Medieval Period
Also known as the Dark Ages, lasting from the 5th to the 15th century, marked by social, economic changes, and advancements in agriculture and medicine.
Dark Ages
A period of intellectual darkness characterized by the loss of classical learning, flourishing of Christianity, and developments in art, including Pietistic works.
Adornments made of metal or bronze used to create religious artifacts.
Art forms including iconography, frescoes, and panel paintings like the Ascension of Jesus.
Decorative fabric created through needle thread or yarn.
Hand-shaped wheel-turned pottery used for cooking pots, jars, jugs, and pitchers.
Art form creating images with small pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials.
Individual tile used in creating mosaics.
Stiff and elongated style of statues prominent in Romanesque art.
The practice of designing and recording coats of arms and badges.
Saint lucy Was a Christian martyr who died during the___ persecution
She is one of the eight women along with the blessed virgin Mary who are commemorated by name in the canon of the mass
Saint Lucy
Opus Anglicanum is an example of?
Was a German Benedictine Abess and also a medical writer
Hildegard of Bingen
Key epitomised the renaissance man
Leon Battista Alberti
He is an italian painter and designer of mosaics from florence
It bronze doors of the florence baptistery is called by Michelangelo the gate of _____
A. Heaven B. Artistry C. Realism D. Paradise