Chapter 9: Political Geography

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________ assumes that the nation- state is the natural political unit and that any other basis for state delimitation is inappropriate.

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What did Mackinder talked about?

He argued that location and physical environment were key variables in any explanation of world power distribution.

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What is meant by colonialism.

It refers to the process by which one nation exercises near complete control over another country which they have settled and taken over.

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What is meant by dictatorship?

It an oppressive, anti - democratic form of government in which the leader is often backed by the military.

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________ and Belgium are examples of politically uncertain binational states: both include more than one language group and have experienced internal stresses related to the differing political aspirations of these groups.

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What is meant by anarchism?

It is a political philosophy that rejects the state and argues that social order is possible without a state.

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What are the results of nuclear winter?

Its result would led too many deaths from hypothermia and starvation.

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What is Irredentism?

It involves one state's seeking the return from another (neighbouring one) state of people and /or territory formerly belonging to it.

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How are humans divided?

They are divided into formally demarcated political units known as states.

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In ________, during a fight with Bengali guerillas, East Pakistan was formed as an independent state today known as Bangladesh.

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________ has been able to exert its most significant and continuing influence in Asia.

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What is meant by oligarchy?

It is a rule by an elite group of people, typically the wealthy.

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What is meant by monarchy?

It is the institution of rule over a state by the hereditary head of a family: ________ are those who favour this system.

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What is nationalistic ideology?

________ has been clearly articulated in the context of anti- colonial movements, but the only substantial change to the European- imposed boundaries is the 2011 creation of South Sudan.

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Nation states

________ emerged in Europe in response to the rise of nationalist political philosophies during the eighteenth century.

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________ the study of the importance of space in understanding international relations.

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cultural homogenization

State is a body that governs life within it territory, encouraging ________.

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political change

Due to a(n) ________ in 2011, South Sudan was formed, representing a victory for a secessionist movement following a long conflict.

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Middle East

It is common in parts of the Balkan region, the ________, and sub- Saharan Africa.

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________ are common boundaries that are easily demarcated and surveyed, but they are generally areas of contact rather than of separation and so tend to make poor boundaries.

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________ can be influenced in their voting decisions by their social contacts.

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Free elections

________ in Australia regularly have 95 percent turnouts, at least partly because it is one of about 30 countries where voting is compulsory.

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dominant influence

Class is a(n) ________ on voting behaviour.

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________ was was an instance of illogical colonial boundaries, with the north being Arabic speaking and most of the population being Muslim, while the south includes a variety of African languages with the most being Christian or practising a traditional religion.

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capitalist countries

In ________, state power is exercised through various institutions and organisations; this state apparatus includes the political and legal systems, the military or police forces to enforce the state's power, and mechanisms such as a central bank to regulate economic affairs.

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threat of violence

Is the use or ________ by a group against a state or other group, with the general goal of intimidation designed to achieve some specific political outcome.

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Nuclear war

________ would likely mean national suicide for any country involved, and a large- scale ________ would affect all environments.

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________ is a logical accompaniment of economic growth based on expanding technologies.

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________ was the first one to formulate geopolitical theory, through heartland theory.

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Canada and Belgium are examples of politically uncertain binational states

both include more than one language group and have experienced internal stresses related to the differing political aspirations of these groups

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The most common centripetal force is the presence of a powerful raison dêtre

a distinct and widely accepted state identity

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‌This partition divided several well established regions

primarily Kashmir and the Punjab in the northwest and Bengal in the the northeast

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Monarchy is the institution of rule over a state by the hereditary head of a family

monarchists are those who favour this system

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Four major countries in Asia have have socialist or communist governments

China, Laos, Vietnam and North Korea

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E.g three India

Pakistan war

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There are nine nuclear powers

United States, Russia, China, France, Britain, India, Israel, Pakistan, and (possibly) North Korea

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