Ancient Rome, history
Cassius (historical)
the conspirator who was extremely jealous of Caesar
Brutus (social status)
a member of a famous leading Republican family of Rome
the conspirator who acted gruff and dull so that he could gain more info
Cassius (relationship)
Brutus (meaning of a name)
Brutus (historical)
the only conspirator who killed Caesar for the good of Rome
the name given to a male in each of three generations of the Caesar family
the only name Gaius Julius Caesar, "the greatest of that name," allowed himself to be called
Caesar's mother, known for her beauty, common sense and hard work
name of Caesar's first wife
Caesar divorced this wife due to gossip about her actions
Caesar's childless wife at the time of his death
the First Triumverate
alliance of Crassus, Pompey and Caesar
the Second Triumverate
alliance of Antony, Lepidus and Octavius
Caesar's adopted son who later became Caesar Augustus
Mark Antony