Denial of Service Attacks and Defense

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A network DoS aims to take out a site with little computing work. This is done through amplification (small number of packets → big effect)

What are the two types of amplification attacks?

  1. DoS bug

    1. Design flaw allowing one machine to disrupt a service

  2. DoS flood

    1. Command bot-net to generate flood of requests

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Smurf Attack

  • Amplification DoS Attack

  • Send ping request to broadcast address (ICMP requests), resulting in a bunch of echo replies to the victim

  • Prevention:

    • reject external packets to broadcast address

<ul><li><p>Amplification DoS Attack</p></li><li><p>Send ping request to broadcast address (ICMP requests), resulting in a bunch of echo replies to the victim</p></li><li><p>Prevention: </p><ul><li><p>reject external packets to broadcast address</p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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DNS Based Amplificiation DoS Attack

  • Recursion makes it ouchie

  • Prevention

    • reject DNS queries from external addresses

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SYN Flood Defenses

  • Not an actual solution

    • increasing backlog queue size or decreasing timeout

  • Correct solution

    • SYN cookies: remove state from server

    • Small performance overhead

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What is a SYNcookie?

  • Eliminates SYN state from server by having the server reply to SYN requests with crafted SYN-ACKS without creating a new Transmission Control Block (contains all TCP sessions)

  • TCB only created once client responds to cookie with a valid answer

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SYN floods: backscatter

SYN with forged source IP → SYN/ACK to random host

<p>SYN  with forged source IP → SYN/ACK to random host</p>
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Prevent against SYN Floods (Massive Scale) with…

Google PRoject SHield and Akamai

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Google Project Shield & Prolexic (Akamai)

What does it do normally?

What if we want the bot army to complete the TCP connection and send short requests?

  1. Make website accessible only via web proxy and only forward established TCP Connections to the site

  • In the case that the bot army completes teh TCP connection, it’ll bypass the proxy server, BUT it reveals the location of the bot zombies and the proxy can block/rate-limit bots

    • Con: can’t tell if it’s a bot or legitimate client

<ol><li><p>Make website accessible only via web proxy and only forward established TCP Connections to the site </p></li></ol><p></p><ul><li><p>In the case that the bot army completes teh TCP connection, it’ll bypass the proxy server, BUT it reveals the location of the bot zombies and the proxy can block/rate-limit bots </p><ul><li><p>Con: can’t tell if it’s a bot or legitimate client </p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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SSL/TLS Handshake

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DoS Mitigation

List the Strategies

  1. Client Puzzles


  3. Source Identification to Block attack at source

    1. Ingress Filtering

    2. Traceback

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DoS Mitigation: Client Puzzles

Describe its goal and its operation

Benefits and Cons as well

  • Goal: slow down attacker by giving it a challenge

    • Checking the puzzle solution should be easy

  • During a DoS Attack everyone must submit puzzle solution with requests (not during no attack time)

  • Cons

    • Hardness of challenge decided based on DoS attack volume

    • requires changes to both clients and server

    • hurts low CPU power legitimate clients during attack

      • that’s why switch to solutions that require main memory access (significantly faster)

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DoS Mitigation: CAPTCHA

Describe its goal and its operation

What type of DDOS attack does it apply to?

Goal: verify connection is human

  • Applies to application layer DDOS

  • Generate CAPTCHA during attacks only

    • one CAPTCHA per source IP address

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How does Ingress Filtering prevent spoofed IPs from making attacks?

What are some implementation issues?

  1. ISP only forwards packets with legitimate source IPs

Implementation Issues

  1. ALL ISPs must do this

    1. requires global trust

Non Solution

  • enforce source IP at peer AS BUT transit AS can’t validate packet source IP

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Describe Traceback goal, method, and assumptions

  • Goal

    • given set of attack packets, determine path to the source

  • How/Method

    • make routers record info in packets

      • Each router adds its own IP address to the packet and the victim reads path from packet

        • Problem

          • space in packet!

          • Long paths?

          • No extra fields in current IP format

  • Assumes

    • most routers uncompromised

    • attacker sends many packets

    • route from attacker to victim remains relatively stable

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What would be a better approach to recording info in packets for traceback?

  • Storing one node/edge in each packet b/c usually in a DOS attack many packets are on the same path

    • Each router stores own address

    • Fixed space regardless of path length

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Describe Edge Sampling (how it works)

  1. Data fields are written to packet

    1. Edge:

      1. start and end IP addresses

    2. Distance

      1. number of hops since edge stored

  2. Marking probability.

    1. Write router into start address and write 0 into distance field BUT if distance == 0, write R int oend field and increment distance field

  • Extract info from atttack packets and build the graph rooted at the victim

    • Each start, end, distance tuple provides an edge

    • There is a number of packets you need to construct a path that you may no always meet

  • Edge sampling kind of takes up a lot of space, so we can reduce the size via XOR edge IP address

    • Store edge as start XOR end and work backwards (start XOR end) XOR end = start

    • When router decides to mark packet, it writes its address ‘a’ into the packet

      • the following router notices the distance field is zero, reads ‘a’ form the packet and XORs the value with its own address and writes teh resulting value aXORb into the packet

      • Bad in case of multiple attacks al mismo which is why encode parts of fragments into it as a hash me thinks

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Describe Node Sampling

  1. Less data from edge sampling and each router writes own address with probability p

  2. Infer order by # of packets

  3. Problems

    1. need many packets to infer path order

    2. Doesn’t work well if a lot of paths

    3. No bueno if multiple attacks

    4. most likely won’t get nodes close to attacker if it takes a long path

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Where to store edge?

  • Store in identification field used for fragmentation b/c fragmentation rare

  • Break it into chunks and store start XOR end

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Hash-based IP Traceback Concept

Main idea: store path state on router

  • router logs forwarded packets for a period of time

  • Store packet digest in a table

    • Digest table uses bloom filter or something?

    • Reconstruct path by querying routers in reverse path flooding manner

  • Pro:

    • trace single packet

  • Con:

    • storage and access time overheads

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Tf is a Bloom FIlter?

Technique that stores digests

  • For each packet arrived

    • use K different function to compute k independent n bit digests

    • Set corresponding bits in the bits digest table

  • If bit= 0, packet not stored in the table

    • if all bits are 1 → likely packet was stored or other insertions caused bits to be set

  • Restriction

    • can only store limited number of digests

    • Saturated filters can be swapped out for a new, empty filter

    • Change to a new filer → lose previous digest info

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IP traceback limitations

  • Not effective against reflector attacks

    • Reflector

      • network component that responds to packets

      • response sent to victim (spoofed source IP)

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Capability based defense


  • receiver can specify what packets they want


  • sender requests capability in SYN packet

  • Receiver responds with capability

  • Sender includes capability in all future packets

  • So Routers would only forward request packets _ packets with valid capability

    • capability can be revoked in case of attack

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AKAMAI Web Caching Service

  • Uses IP tunnels to connect

  • If client has a lot of static content on their site, AKAMAI will stash the content at various locations and through a DNS trick, when yo uwant to connect to the web service, DNS will get the AKAMAI DNS server and look at the source IP of the query

    • For ex:

      • attacker will get redirected to AKAMAI caches when they request the website and b/c there are multiple caches, it’s not that bad

      • the only way to bring the website down is to bring down all of the caches

      • Overlay based defense mechanism

  • If the attacker learns the IP of the actual website, it’s still whatever b/c the caches could still be up

  • Downsides to AKAMAI

    • cost b/c outsourcing

    • only static content

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