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The ______ ______ ______ (______) is the ______ position that ______ the board of editors and staff. They function as the ______ of the publication and ______ the organization itself. They conduct the ______ ______ of all articles and usually writes ______ in the ______ page.
editor-in-chief; eic; highest; oversees; head; represents; final editing; columns; opinion
The ______ ______ is the ______ in the hierarchy of the editorial board. They ______ articles before it goes to the editor-in-chief. If the EIC cannot fulfill the duties, they assume ______ and the privilege of the office.
associate editor; second; edit; responsibility
The ______ ______’s major concern is the management of the ______ process, rather than the organization itself. They prepare ______ and ______ support and outsources to the student publication members.
managing editor; production; logical; administrative
The ______ ______ is not an ______, but functions as a person-in-charge in the ______ process. They are the ______ board to oversee the ______ process and ______ the managing editor in the ______ process.
circulation manager; editor; production; management; circulation; assists; distribution
The ______ ______ gives beats to writers and manages the production of the ______ pages. They function as the manager of the ______ department and the ______ of anything written as ______.
news editor; news; news; editor; news
The ______ ______ usually does not give beats but just collects ______ from writers and contributors. They edit the article with less ______ style than news.
feature editor; features; restrictive
The ______ ______ is similar to the News Editor but concerns generally on ______ news and features.
sports editor; sports
The ______ ______ is more on the ______ of ______ pieces from the writing staff and from the students. They edit the ______ pieces using the ______ of correcting such genre with respect to the authors’ intention.
literary editor; collection; literary; literary; standards
The ______ are the most essential member of the publication. Without them, the production is not ______. They gather, create, and revise their own ______ and submit it to the section editors.
writers; possible; articles
The ______ ______ are the ones who work in putting into the ______ the collected and edited ______ approved. They must be knowledgeable in ______ ______ since the dummy layouting has already been phased out in the production. They suggest ______ ______ for the EIC to approve and are considered as the “______ ______” of the newspaper.
layout artists; pages; articles; computer software; dummy sheets; page stylist
The ______ ______ take charge of creating the manual and graphical ______ needs of the campus paper such as political ______, ______ strips, ______, etc. in coordination with writers and editors.
visual artists; visual; cartoons; comic; logos
The ______ work to provide all needed ______ of the campus paper. They should also have skills in ______ the images using ______.
photojournalists; images; editing; software
The ______ is knowledgeable and well-trained in ______ ______. They ______ the overall flow & management of a campus journalism. They guide and train ______ on the content and technicalities of articles for publication.
adviser; campus journalism; facilitate; journalists
The ______ ______ review campus papers to eliminate erroneous and poor use of the ______.
language critics; language
Below is the editorial protocol:
______ ______
______ ______
______ ______
______ ______ ______
______ ______ & ______
______ & ______ ______
section writer; section editor; associate editor; editor-in-chief; layout designer; illustrator; adviser; language critic
The ______ or the ______ of the school, with the recommendation of the ______, may designate the members of the staff. The staff may be picked through a competitive ______.
principal; head; adviser; examination
Candidates for staff must possess: ______ ability, ______, and previous ______.
writing; leadership; experience
The candidates in choosing the staff should:
have at least ______ year of ______
not be on the ______ list
not have a ______ case
one; residency; probation; disciplinary
The ______, ______, and ______ ______ should not hold ______ in the school organization, especially the student council.
chief; associate; managing editors; positions
The most ______ way of choosing the staff is through a competitive ______ followed by an ______.
democratic; examination; interview
______ should be based on who obtains the highest ______ in the exams and possess the following traits: ______, ______ skills, sound ______, and ______.
editors; average; leadership; managerial; judgement; flexibility
A manageable staff should not be more than ______.