Energy, Work and Power Exam 2

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What is newtons first law?

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What is newtons first law?

a body at rest remains at rest or if in motion remains in motion at a constant velocity unless acted on by a net external force

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What are some characteristics of a force?

  1. push or pull

  2. acts on an object

  3. requires an agent

  4. a vector (magnitude and direction)

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True or False: Forces from bodies outside of the system can impart a change in the motion of the object.


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What type of force can slow down objects due to its roughness?


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What equation do you use if you are calculating drag/air force if object is moving at a constant?

D (drag) = m (mass) x g (gravity)

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What equation defines Newtons 2nd Law?

Fnet=m (mass) x a (acceleration)

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What is Newtons 2nd Law?

All accelerating objects must be subject to a non-zero net force, and all forces subject to a non-zero net force must experience acceleration

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What equation do you use if you are calculating drag/air force if object is accelerating with thrust force and drag?

Fthrust - D (drag) aka Fnet = m x a

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What relationship does mass and acceleration have according to Newtons 2nd law?

the have an inverse relationship; a=1/m

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To find acceleration in a Newtons 2nd law problem, use equation:

a= Fnet/m

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What units are the SI units of N (newtons)?

kg x m/s²; weight x acceleration

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True or False: In Newtons 2nd law of motion, a net force on an object is responsible for its acceleration?


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Acceleration is a ________ quantity.

vector (magnitude and direction)

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What is Newtons 3rd law?

Whenever one body exerts a force on a second body, the first body experiences a force that is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the force that it exerts.

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what is thrust force?

a mechanical force that pushes or accelerates a mass in one direction, creating an equal force in the opposite direction

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If the force supporting a load is perpendicular to the surface of contact between the load and its support, this force is defined to be a

Normal Force

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Tension force is

is a force along the length of a medium, especially a force carried by a flexible medium, such as a rope or cable.

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Use this equation when you have a perpendicular force (F⊥) is exerted at the middle of a flexible connector:

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What is static friction?

when objects are stationary; the static friction is usually greater than the kinetic friction between the surfaces.

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What is kinetic friction?

If two surfaces are in contact and moving relative to one another,

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What is the equation for both static and kinetic friction?


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When finding the coefficient of kinetic friction when going down a slope use equation:

,𝑓k=𝜇kmgcos0º to find fk, then use 𝜇k=𝑓k/𝑁 to get answer

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What is the name of the acceleration of uniform circular motion that points toward the center of the circular trajectory?

Centripetal acceleration Ac =v²/r

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What is the direct relation to the centripetal acceleration equation?

Direct relations

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What is the direct relation to the centripetal acceleration equation?

Inverse relations

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What is the centripetal acceleration equation in comparison to newtons 2nd law (centripetal force)?

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The magnitude of the mutual gravitational attraction between two objects of mass m and M is

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What is Keplers 1st law of planetary motion?

Each planet moves around the Sun in an orbit that is an ellipse, with the Sun at one focus of the ellipse.

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What is Keplers 2st law of planetary motion?

The straight line joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas in space in equal intervals of time.

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What is Keplers 3st law of planetary motion?

The square of a planet’s orbital period is directly proportional to the cube of the semimajor axis of its orbit.

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What is newtons law of gravitation?

every particle in the universe attracts every other particle with a force along a line joining them.

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