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Having total control over an industry or service (when a buisness controls producrion, wages, and prces)
Robber Barons
Deragatory name used to secribe the criminal-like policies of the 1900s industrialists
Journalists who exposed the corruption within business
Collective Bargaining
Neogtiations between representatives of labor and managment to reach written agreeements on wages, hours, and working conditions
Anaconda plan
Union’s 3 part plan for winning the Civil War
1) Blockade the ocean around the South (no supplies)
2) Blockade the Mississippi river (divide South in 2)
3) Capture confederate capital (Richmon, VA)
When a state officially leaves the union
Total war
Belief that you needed to fight both soldiers and civilians (those who help the soldiers get supplies and stuff) to win the war
Time period after the Civil War when the US tried to rebuild itself and readmit the Confederate states (1865-1877)
Southern Republicans
System in which landowners divided their land gave each worker a few acres to farm on.
At harvest time, sharecroppers would give the landowner a share of their crop.
This was a system that kept poor whites and African Americans in poverty.
White supremacist terrorist organzation that used violence to prevent African Americans from exercising their political rights
Northern democrats
Northerns who moved to the South after the Civil War
A farmers’ organization that ran social events, provided farmer education, and worked to combat the high railroad fees
Believed in:
1) government regulation of railroads
2) increase cash circulation
3) single term for pres and vp
4) secret ballots
5) popular election of senators
6) 8 hr work day
7) restrict immigration
8) graduated income tax
9) federal loan program
A monopoly made out of a bunch of different companies
Participants turn over stock to trustees, trustees make the company a big corporation, participants get dividends from the trust’s income
Political machines
An organized group that controls a political party in a city and offers services to voters and buisnesses in exchange for political and financial support
Vertical integration
Monopoly in which the company controls resources, manufacturing, and distribution (all parts of production)
Horizontal integration
Monopoly in which the company controls all the “competition”
Social darwinism
Philosphy that states the wealthy are more “fit” and poor people are less “fit”
Labor Unions
Organizations made of workers who unite to make decisions about conditions affected work
Favoritism towards native-born Americans
Tenement Housing
Multi-family urban dwellings the became the norm for poor, working class families
The illegal use of poltiical influence for personal gain (taking kickbacks, etc)
The growth of cities
Movement that aimed to restore economic opportunities and correct injustices in American life
1) protect social welfare
2) promote moral improvement
3) create ecbonomic reform
4) foster efficienct
5) end corruption
Belief that the people should run the government instead of the rich elite
Settlement Houses
Community centers in slum neighborhoods that provded assistance to people in the area, especially immigrants
Square Deal
Term used to describe the various progressive reforms sponsered by the Roosevelt administration
Yellow Journalism
A sensational style of journalism which exaggerates the news to get more readers
Boss Tweed
Head of Tammany Hall (NYC’s Democratic political machine) who defrauded the city through his Tweed Ring and got $10 million
William Sherman
Union general who fought total war (Sherman’s March to the Sea)
Ulysses Grant
Commander of the Union army, became pres in 1869
Battles: fort henry/donelson, shiloh, vicksburg, surrendr at appomattox court house
Party that was for slavery
Party that was against slavery
Abraham Lincoln
16th president during the Civil war, fought to save the Union and later to end slavery
Andrew Carnegie
Tycoon in steel industry (vertical and horizontal integration)
Ellis Island
Immigration island on the East coast (NY)
Mostly europeans came through
Angel Island
Immigration island on the West coast (CA)
Asians and europeans came through
Theodore Roosevelt
Progressive pres who set up the modern presidency
1) trustbusting
2) railroad regulation
3) regulated food/drugs (specifically the meatpacking industry)
4) conservation
Spanish-American War
Fought due to De lome letter and expolosion of USS Maine
US got Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Phillipines, and Guam
13th amendment
Amendment that abolished slavery
14th amendment
Amendment that outlined the requirements for citizenship, provided protection of rights for African Americans
15th amendment
Gave African American men the right to vote
Monroe Doctrine
Stated the US is the protector to the Western Hemisphere and that Europe shouldn’t get involved (make colonies) over here otherwise America will get involved in European affairs
Policy changed in 1898
Gettysburg Address
Lincoln’s speech that honored the sacrifice of the soldiers, declared the US one nation, and stated everybody was equal
Compromise of 1877
Ended reconstruction
Hayes could become president if federal troops were removed from the South, they were given money to build a railroad and improve infrastructure, and a Southerner was in the cabinet
Sherman Antitrust Act
Act that made trusts illegal
Chinese Exclusion Act
Act that made Chinese immigration illegal (only a few expections)
Gentlemen’s Agreement of 1907
Between US and Japan
Japan would limit emigration of unskilled workers if the US repealed the San Francisco school segregation order
Roosevelt Corollary
America could get involved in Latin America to protect its economic interests