Let us divide our labours
Eve about splitting up the work, assonance stresses eve belief of the importance of splitting ho their work
Whose higher intellectual more I shun
Satan hating on Adam being clever
Thy Celestial Beautie adore with ravishment
Satan complimenting Eve
All the faded Roses shed
Eve losing her innocence
They swim in mirth, and fansie that they feel divinitie within them breeding wings
Narrator about Adam and Eve feeling happy after eating
Should God create another Eve, and I another rib afford, yet loss of thee would never from my heart
Adam loving Eve (rib)
Why didst not thou the Head command me absolutely not to go
Eve asking why Adam didn't tell her not to go
To thy Husbands will thin shall submit, hee over thee shall rule
God's punishment for women
Nothing lovelier can be found In Woman, then to studie household good, And good workes in her Husband to promote
Adam about the best things in a woman
For inferior who is free?
Eve on inferiority
Against his better knowledge, not deceav'd, But fondly overcome with Femal charm
Narrator on why Adam ate the fruit
This was my father's poniard. Do you see? I'd be loath to see't look rusty
Ferdinand threatening Duchess (poniard)
A saucy and ambitious devil is dancing in this circle
Antonio about the ring he's been given
Let old wives report I winked and chose a husband
Duchess not caring about other's opinions
Shall our blood, the royal blood of Aragon and Castile, be thus attainted?
Cardinal on tainted blood
Excellent hyena
Ferdinand comparing the Duchess to an animal
Till I know who leaps my sister, I'll not stir
Ferdinand wanting to know who is sleeping with the Duchess
Lay her general territory as waste
Ferdinand threatening the Duchess (waste)
I might toss her palace 'bout her ears, / Root up her goodly forests
Ferdinand threatening Duchess (innuendo)
'Purge infected blood, such blood as hers'
Ferdinand about getting rid of infected blood
I am duchess of Malfi still'
Duchess saying who she is
Diamonds are of most value, they say, that have pass'd through most jewellers' hands."
Duchess saying women who have married more than once are valuable
Whores by that rule are precious
Ferdinand's response to Duchess saying women who have married more than once are valuable
Farewell, lusty widow.
Ferdinand saying bye to the Duchess
The misery of us that are born great! We are forc'd to woo, because none dare woo us
Duchess having to flirt with people
nor much expect a foe so proud will first the weaker seek
Eve on who Satan will tempt
Domestic Adam in his care and matrimonial love
Narrator saying Adam is domestic and loves Eve
Adam, from whose deare side I boast me sprung
Eve saying she came from Adam's rib
They are most luxorious that will wed twice
Ferdinand saying who will get married twice
What cannot a neat knave with a smooth tale make a woman believe?
Ferdinand about making women believe things
"He and his brother are like plum-trees that grow crooked over standing-pools; they are rich and o'erladen with fruit, but none but crows, pies, and caterpillars feed on them".
Bosola on the Aragonian brothers
and most vulturous eating of the apricocks are apparent signs of breeding, now?"
Bosola thinking that the Duchess might be pregnant
"Alas, what pleasure can two lovers find in sleep?"
Duchess being flirty
carnal desire enflaming, hee on Eve began to cast lascivious Eyes, she him
Adam and Eve getting frisky
She gave him of that fair enticing Fruit With enticing liberal hand:
Eve giving Adam the fruit
I would have you lead your fortune by the hand Unto your marriage-bed
Duchess being flirty with Angelo (fortune)
Lay a naked sword between us, keep us chaste, O, let me shrowd my blushes in your bosom, Since 'tis the treasury of all my secrets
Duchess being flirty with Angelo (sword)
Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust, like diamonds we are cut with our own dust
Ferdinand's dying words
You know already what man is
Ferdinand saying the Duchess has been with men before
And what are Gods that Man may not become as they, participating God-like food? The gods are first, and that advantage use on our belief, that all from them proceed
Satan about how men can become Gods
his dark suggestions hide From sharpest sight
Satan hiding his intentions
But what will not Ambition and Revenge Descent to? Who aspires must down as low As high he soard, obnoxious first or last To basest things. Revenge, at first though sweet, Bitter ere long back on it self recoiles
Narrator on ambition and revenge
This Tree is not as we are told, a Tree Of danger tasted, nor to evil unknown Op'ning the way, but of Divine effect To open Eyes, and make them Gods who taste'
Eve talking about what the tree really is
Ambition is a great man's madness, madam
Antonio to the Duchess about ambition
Fraile is our happiness, if this be so, And Eden were no Eden thus exposed
Eve saying that if Eden could have a bad thing in it it isn't really Eden
was shee thy god that her thou didst obey before his voice
God asking Adam why he obeyed Eve
Th' heaven o'er my head seems made of molten brass, the earth of flaming sulphur, yet I am not mad
Duchess talking about the hellish things around her
What devil art thou that counterfeit'st heaven's thunder
Duchess asking what devil Bosola is
Heaven-gates are not so highly arch'd as princes' palaces; they that enter there must go upon their knees
Duchess talking about heaven
he should have been pope; but instead of coming to it by the primitive decency of the church, he did bestow bribes
Antonio about the Cardinal
I must now change those notes to tragic; foul distrust, and breach disloyal on the part of Man, revolt and disobedience: on the part of Heav'n, now alienated, distance, and distaste
Narrator directly addressing the reader talking about the fall
Yet not so strictly has our Lord impos'd Labour, as to debarr us when we need refreshment
Eve on God being nice
And what are Gods that Man may not became...the gods are first, and that advantage use on our belief, that all from them proceed
Satan on humans becoming Gods
Let good men, for good deeds, covet good fame, Since place and riches oft are bribes of shame. Sometimes the devil doth preach.
Bosola on morals
Hell is a mere glass-house, where the devils are continually blowing up woman's soul on hollows irons, and the fire never goes out
Madman on hell
return fair soul from darkness, and lead mine out of this sensible hell
Bosola talking about to Duchess
The mind is its own place, and in itself can make heaven of hell, a hell of heaven
Satan making himself feel better
a prince's court Is like a common fountain, whence should flow Pure silver drops in general, but if 't chance Some curs'd example poison 't near the head Death and diseases through the whole land spread.".
Antonio on corruption spreading
Where Tigris at the foot of Paradise...Rose up a Fountain by the Tree of life...and with it rose Satan involv'd in rising Mist
Narrato on how Satan entered Eden
"Then the law to him Is like a foul, black cobweb to a spider,- He makes it his dwelling and a prison To entangle those shall feed him."
Delio about Ferdinand and the law
Till of her bleeding heart I make a sponge To wipe it out.
What Ferdinand is gonna do with the Duchess' heart
Better to reign in hell than serve in Heaven
Satan's view on roles in heaven and hell
Nor hope to be myself less miserable by what I seek, but others to make such as I
How does Satan make himself feel happy
Till I in man resign through the Race, His thoughts, his looks, his words, actions all infect, and season him thy last and sweetest prey
What is sin gonna do
The marriage night is the entrance into some prison
Cardinal on marriage
a saucy and ambitious devil is dancing in this circle
Antonio on whats in the ring
Nature gave a second groan, Skie lowr'd, and muttering Thunder, som sad drops Wept at compleating that mortal Sin Original'
What does nature do when Adam and Eve eat the fruit
Adam the while Waiting desirous her return, Had wove Of choicest Flours a Garland to adorne Her Tresses
Adam made Eve a flower crown
From his slack hand the Garland wreath'd For Eve down drop'd, and all the faded Roses shed'
Metaphor for Eve's loss of innocence
There is not in nature A thing that makes man so deform'd, so beastly, As doth intemperate anger."
What does the Cardinal think about anger
For only in destroying I find ease
Where does Satan only feel ease
that I might mitigate thir doom On me deriv'd'
What is Jesus gonna do
expecting thir universal shout and high applause To fill his eare, when contrary he hears On all sides, from innumerable tongues A dismal universal hiss, the sound of public scorn
What does Satan expect to hear and what does he actually hear
A monstrous Serpent on his Belly prone... punisht in the shape he sin'd
What is Satan's punishment
What's my place? The provisorship o'th'horse? Say then my corruption/ grew out of horse dung. I am your creature
Bosola questioning his status and says he has ambition to exceed it
Hell could no longer hold us in her bounds
Sin has the constraint of hell, but believes she deserves dominion over earth
Author and prime architect
Sin praises Satan for his actions
Magnificent deeds
Sins calls satans actions
Nay you are much too swelled already
Duchess pregnant
How darkened; innocence, that as a veil/ has shadowed them from knowing ill
Eve and Adams naïvety
She's a young widow, I'll not have her marry again
Ferdinand not allowing duchess to marry
Eve separate he spies, veiled in a cloud of fragrance
Eve is being spied in, panopticism
Why should only I of all the other princes of the world be cased up like a holy relic
Duchess questioning why she can't remarry
I forgive them
Duchess forgives her brothers, suggests she has managed to raise her status to be perceived as their equal
Guilty shame
The consequent feeling that Adam and Eve suffer with
Despoiled of innocence, of faith, of bliss
Their sinful actions have resulted in the newfound emotions of fear and anger, and the loss/death of their innocence and purity
Earth felt the wound
Fall of humanity
Keep the odds of knowledge in my power without co-partner
Eve considers secrecy of her knowledge and power
Defaced, deflowered, and now to death devote
Satan is captivated by eves beauty, which results in his urge to cause death and sin above her as he was being disobedient
Do not think of them
Duchess doesn't want Antonio to think of their disobedience
The death of young wolves is never to be pitied
Cardinal and Ferdinand permit the murders
The office of justice is perverted quite when one thief hangs over another
Displays the hypocrisy of punishing those who commit immoral acts when the punisher themselves have committed immoral acts too
And knew not eating death
Eve eating fruit leads to death
But wished his hap might find/ eve separate
Enjambment reinforces eves vulnerability to Satan who is within his clasp
That as a veil had shadowed
Metaphor of the viel of gods protection as well as a symbol of their marriage which is now broken- eve
The danger lies, yet Iies within his power
Repetition implies a stutter, indicting fear
How tedious is a guilty conscience
Cardinal is tired if feeling bad for killing Julia, knows he is doomed
I am quick with child
Cariola is fearful of death
Who would be afraid on't, knowing to meet such excellent company in th'other world?
Duchess welcomes death
What is faith, love, virtue unassuaged alone, without exterior help sustained?
Eve wants to be capable without Adam