centre of the atom
What is this?
Rutherfords Model of the Atom (new model of the atom)
James Chadwick
Discovered neutrons by knocking them out of beryllium using alpha-particles and identified them as neutral particles in the nucleus