Cholesterol is measured after 30 minutes and absorbance is read at ____nm using pure cholesterol as the calibrator.
triglycerides are first extracted quantitatively with ____________ to remove water-soluble interfering substances, such as glucose and glycerol, from the serum.
The absorbance of chromogen in the reaction for triglyceride determination is measured at _______nm
Reference method for HDL cholesterol
The absorbance measured of cholesterol in the visible portion of the spectrum, generally at about ____nm.
Amphipathic lipids aggregate with bile acids and form _________
Intraluminal Phase/Digestive Phase
Phase where dietary fats are modified both physically and chemically before absorption
Cellular Phase/Absorptive Phase
Phase where digested material enters intestinal mucosal cells
Triglycerides (Triacylglycerol)
Compose of 3 molecules of fatty acids and a molecule of glycerol (serves as backbone)
most prevalent glycerol esters encountered in the body
Main storage form of Lipid in man (found in adipose tissues)
is a sterol that has a tetracyclic perhydrocyclopentanophenanthrene skeleton and contains one unsaturated carbon double bond and one primary alcohol, thus making it an amphipathic lipid
Not readily catabolize by most cell therefore does not serve as a source of fuel
Esterified Cholesterol
approx. 60-70% of the total cholesterol of the body and is composed of cholesterol ring and a fatty acid
Free Cholesterol
approx. 30- 40% of the cholesterol in the body.
cholesterol ring only and no fatty acids
ATP binding cassette transporter G5/G8
Absorption of cholesterol and phytosterols is limited by the presence of a sterol efflux transporter called the______________________
Structurally similar to triglyceride except that it is composed of 2 fatty acids and a phospholipid head group is attached to the glycerol backbone instead of 3 fatty acids
Can be found in the lungs as surfactant during respiration
A phospholipid that has lost one of its O-acyl groups is called a _____________
70%- 75%
Phosphatidylcholine percentage
Sphingomyelin percentage
4%- 9%
Lysosphosphatidylcholine percentage
3%- 6%
Phosphatidylserine percentage
Fatty Acids
Building blocks of lipids and a hydrocarbon chain with terminal COOH group where labeling or carbon atoms takes place
Saturated fatty acids
Fatty acids with no double bonds between carbons
Unsaturated fatty acids
Fatty acid with double bonds usually in cis form
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Fatty acid that contain more than one double bond
Transports lipids
Lipoproteins contain one or more specific proteins, called _______________
Largest and lightest among the lipoproteins with the lowest density
Transporter of dietary lipids
80%-90% of triglyceride by weight
Very Low Density Lipoproteins
Pre-beta lipoprotein
Assembled in the liver for energy needs and storage of fats
It transports endogenous triglycerides
Low Density Lipoprotein
Also known as “bad cholesterol” - Contains mostly Apo B-100 and its measurement can serve as a surrogate for LDL particle concentration
Low Density Lipoprotein
Transports majority of 75% of the
cholesterol from liver to the cells
LDL is ________proportional to the risk of atherosclerosis
HDL is _____________inversely proportional to the risk of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease
High Density Lipoprotein
Smallest and heaviest among lipoproteins
Also known as “good cholesterol”
High Density Lipoprotein
Fastest towards the anode; aka alpha lipoprotein
Apo A-1
The major protein of HDL is the _______
Responsible for reverse cholesterol transport (cells to the liver)
Intermediate Density Lipoprotein
Formed through the metabolism of VLDL in the circulation
The lipid content, size, and density of IDL are intermediate between VLDL and LDL
The concentrations of IDL contributes to the development of coronary heart disease
Lp (a)
-Also known as the sinking pre-beta lipoprotein
Found in the LDL density range in ultracentrifigation but moves in the pre-beta region during electrophoresis
also known as the floating beta lipoprotein
Richer in cholesterol than triglyceride
Found the VLDL density range but migrates electrophoretically with or near LDL
Seen in patients with type III hyperlipoproteinemia
Abnormal lipoprotein that is rich in lipids primarily unesterified cholesterol and phospholipid
Migrates towards the cathode during agar electrophoresis
Found in patients with obstructive biliary disease; regurgitation of biliary contents in the bloodstream which results in the build- up of LpX.
Electrophoresis (Fredrickson- Levy reaction)
Separates lipoproteins based on their electric charge
Sudan Black B
Oil Red O
Fat red 7B
Stains for lipoproteins
Separates lipoproteins based on their densities and it is the reference method for lipoprotein analysis
Immunochemical methods
Use of antibody directed towards specific apolipoproteins (anti-apoA1, anti-apoC, etc.)
Unit of sedimentation rate
Organic Solvent
Reagent in Extraction Method of Triglyceride Analysis
Acetic anhydride + Sulfuric acid
Reagent in
Liebermann- Burchard Reaction
Sulfuric acid + Ferric iron
Reagent in
Salkowski reaction
Cholestedieny l monosulfonic acid
End product in Liebermann- Burchard Reaction
Cholestedieny l disulfonic acid
End product in Salkowski reaction
Green (not stable)
End color in Liebermann- Burchard Reaction
Red (stable)
End color in Salkowski reaction
Zlatkis, Zak & Boyle
free cholesterol and cholesteryl ester is a problem in the method.
Carr & Drekter
Chromogen interference and color differences between free cholesterol and cholesteryl ester are problems in a method; protein interference removed
Protein interference removed; color differences between free cholesterol and cholesteryl ester is removed. Chromogen interference partially removed.
Schoenheimer/ Sperry
Protein and chromogen interference were removed; color differences between free cholesterol and cholesteryl ester is removed.
plasma sample that remains turbid after standing overnight indicates increased _____
2mL of plasma is placed in ______ test tube and allowed to stand in the refrigerator at 4oC undisturbed overnight.
LDL=total cholesterol–HDL– (triglycerides/5)
LDL formula
is used if the unit used is mg/dL
is used if the unit used is mmol/L
Phospholipase D
Phospholipid is hydrolyzed using phospholipase D into Choline
Choline oxidase
Choline is oxidized into betaine and hydrogen peroxidase
hydrogen peroxidase is mixed with phenol and 4-aminoantipyrine to form quinonimine dye (measured at 500nm)
general term for thickening and hardening of arteries (hard arteries)
a type of arteriosclerosis caused by plaques that build up inside the arteries; involves large and medium-sized arteries
Coronary Heart Disease
Refers to the broad spectrum of heart disease resulting from impaired coronary blood flow.
Also known as “Tangier Disease”
Also known as “Tangier Disease”
A rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by complete absence of HL due to mutation in the ABCA1 gene on chromosome 9.
Leads to an inability to effectively cholesterol and phospholipids from within the cell into nascent apoA1 proteins in plasma.
Also known as “Bassen-kornzweig Syndrome”
apoB (B48 and B100)
Abetalipoproteinemia is a deficiency of _____
Type I
Creamy layer on clear plasma
Type I
Extremely elevated TG due to the presence of chylomicrons
Type IIa
Type IIa
Elevated LDL
Elevated LDL and VLDL
Elevated Cholestero l Tg: Presence of B- VLDL
Type IV
Elevated VLDL
Type IV
Clear or Turbid
Type V
Elevated VLDL and presence of chylomicrons
Type V
Creamy layer on turbid plasma
Fabry’s disease
Alpha galactosidase is deficient in
GM-1 gangliosidosis
Beta galactosidase is deficient in
Beta glucosidase is deficient in
Niemann Pick
Sphingomyelinase is deficient in
Arylsulfatase A is deficient in
Total hexosaminidase (hexosaminidase A and B) is deficient in
Tay Sach
Hexosaminidase A is deficient in
Reference Range for Total cholesterol
29-60 mg/dL
Reference range for HDL cholesterol in male
Reference range for HDL cholesterol in female
57-130 mg/dL
Reference range for LDL cholesterol
67-157 mg/dL
Triglyceride Reference Range
Cholesterol (mg/dL to mmoL/L) conversion factor
Triglyceride (mg/dL to mmoL/L) conversion factor