Regenerative anemia means that the bone marrow can still respond but not keeping up with the bodies need. It will always stem from extra-marrow causes and results from hemolysis or blood loss. It is caused by immune mediated, oxidant injury, parasites, blood loss, or mechanical RBC fragmentation. Regenerative is diagnosed by a HIGH reticulocyte count (PCV, RBC, and Hb are all low).
Nonregenerative anemia means that the bone marrow is not responding nor meeting the demand for the body. It can be caused by bone marrow and extra-marrow disorders. It results from chronic inflammatory disease, chronic renal disease, and acute hemorrhage or hemolysis (1st 48-96 hrs). It is caused by nutritional or mineral deficiencies, toxicities, infection (FIV, FeLV, Ehrlichia). Nonregenerative is diagnosed by a LOW reticulocyte count (PCV, RBC count, and hemoglobin are low).
Decreased platelet production - most common cause of thrombocytopenia in the cat
Increased platelet consumption - occurs in dogs and cats with DIC
Increased platelet destruction - most common cause of thrombocytopenia in the dog
Increased platelet sequestration - usually caused by splenomegaly or hepatomegaly (rare)
Primary (idiopathic) (unknown cause)- most cases
Secondary - Babesia, lepto, Ehrlichia, FeLV, heartworm disease, certain drugs