What are Priestley’s intentions by adding in this theme?
Priestley illustrates the malleable and open minded nature of the younger generation will catalyse (kick start) social reformation and lead to a more progressive society as they are more willing to change
He equates the older generation with stagnation and demonstrates through the cyclical narrative that ignorance and irresponsibility of the older generation perpetuate a cycle of “anguish”
In his political diatribe Priestly vehemently denounces the obdurate (stubborn) nature of the older generation, contrasting with the open mindlessness of the younger generation.
“There’ll be a public scandal”
Mr Birling
“There’ll be a public scandal”
Mr Birling
Euphemistic language: Rather than admitting to the grave crime he has committed to he uses simple language to brand the murder as Eva as simply a “scandal”.This excerbates his stubborness as a representative of the older generation as he refuses to acknowledge the truth and feels no remorse for his exploitation of Eva.
It will ruin the carefully crafted facade he maintains for public perception
Stagnant character: His lack of charcater development is unsurprisng for the audience as Preistley establishes early on that capitalist charcters fomt he older generation prioritise social status over compassion, remorse and social reform.
“The famous younger generation who know it all.And they cant even take a joke”
Mr Birling act 3
Irony:Its ironic that Mr birling derisively (mockinlgy) labels the younger generation as ‘know it alls’ given that he hmself is the only charcter that asserst ‘know it all charcatriistics such as the “titanic” and “silly little war scares “
Priestly deliberately set the play in 1912 to fragmise the know it all ignirace of the older generation
Priestly allignes Shiela and Eric with his contemporary audience, aiming them to feel provoked by Birlings ignorant sacrasm,his intention is to urge his audience to repudiate the capitalist perspectives held by their parents.
Following Mr birlings remorseless and allouus dismissal of suicide as a ‘mere joke’ he is abruptly interrrupted by the phone , echoeing the interruption by the inspector in Act 1.
How do Mr Birlings views of young vs old link to other key themes ?
Responsiblity : He persistes in holding onto his world view as a productbby the older generation displaying resistance to change.mr Birling remains a dehumanising and irresponsible charcter refusing to adapt or grow
Social class
Guilt: His lack of guilt highlights the older generations defiancy in compassion and empathy, a theme emphasised by Priestley as a contributing factor to the occurance of the two world wars.
“Why shouldn’t they try for the higher wages ? We try for the highest possible prices.”
Eric act 1
Rhetorical question : Eric questions the ethics behind his fathers greed and exploitative attitude towards business and the relationship with the lower classes.
The emerge of Erics’ socialist ideas is dismantling his prior obliviousness to the suffering inflicted upon others by capitalist ideologies.
Alliteration: “possible prices2 illuminates Erics’ emphasis on the outdated social systems created and upheld by older gens.
He exposes the systematic bias that favour the wealth accumulation of upper class capitalists that enable figures like his father to exploit and silence working class for personal monetary gain.
“Bit dont forget im ashamed of you as well-yes both of you”
The term “ashamed” conveys a sense of embarrassment revealing Erics deep disilusionment as he realises the capitalist inherant exploitation of individuals.
As a memeber of the young gen , he faces ridicule for his progressive outlook and adapta a condescending demeanor towards his parents showcasing his fearlessness in challangeing their regressive beliefs and higlighting his commitment to catalysing change.
The use of a hyphen simplifies the sentamce and further to his obdurate (stubborn) parents of the older gen , the importance of collective social responsiblity.
Erics adoption of short sentances mirroring the inspectors style, may also signify his growing post liberation from capitalisms constraints. In act 1 the inspectors brevity (consise use of words) denotes authority, a traut now echoed by Eic as he speaks concisely.
What key themes does Eric with young vs old gen link to ?
Social class
Capitalism vs Socialism
[The easy , well-bred young man about town]
Act 1 stage direction
The stage direction ‘bred’ evokes imagery of animal breeding conjuring a metaphorical image of Gerald as a product of meticulous cultivation, like a carfeully bred animal.
This suggests Gerals has been groomed frombirth to embody the archetype of the aristocratic and charming ‘man about town’ thus he is a vivtim to capitalits ideologies ingrained within him as he is unable to escape the persona crafted for him before he even had the agency over his own identity.
The adjective ‘easy’ implies that Gerald easily assimulated ( blended ) into the higher echelon of society as he is a paragon of social superiority,This ease and comfort in his current circumstances forshadow his resistance to change which may also stem from a feaar of jeopardising his social standing and being iscolated by the elite.
“Everythings all right now , Shiela [holds up the ring ] what about this ring ?”
Eric act 3
Gerald conducts the play to foloow a cyclical structure focusing vack of his and shielas engagement, this is reflective of his unwillingness to change and his overacrching desire to absolve himself from guilt and responsibility
Despite belonging to the younger generation he avoids accountability, dissapointing the audience unlike Shiela and Eric who are impressionable.
The use of the noun ‘ring’ as a metonym for marriage displays Geralds materialistic view of marriage, devoid of any emotion or love.
Gerald finds comfort in the ingrained societal beliefs which make life ‘easy’ for him
How is Mr Birling a symbol of the older generations?
Mr Birling is a symbol of the older generations power and influence in society. He has made his own money (nouveau riche) instead of inheriting it like Mrs Birling and Gerald and is very satisfied with his accomplishments. He is resistant to criticism and gets angry with anyone who challenges his opinions or authority. He believes his life experiences make him wise and infallible, meaning he thinks poorly of the younger generation whom he thinks are foolish and naive. A large part of his identity in the play is his capitalist views and loyalty to business and wealth over community