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process of acquiring new + relatively enduring info/behaviors (263)
associative learning
learning that certain events occur together (264)
classical conditioning
associate two stimuli to anticipate events (264)
operant conditioning
associate behavior and consequence(s) (264)
stimulus (stimuli)
event/situation that evokes response (264)
cognitive learning
acquire mental info, by using observational learning, that guides behaviors (265)
observational learning
learning from others’ experiences (265)
the view that (1. psych should be an objective science) vs (2. psych studies behavior w/o reference to mental processes) [266]
organism’s decreasing response to stimulus w/ repeated exposure to it (264)
neutral stimulus (NS)
elicits no response, BEFORE conditioning (266)
unconditioned stimulus (US)
naturally/automatically triggers a response (267)
unconditioned response (UR)
unlearned/natural occurring response to unconditioned stimulus (US) (267)
conditioned stimulus (CS)
neutral stimulus ALONE now produces conditioned response (CR) (267)
conditioned response (CR)
the learned response to previously neutral stimulus (NS)
(1. CC: initial stage when NS links to US, making it a CS) (2. OC: strengthening of reinforced response) [268]
higher-order conditioning
after already being conditioned w/ first CS, one conditioning experience is paired w/ new NS creating a, usually weaker, CS (267)
diminishing/diminished CR after repeatedly occurring CS, but no expected outcome (269)
spontaneous recovery
reappearance (after pause) of an extinguished CR (269)
(once CR established) tendency to respond to stimuli that’s similar to CS (269)
learned ability to distinguish between CS and other irrelevant stimuli (270)
operant conditioning
behavior is strengthened if followed by reinforcer OR diminished if followed by punisher (275)
law of effect (Edward L. Thorndike)
behaviors followed by favorable consequences become more likely / behaviors followed by unfavorable consequences become less likely (275)
operant chamber/Skinner Box
box w/ animal in it ; box includes things for animal to manipulate to obtain food/water/reinforcer, devices to record actions
discriminative stimulus
stimulus that elicits response after association w/ reinforcement (277) / specific cue that signals individual that particular behavior will be reinforced/punished (Golden Steps ABA)
reinforcers guide actions toward desired behavior, utilize method of successive approximations (278)
any event that encourages behavior it follows / strengthens AKA increases frequency of a response (276)
positive reinforcement
add desirable stimulus/increasing behavior by presenting positive reinforcers (277-278)
negative reinforcement
remove aversive/unwanted stimulus/increasing behavior by stopping or reducing negative event (278)
primary reinforcer
unlearned, innately reinforcing stimulus; like one that satisfies a biological need (278)
conditioned/secondary reinforcer
gains reinforcing power thru association w/ primary reinforcer (278)
partial/intermittent reinforcement
reinforcing response only some of the time; not always, but not never (279)
continuous reinforcement
reinforcing desired response every time it occurs (more prone to extinction if not constant) [279]
reinforcement schedules
pattern that defines how often a desired response will be reinforced (279)
fixed-ratio schedules
reinforce behavior after a set # of responses (279)
variable-ratio schedules
behavior is reinforced after random # of responses (Simple Psychology)
fixed-interval schedules
reinforces response only after a specific time has passed/elapsed (280)
variable-interval schedules
reinforces response at random, unpredictable time intervals (280)
event that decreases behavior it follows (281)
positive punishment
administer aversive (unwanted) stimulus (281)
negative punishment
withdraw/take away a rewarding stimulus (281)
respondent behavior
behavior that occurs as automatic response to stimulus (289)
operant behavior
associate one’s own behaviors in environment to produce rewarding/punishing stimuli (289)
system for electronically recording, amplifying, feeding back info-- regarding a physiological state (ex. blood pressure, muscle tension) [289]
observational/social learning
learning by observing others, learning w/o direct experience (304)
process of observing and then imitating specific behavior (304)
vicarious reinforcement/punishment
after observing good/bad consequences from others, subject will be more OR less likely to imitate the same behavior (304)
mirror neurons
frontal lobe neurons that are believed to fire up when performing certain actions OR when observing another doing so (305)
theory of mind
brains enable their empathy and their ability to infer another’s mental state (307)
prosocial behavior
positive, constructive, helpful behavior (307)
behavior modeling
ppl can observe skills being modeled effectively by experienced workers/actors simulating them (307)
taste aversion
if sickened after trying new food, they will avoid it thereafter (293)
instinctive drift
animals revert to their biologically predisposed patterns (296)
cognitive processes
thoughts, perceptions, expectations (296); series of chemical + electrical signals that occur in brain that allow one to comprehend environment and gain knowledge (indeed.com)
latent learning
learning becomes apparent only when there is incentive to demonstrate (297)
insight (learning)
sudden realization of a problem’s solution / little to no systematic interaction w environment (297)
intrinsic motivation
desire to perform behavior effectively for own sake (297)
extrinsic motivation
desire to perform behavior to receive rewards or avoid punishment (298)
overuse of bribes, leading one to see their actions as externally controlled rather than internally appealing (297)
cognitive map
mental representation of layout of environment (297)
alleviating stress using emotional, cognitive, or behavioral methods (298)
problem-focused coping
alleviate stress directly by changing stressor/the way one interacts w it (298)
emotion-focused coping
alleviate stress by avoiding/ignoring stressor + attending to emotional needs related to one’s stress (298)
learned helplessness
hopelessness + passive resignation that an organism learns when unable to avoid repeated aversive events (299)
ability to control impulses + delay short term gratification for greater long term rewards (301)
external locus of control
perception that fates are determined by chance/outside forces beyond one’s personal control (300)
internal locus of control
perception that one controls their own fate (300)
rote learning
repetition and memorization
abstract learning
utilization of Rote Learning; skill gained by insight/understanding
mechanical solution
achieved by trial and error
solution by understanding
deeper comprehension of problem