AP CSP Unit 2: The internet

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Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

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Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)

Coordinates how data on the internet is used, an establishes the various protocols on the internet.

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Centralized Network

All the network lines are connected to a single hub, allowing for quick communication. However, an attack on the hub is detrimental to the service, causing all the other lines to fall. This has poor fault tolerance.

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Computing Device

A machine that can run a program

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Computing System

A group of devices which work together for a shared purpose (ex. computer and projector work together to show an image)

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Computing Network

Devices which can share and receive data from one another

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A series of connections on a computing network from sender to receiver

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The maximum amount of data that can be sent in a fixed period of time

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IP (Internet Protocol)

allows us to handle the “to” and “from” information so that this binary data is delivered to the correct computing device.  This is done by assigning unique numbers to every computing device.

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IP Address

The unique number assigned to each computing device

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Receives and redirects packets of information based upon the addressing information.

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What issues do packets solve?

  • Limit data from being lost (easier to send parts of lost information as opposed to the entire message)

  • Improves Speed (not all packets have to travel the same way)

  • Efficient Network Usage (total traffic is better balances, no one pathway gets clogged)

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Speed > Accuracy, doesn’t double check to make that the message went through

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 A protocol for sending packets that does error-checking to ensure all packets are received and properly ordered. The order in which the packets are supposed to be in is metadata.

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DNS (Domain Naming System)

Converts IP address to URLs, and essentially functions as the phonebook for IP addresses. This is distributed for fault tolerance.

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DDoS Attack

Distributed Denial of Service: happens when an attacker floods a server to prevent users from accessing the site.

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DNS Request

A DNS request is a process where a device queries a Domain Name System server to translate a domain name into an IP address, enabling internet communication.

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Protocol used for transmitting data on the internet. It stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and operates on port 80 for unencrypted connections and port 443 for encrypted connections. Allows for the graphics to load on a website.

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Layers of the Internet

Physical Part → IP → TCP and UDP → DNS and HTTP

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